Chapter 15

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Music blasted from the TV and the credits started rolling on the screen, jerking me away from my memories.

Wow, I didn't realize I had daydreamed that long. The movie's finished already.

Oh well, I guess I can just watch it another time. It was almost 1pm, I should be getting ready.

I was about to leave the house an hour later when my phone rang. It was Paul.

"Elisse. Are you still at home?"

"Yes but I'm about to leave now. Am I late? I thought we agreed to meet at 3pm?"

"Yeah, no you're not late. I was just wondering if I can pick you up instead? There's some place I want you to see."

"Oh. Sure. I'll send you the address."

"I already know. Cristy told me, I hope you don't mind."

I didn't mind, but I was kind of surprised that Paul chose to ask Cristy. I didn't know they were that close.

"No, it's okay. I'll wait for you then. I'm ready any time."

"Thanks. ETA 10 minutes."

That means he's already in the area. My apartment is about an hour away from the office, and his condo is in the building right next to it. He must have left quite early.

I decided to wait for him in front of my apartment building so he won't have to go up and go through security.

Just as I exited the doors, a dark gray Porsche GTS stopped in front of me. I was about to walk around it when the windows rolled down and I heard Paul's voice call out my name.

"Elisse! Where are you going?"

"Paul! I didn't realize it was you," I told him as I quickly backtracked to the passenger side and got in.

The interiors were plush and luxurious. And new. Looks like he just bought it recently.

"I didn't know you were into flashy cars," I commented.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Yeah? Like what?"


I frowned, irritated at hearing the same answer to my questions since Wednesday. What's with the big mystery? It's not like he can't talk while driving!

I crossed my arms and looked out the window. If he didn't want to talk, then neither do I. He'll tell me whatever it is he wants to talk about when he's ready.

I saw him glance at me before reaching out his hand to ruffle my hair.

"You're still as impatient as ever, Kitty," he said softly

I turned to look at him, surprised he still remembered. It's been years since he last called me that.

He must have noticed my reaction but he kept his eyes on the road. I took this opportunity to watch him closely.

He had matured over the years. His face was more chiseled. Frown lines were sprinkled on his forehead.

And his eyes which used to  always light up with mischief are now mostly guarded, probably weighed down by all the misery he had witnessed as he went around the world covering the news.

"We're here," he suddenly announced, breaking through my thoughts.

I looked around in surprise. We had just stopped in front of a light blue gate. What are we doing here and whose house is this?

I know I didn't really ask where we were going but this was least of my expectations. But Paul had turned off the engine and removed his seatbelt, so it seems we're supposed to go inside?

"Let's go inside," he said simply.

"Whose house is this?" I ask him as I exited the car and followed him to the gate.

"No one's. Yet."

"What do you mean?"

"It means there's no owner."

"I get that," I said, exasperated. "I'm asking what are we doing here."

"I wanted to show you around so you can help me make a decision," he began explaining as he unlocked the front door.

I followed him inside, quietly waiting for him to continue. It seems the house was already furnished and ready for occupancy. This whole situation is getting weirder by the second.

"So? What do you think of the house?"

"I'm confused," I told him honestly.

He frowned. "What's so confusing? It's a simple question."

"Well technically, it is. But I don't understand why you are asking me. What's going on, Paul?"

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