Chapter 19

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It has been months since I've tried to get close to her and I haven't made any real progress. My ego is reduced to ashes and I'm racking my brains trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

All the free time I have when I'm at the station, I spend with her. The lifestyle team has become my second home at the station and all her team mates have also become sort of my friends by now.

But I've gotten nowhere with Elisse. I've tried to make her laugh, teased her, joked around with her to make her feel comfortable around me.

And the only thing I got out if it is that she now knows my name and acknowledges me when we pass by each other in the office, which is rare considering we're from different teams and I'm always out chasing the news.

Practically everybody who's been around us a few times know that I'm into her. She either does not know or pretending not to know, and it's very frustrating.

She even tried to hook me up with Cristy, their producer for the lifestyle team, and it hurt so much. Don't get me wrong, Cristy was a really cool girl, we've chatted a few times since I've spent so much time with their team.

But it hurt to think that Elisse can push me away just like that. What am I, a puppy that she can just give away when she wants to? Is that all I ever meant to her?

It hurt so much I wanted to hate her.  I wanted to distance myself and get her out of my life.

I even lasted a week without talking to her or going to see her. I was proud of myself. I thought I was doing good.

Then she sent me a message inviting me for lunch and I was a goner. I couldn't even wait five minutes before replying to her in case she changed her mind.

I have tried many times before to give up and divert my attention to other girls but I always find myself thinking about Elisse.

In the middle of a date.

With another girl.

Because I can't find anyone else who can trigger my curiosity the way she does. Or looks at me with the same intensity. Or can make me feel lost inside a world of our own with a simple look.

There's no one like her, and it was useless to try to convince myself otherwise.

And now I find myself standing in front of her empty cubicle again, anticipating her return from wherever she went off to.

"She's not here," a voice behind me commented.

"Is she on field?"

"Yup, they're doing a feature on the newly elected mayor. People are curious about her. You know, a superwoman who can juggle politics, motherhood, and marriage - and still look as chic as she does."

I nodded. The mayor was an interesting character. I covered her campaign and grew to admire her as a person.

"Do you know when they are coming back to the office?"

"Probably late because they wanted to interview the kids, too."

Looks like I won't be seeing her today. I sighed, feeling dejected. I was gone for most of the week on an assignment and will be leaving again tomorrow for another one. I don't know how long I'll be gone this time.

"Have you told her?"

I looked up and met Cristy's pitying eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"How you feel about her. Have you told her?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't. She's not ready yet. She hasn't even relaxed around me, if I tell her now I'm sure the answer would be no. And she may even start avoiding me."

"I guess I see your point. She is a bit awkward around you. Maybe try toning it down a bit? I noticed she doesn't like being the center of attention, and your antics always do that to her. Maybe that's why she's so jittery."

But that's the only way I'll ever get her to respond to me at all.

I kept the thought to myself and forced a smile.

"Thanks for the tip. I'll think about it. You're a great friend, Cris."

"I know," she replied with a chuckle, giving me a friendly tap on the shoulder before walking away. "Good luck! Looks like you need it."

Yeah. I do. I muttered under my breath. Elisse, what am I going to do with you?

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