Chapter 23

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I thought that was all there was to it, confident that Elisse won't fall for a guy she rarely interacts with because she's like a prickly cactus who doesn't let just anyone get close.

So I let it slide and forgot about the whole thing. I was happy that Elisse was now very comfortable in my company. She had started confiding in me, telling me about her parents and her dreams.

I wanted to tell her that her dreams were mine too, but I held back, scared that if she wasn't ready and I spoke too soon, I would lose everything I worked hard for and we would be back to square one.

So I kept my feelings to myself and told myself to wait. Wait and be happy with her friendship for now.

I still liked teasing her, liked watching her eyes light up with silver fire whenever she gets annoyed. I liked that she can keep up with my banter and fire back shot by shot.

Every moment we spend together was stored in my head, saved for the times when I'm forced to witness the horrors of the world and can't do anything about it. She was the anchor that kept me grounded to our reality, one that was not covered with the blood and tears of the women and children I've seen as I reported the news.

She was my sanity. And hopefully, soon she will be officially mine. I just need to give her a little more time.

It just sucks when I have to be away from her for extended periods when my work calls for it. But I love my job, and she always encourages me to push forward, because she says those people need my voice to tell their stories to the world.

This time I've been away for almost three months on an extended coverage in Afghanistan. I was exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally - words cannot describe the horrors I've seen there.

I looked forward to being back in the office, away from all the guns and death. Most of all, I looked forward to seeing Elisse again.

Three months felt like forever of not seeing her. Hearing her voice over the phone got me through the worst times, but it was never enough.

I arrived around lunchtime but she was not at her desk. Her bag was there, though, so I know she's in the office somewhere.

I waved over to Norman whose table was just across from mine. He looked up and grinned.

"Hey man, welcome back! I saw some of the footage you sent over, they were awesome! I'd love to hear stories from behind the scenes!"

"Thanks man, I'll tell you more later if you have time. But where's Elisse? Her bag is here."

"She said she's going out for lunch but she'll be back before one."

"She goes out for lunch now?"

I saw Norman hesitate, and I immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's the matter?" I prodded him to continue.

"Well... I don't know if I should be the one to say this. But I don't want you to be in an awkward position also..."

I frowned. What was he talking about?

"Uhm... Well, she's with Ray, the afternoon news anchor. I heard they're already dating."

It felt as if my whole world crashed around me and I saw black.

"Are you sure?" I ask, clinging to a thin thread of hope.

He nodded slowly.

"Yeah... It's been the talk of the office for the past week. Everybody was surprised because we've never really seen them together. Then Ray just announced it to his team - right out of the blue, before broadcast last week. They said he looked so happy and proud, all the girls here were falling all over themselves."

I stood still, willing my body to stay there and not tear through the city looking for her.

"I'm sorry man... I know how you've felt for her even if you never said anything. But after years of working next to you two, it's quite obvious, you know?"

I laughed bitterly.

"Yeah, obvious to everybody except the one person I wanted to be aware of it."

Norman sighed sympathetically.

"I'm sorry, man."

I just nodded and walked out. I can't stay here. I needed to get out and clear my head.

I needed to calm down and think about how to deal with this situation. How can continue working with her? How can I sit beside her, knowing she belongs to someone else?

How can I put the pieces of my heart back together when it feels like they've been crushed beyond repair?

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