Chapter 21

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"Do you think it's okay to cut out the portion where she says she intentionally hit the police? I don't think she meant to share it with us."

Elisse stared at the screen, frowning as she reviewed the footage of yesterday's news coverage of a riot at the city hall.

I stared at her, mesmerized at the small frown lines that appeared on her forehead. Damn she looked pretty even when frowning.

"Paul?" She had turned to look at me, prompting a response.

I forced myself to focus on the work in front of us, a huge challenge considering how small the editing room was. It can only fit two people and only when we're squeezed together, so I'm close enough to smell her perfume and the shampoo that she used on her hair.

She smelled like fresh flowers and spring, my favorite season.

"Has my daydreaming habit rubbed off on you?" She asked, laughing as she elbowed me softly.

I shook my head slowly and laughed with her, my heart swelling with joy as I listened to her soft chuckles.

After a couple of months working together, Elisse had started to open up to me. I'm making progress. The wary look in her eyes when she sees me is now gone, replaced by a warm, friendly gaze.

We're friends now. Not enough for me, but I'll take what I can. It's still way better than what we used to be before.

I especially love it when we're working in the editing room together and it's just the two of us. Like today. It's like we were in our own little world and it felt good.

We blend together perfectly, I just wish she realizes it soon so I can finally tell her how I feel.

"Do you want coffee? You look like you're about to fall asleep," she asked again.

"No. No, I'm fine. Sorry about that, I was just thinking of something."

"Obviously," she retorted, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

"Sorry. I'll make it up to you. Dinner later? My treat," I offered and she squealed in excitement as she nodded her acceptance.

"I think we should keep it," I finally answered her question about the footage. "Even if she didn't mean to, she said it. And it's our job to report the truth."

She hesitated then nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But it sucks, you now? When we're telling on the good guys."

"I know what you mean, Kitty. I've gone through that moral dilemma too when I started in news. But at the end of the day, it's not our job to decide who's right or wrong."

She nodded and continued viewing the other footage, making notes as she went along.

Someone knocked on the door and I reached out to open it. A guy was standing outside, he looked familiar but I couldn't quite place him.

"Hi. I was told Elisse was here?"

He greeted and looked around the door, his eyes falling on Elisse just as she turned around.

I felt something pass between them and my back stiffened in annoyance. Who was this guy and how did he know Elisse?

"Oh! It's you. Hi. What's up?"

I quickly turned to look at Elisse. Oh It's you??? What did she mean by that?

"Do you remember me? Ray, from the evening news," the guy replied with an annoying smile.

Elisse nodded and smiled back. I did a double take.

What the hell? She had snapped at me when I tried a pick up line with her that first day.

"I'm returning your pen. Thanks, this saved me a lot of trouble."

He handed over a normal looking pen and I frowned in annoyance. He was using the oldest trick in the book with her. Can't she see that?

"Oh, I see. It's not anything special, though. You didn't need to return it."

"It's okay, I wanted to know which team you were assigned to, anyway."

I narrowed my eyes. You're treading on dangerous waters, dude.

Clearing my throat, I looked pointedly at Elisse. Fortunately, she quickly picked up on my cue.

"Thanks for returning this, Ray. I appreciate the effort. We have to get back to work, though. We have a deadline tonight," she told him, her voice apologetic .

I was starting to get angry. What did she have to apologize to him for? If this guy doesn't leave soon, there's going to be a fight on her hands.

"I know. Sorry for bothering you guys," he replied and glanced at me as well. I didn't bother to reply. "I'll see you around."

With one last smile at Elisse, he turned around, closing the door as he walked away.

I quickly turned to Elisse, scowling in annoyance. "What was that about?"

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