Chapter 20

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Rosie, our administrative assistant and all around office girl, had called for a quick meeting with the news team and announced that a rookie producer was being transferred to us from lifestyle.

It was Elisse. She had just been promoted as a producer and will be joining us.

I was ecstatic.

It's been two damn years and I hadn't gotten anywhere with her. Who waits two years for a girl? Nobody. Only fools like me.

But Elisse is worth it. She's the one. After all this time, I'm sure of it.

And now we're going to be in the same team. Even the gods have taken pity on me and have helped me out.

This is my chance and I sure as hell won't waste it.

I looked around and only then noticed that Eric, our boss and head of the news team, did not join the meeting.

"Norman, have you seen Eric today?"

"Saw him walk back to his desk a while ago, told me he forgot something. I know he has a meeting at a hotel this morning so he's probably on his way out again."

I quickly jumped up fro my seat and ran outside, hoping to catch him in the parking lot before he exits the building. I had to move fast before the other reporters in the team could stake their claim on the new producer.

"Eric," I called out, running faster as I saw that he was about to enter his car.

"Paul," he stopped and waited for me to get near him. "What's the emergency?"

I tried to speak while still catching my breath, afraid he would leave before I could tell him about my request.

"Sorry... I just, I heard we're getting a new producer... From lifestyle... Elisse," I blurted out, panting in between.

"Slow down, catch your breath first. I can't understand anything you're saying while you're choking."

I took deep breaths and started again.

"Elisse, the new producer being transferred from lifestyle. Assign her to my team."

"Huh? Why? She's not experienced enough, she will slow you down."

"No, I can handle it. We've worked together before, and I like the way she thinks. I think we'd be a great team!"

I threw in a confident smile for good measure.

"You worked together? When? How?"

"Last year. When Norman had an emergency," I quickly reminded him.

His frown disappearred and I saw him connecting the dots in his head.

"Was it the series about the murder trial? That was good."

"Yeah, she did the write up for that, and I liked it. She's good."

I saw Eric considering my request and I pushed for my advantage, using the small clout that I had in the team by being an award winning reporter. 

"Besides, who better to partner a rookie with? She can learn faster with me than with anybody else on the team."

Eric finally nodded and I let out the breath that I hadn't realized I had held in while waiting for his decision.

"Alright. You tell her. She's supposed to report to the department after lunch, but I'm not sure if I can be back by then. I was planning to ask Rosie to tour her around and introduce her to everybody, but since she'll be under your team you'll handle it, yes?"

Eric was waiting for my response and I quickly nodded before he changed his mind.

"Yes. Of course. Not a problem!"

"Alright. I'll leave it to you then," he told me then entered his car and headed to the exit of the parking lot.

I waited until he was out of sight before letting my excitement out.

"Yes! Thank you!" I shouted, pumping both fists in the air.

The thought of working closely with her almost everyday renewed my energy. Now that she's going to be my producer, I can even bring her with me during coverage. Except when it's going to be dangerous, of course.

I began thinking of my team's working space back at the department. It was a mess.

I hurried back and cleaned up the area, rearranging desks so that hers is placed right next to mine.

By the time I finished, it was almost 1pm. She will be here any minute.

I checked my reflection on the glass panel surrounding our area, combing my fingers through my hair in an effort to look decent. I had spent the night working in the editing room and was still in yesterday's clothes.

But I didn't see her yesterday so I hoped it wouldn't be too obvious. I'll get changed later, my condo is just across the street anyway.

Then I heard her voice and my heart started racing. She was asking Rosie which table she was assigned to, then I heard footsteps heading my way.

I stood up and waited for her to get closer, a huge grin appearing instinctively on my face.

"Hi Kitty. Welcome to my team."

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