Chapter 6

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"Ray's here!"

Raff walked back to our table with Ray in tow. As always, his commanding presence drew the eyes of practically everyone in the room.

If I were asked to describe him objectively, I wouldn't call him handsome. He doesn't have the classic features that would make women fall all over themselves for.

I'd say he was average looking, but there was something about him that grabs and keeps people's attention. It's the way he stands, for one, back always straight and his broad shoulders poised, looking like he owned the world.

Then there's also his thick eyebrows covering deep set eyes that seem like they're looking straight to your soul.

Eyes that were looking at me expectantly as he approached our table.

I stood up and turned around to greet him first, kissing him on the cheek as has been our habit. Despite him bending a little, I still had to stand on my toes to reach him, my 5'3 height was no match to his 6-foot tall frame.

"So how did you escape from the studio?"

"I told the producer I had a personal situation so he let me go," Ray told me with a wink.

"Did you use the divorce card?" I asked under my breath so only he could hear.

"Not directly but I think that's what they assumed," he whispered back.

No wonder these people haven't moved on from our story. This guy keeps bringing it up, regardless if it's indirectly or not.

I guess it doesn't bother him because he's used to being the center of attention, with the camera and the eyes of the entire nation focused on him as he goes through the news.

But I work in the background. I like it that way. He keeps pulling me into the limelight with him and I hate it. It's one of our major differences that made the marriage not work. I rolled my eyes in frustation.

"I'm surprised you could join us," Paul's voice came from behind me as he stood up to greet Ray as well.

"Raff here told me how much I'm missing out on, so I pulled some strings. It's been a long time since I've seen most of our friends after all, including you."

I saw Paul glance at me before answering, as if trying to decide on what to say. Finally, he just shrugged and sat back down, emptying his wine glass in one swift move.

He must really be in a weird mood today.

I sat down too and offered to refill his glass as Ray went around to the other side of the table where there was now an empty chair waiting for him.

"Do you also want a glass of wine?" I asked Ray as he settled back on his chair.

"Maybe later. I haven't eaten yet, you know my stomach gets acidic if I drink alcohol on an empty stomach."

I just nodded then heard Paul scoff beside me. I turned to him in surprise. What's bugging him? He's acting like Ray owed him or something.

To my knowledge, they weren't really friends, just mere acquaintances. They never even got to work together.

I stared at him and he boldly stared back, his eyes blank and expressionless.

"Do you have a problem with Ray being here?" I asked him softly so only he could hear.

"Do I have a problem with him? Sweetheart, we don't have enough time to talk about all the problems I have with him," he muttered irritably.

I couldn't tell if he was joking, so I just kicked him softly under the table, reminding him to behave himself.


Everyone turned to look at us, wondering what was going on.

"When did you become so violent?" He whined loudly.

"What the hell?! I just nudged your foot!" I hissed under my breath.

"You obviously don't know your own strength, miss."

I glared at him, half me of irritated at his boyish antics while the other half secretly pleased at the familiar banter that I had missed all these years.

"I think my ankle's broken," he continued whining beside me.

"Cut it out. You got your award from Peabody, not the Oscars."

He laughed good naturedly and leaned close to whisper in my ear.

"You do know you're the only person on earth who can cut me down like that, right? You should show some appreciation for the privilege."

It was my turn to scoff.

"It's only because you're so thick skinned that it takes my level of skills to get through to you," I shot back. "But seriously, I never knew you hated Ray. Is that why you've been avoiding me?"

"Oh, so you did notice," he replied sarcastically, one eyebrow raised.

"Of course I did! How could I not? One day we were working on our next material, then the next day I couldn't even reach you."

"Those were good times, weren't they? When it was just you and me in the newsroom."

His face brightened softly, and I guessed he was recalling his own memories.

"Was it good?" I teased gently. "I only remember the shouting and cursing, lack of sleep, and the sticky feeling of not getting to take a bath after spending more than 24 hours editing our material."

"Speak for yourself. I always made sure I took a bath even in the men's comfort room," he said smugly.

"That's not a bath! You just sprinkle your face and hair with water from the faucet!"

We laughed together at the memory, then I felt eyes boring through the back of my head and I turned to see Ray watching us from across the table.

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