Chapter 31

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With Cristy pulling some strings and throwing her weight around as the VP for Internal Affairs, I finally got approval for my leave, on the condition that i will seriously consider the station's offer.

But I had to wait until they can make arrangements for temporary replacement, which can take a few months, depending on how fast they can find someone willing.

It was frustrating, having to keep doing my job when my whole being was screaming to be some place else. 

Well, Eric did warn me that this is not the kind of job that I can leave whenever I felt like it. I forced myself to be patient and use this time to think of what to do when I get home.

How do I tell her? Will she accept my feelings - will she even believe me?

What if she still loved Ray despite everything? How do I know that she's ready to move on?

A million questions were running through my head. This is a chance that I've waited twenty years for. I cannot mess it up.

A plan started forming in my head, but I needed Cristy's help again. I hope she's willing to help me out one more time.

I decided to give her a call to check and she answered after a few rings.

"Paul. Sorry we can't get you back sooner. Everyone on your team is already out on duty, so we need to recruit externally."

"Hey, no worries. I understand, you've already done so much for me Cris. I owe you big time!"

"Yeah. You do," she replied, laughing out loud. "I had to call in a favor from Jonas just to get him to agree."

"I'll make it up to you, I swear. If you need help for whatever, just tell me."

"Just make her happy, Paul. She deserves it."

We both knew who she meant, and I sighed.

"I want to, Cris. I just hope she'd give me a chance. I have plan, though - but I need your help. Please? One last time?"

"Well, let's hear it. What can I do?"

"Can you organize a reunion? For all our batchmates at TVN. Is that possible?"

"A reunion? Why? What for?"

"I need to see Elisse and Ray together. To see if they've really moved on before I step in."

"I see. Sure, okay. That should be easy, we're due for a major meet up anyway. It would be interesting to see how everyone had aged," she ended with a laugh.

"Thank you! I'll let you know when I have a return date so you can get things going."

"Alright. I hope it works, Paul. You both deserve to be happy."

"Thanks Cris, I need all the luck I can get."

"You take care over there, okay? See you soon."

"I will. Bye, Cris."

As the call ended, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. I had a plan in place now. I only need to get the timing right.

I returned home five months later, and while Cristy started working on our reunion, I had meetings with the Executive Committee at the station to discuss my future prospects.

It was honestly a good offer. Since I turned them down initially, they upped the package this time - better pay, more benefits like company housing, flexible hours.

What I liked most was the opportunity to groom the next generation of newsmen. The only thing missing was a reason to stay.

For that, I needed to talk to Elisse. Without her, anything they offer has no meaning. What will I do with a big house and a big salary if I have no one to share it with?

At least on the road, I get so busy thinking about how to stay alive that I can barely think of anything else.

But if I stay here, I would have to face all my demons, and I wasn't confident I had the strength to do it alone.

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