Chapter 9

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Lucas came bouncing to the living room as soon as he heard my voice from the kitchen. And I say bounce because he was literally hopping from step to step.

Ah, how I envy the energy of boys his age. I immediately broke into a smile as he jumped straight onto the seat beside me and enveloped me in a tight hug.

"Hi mom! Grandma is baking apple pie. It's ny favorite! Can we wait for it to finish before we go?"

"Last time you said the cheesecake was your favorite," I teased him.

"Well, that's cake. This is pie. Apple pie is my favorite pie."

I chuckled at his smart response.

"Okay honey. But you should do your homework now. If we're staying late, you won't have time to do it at home."

"Oh, I'm done already," he assured me with a grin. "So how was your meeting? Did you get to see all your friends?"

Paul's face flashed in my head and I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing everybody. It's been years since we've all been together like this. That happens when you get old, you know."

"I don't think that will ever happen to me. All my friends love me, they want to play with me all the time."

Such innocence. I hope he gets to keep it for as long as possible. I ruffled his hair and he quickly jumped out of the way.

"Mooom! Don't mess with my hair please!"

"Okay, okay I promise. Come give me another hug then let's go check on grandma."

He hugged me again and breathed in his scent, feeling my heart expand with the love I have for this small person. He is my whole world.

They say that becoming a mother is like waking around with your heart outside your body. I couldn't understand it then, but I do now.

We walk hand in hand to the kitchen, him practically pulling me forward so I'd walk faster.

"Grandma! Is the pie ready?"

"Just 5 minutes more, honey," my mom replied, turning around to greet us as we entered the kitchen.

"Hi mom," I kissed her cheek as we came near, while Lucas quickly went to the oven to check how the pie was shaping up.

"You're back earlier than we expected," my mom observed. "This little guy here convinced me you won't be here so soon and we had time to make a pie."

"I was expecting heavy traffic so I left the venue early. Surprisingly, there was none. But it's okay, we'll wait for the pie. I miss your baked goodies."

The timer set off, and my mom went to turn off the oven, Lucas eagerly following close behind.

"Is it ready? Is it done?"

"Yes honey," my mom patiently told him. "But you have to wait a little while more, we need to let it cool down for a bit."

"Awww. What do I do while waiting?"

I could sense a tantrum starting to build so I jumped in and told him to review his homework at the living room while the pie cools down.

He heaved a sigh but proceeded to do as he was told. Good boy.

My mom placed the pie on the kitchen counter to cool down then turned to face me.

"How was your party? Was Ray there too?" she asked tentatively.

My divorce was still a touchy subject with my mom. I know she has been holding back from saying I told you so, because she had been doubtful of Ray from the start.

She never told me straight out that she was against him, but I knew from the way she responded to him every time they met and the lukewarm reception to news of our engagement.

I wasn't sure what to expect when Ray and I went to tell her we were getting married. I thought maybe a mixture of surprise because I never gave her a hint that we were considering it, some worry because I'm her only child, then excitement because don't all mothers eventually dream of being grandmas some day?

But she didn't show any emotion at all. Aside from a slight widening of her eyes when Ray told her, she didn't give any reaction at all. She looked as if we had just mentioned the weather.

I know Ray felt bad about it, I did too, but I just chalked it up to my mom not feeling comfortable with Ray, which I promised myself I would work on fixing.

But it stayed that way until we finally got divorced. And my mom treated politely, like you would a colleague.

Ray is the father of my son, though. So all three of us will always have this bond that ties us together.

I sighed. I need to sort this out with my mother.

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