Chapter 18

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I found out later that her name was Elisse and that she was assigned to the lifestyle team. I got in the news team, which is what I was really aiming for in the first place.

Unfortunately, our teams were housed on different floors - mine was at the 5th while hers was at the 8th.

Not that it would stop me from going to see her. I'll take the stairs if I have to.

No, the problem is how to get her to notice me. It's been almost two weeks and I haven't even managed to get her number - a first for me. Most of the time, I don't even have to ask because girls shove it to my face even if I wasn't interested.

But Elisse is a mystery to me.

She's always lost in her own world that she doesn't even see me when we pass by each other on the lobby.

Even now, when I'm seated just a few tables away in the cafeteria, she has not given me a single glance. Short of stalking her, I'm starting to run out of ideas.

A tray slid in front of me and Norman, our copywriter, took the seat across from me, blocking my view of Elisse. I curbed my irritation and forced a smile.

"Hey man, have you finished the write up for my coverage? I need to finish editing tonight."

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about," Norman replied, looking embarrased. "I have an emergency at home and I won't be able to do it."

"Oh. Sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"My sister went home last night with a broken arm. She had a fight with her boyfriend and the son of a bitch pushed her to the wall."

"Shit! What are you going to do?"

"Our mom went with her to the police station to file a report. I'm meeting them there later."

"Okay. Go, I totally understand."

"Thank you. But I don't want to leave you hanging, so I talked to friend who's writing for the lifestyle team now. She's doing your copy and she says she can finish it this afternoon."

Lifestyle? I immediately perked up at this bit of information.

"Who's the friend?"

"Her name's Elisse, but I don't think you've heard of her. She's kind of shy, not the type to draw attention, you know?"


Then I realized something and I frowned.

"How did you become friends, then?"

"Well, we were in the same batch in college so we've had many classes and projects together and it just developed naturally," he explained. "She's a great person, once you get to know her. Just prickly at the start but really warm and caring inside."

His voice softened when he talked about Elisse, and I was surprised at the surge of jealousy I felt, knowing that she has this close relationship with another guy.

It's a good thing I knew Norman was already married to his college sweetheart or else I might not have fought the urge to punch him.

"Thanks for making the arrangement, man. I could have done the copy if I had to. But really, thanks for the effort. I owe you big time."

More than you realize, I thought to myself.

"No problem. I have to get going, they're waiting for me. I told Elisse you'll drop by later to get the write up - they're at the 8th floor."

"I know. I'll handle it, don't worry about me and just deal with your issue. I hope you find that asshole."

Norman just waved in response, heading to the elevators in a rush.

I glanced at Elisse. She was done eating and was getting ready to leave. I considered approaching her right then but thought better of it. She can easily brush me off and use her work as a reason to rush out.

It would be better to catch her at her desk later. We'd have more time to talk and there's nowhere else she can run off to. Besides, I now have a valid reason to go into their territory and I'm going to take full advantage of it.

I wonder if she remembers me. I couldn't help but grin as I imagined her expression when she realizes who it was that she actually agreed to help out.

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