Chapter 25

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At exactly 9am, I was knocking on Eric's office, determined to not accept no for an answer.

"Come in."

"Eric. Sorry for waking you up at two in the morning."

He waved off my apology and gestured for me to take the seat in front of his table.

"I already talked to Jonas," he shared as soon as I was seated.

Jonas was the head of the global news team, and Eric's buddy.


"And you know they'd welcome you with open arms. They've been sending you on assignments so many times, you're almost part of their team anyway."

I smiled widely. It was not as difficult as I expected after all.

"Thank you-" I began but Eric held his hand up to stop me.

"Let me finish."

He eyed me carefully and I nodded, waiting to hear what else he has to say.

"I want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. It's a hard job, and it will take a lot more from you than you might be willing to give."

I know what he meant. The few assignments I've had made me realize how much evil there was in this world.

Yes, there were rare times when I get to report on something positive, like the time a whale was saved off the coast of New Zealand, but those were too few and too far in between.

If I weren't careful, I might lose my mind someday. But right now, I didn't care. I would lose my mind pretty soon if they made me stay here and watch the only girl I ever loved be with someone else.

"I know, Eric. I've been there."

"Yeah, but this time you won't be coming back anytime soon. It could be years before you get sent back."

"That's exactly what I want."

"And you can't just quit if you suddenly change your mind."

"I won't."

"You won't have time for your family, can't come home for birthdays or weddings. Some years you'll even miss Christmas."

"They'll understand."

"You'll be giving your best years to this job. It's not exactly the ideal conditions to start a family with. You'll always be on the move. You can't put down your roots in one place."

"That's the idea."

"Let me ask you one last time - are you really sure this is what you want? You're only twenty-five Paul, you could be well in your forties by the time you get called back. You'll be missing out on a lot of things."

"I'm sure Eric. I've thought this through, believe me. I won't change my mind anytime soon."

He stared at me and I stared right back, not even daring to blink in case he changes his mind.

Finally, he sighed and threw up his arms in surrender.

"Fine. I'll finalize things with Jonas, then. But I can't let you go right away, we're in the middle of the elections. We need help here, that's why I asked you back in the first place."

I had forgotten about that. Election was just two weeks away, and all reporters were on alert and on call 24/7 in case something big happens. And knowing our politicians, something always does.

It would not be fair to my team if I left them hanging in the middle of all these. Anyway, we'll be so busy in the coming days I probably won't even notice the time. I just have to find a way to survive.

I looked at Eric in the eye and bravely nodded.

"Okay, I understand. I'll help cover the elections, but can I leave the next day?"

I want to get away as fast and as far from Elisse as possible.

He gave me a brief nod to confirm, then paused, studying me carefully.

"You know that I'm here for you, right? In case you want to talk," he offered tentatively, but I knew saying that made him cringe more than I did hearing it.

"Thanks. I'll be fine, though. As long as I don't have to stay here."

"Alright. That's all. I'll have Rosie process your papers for the transfer. Jonas and his team will make the arrangements for your next assignment."

"Great. Thanks, Eric. You're the best," I grinned at him widely.

"I know. That's why you love me."

I did a double take and saw him almost smile. Almost.

Hot damn. I have a feeling I'll never get to live that down.

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