Chapter 17

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A/N - switching to Paul's POV in the next few chapters. Elisse's eyes on the cover photo



I met Elisse for the first time in a coffee shop across our office building, but she doesn't know that. She thinks we met at the company orientation.

It was the first day at work and I had decided to pump myself with caffeine before reporting for duty.

As I waited in line for the cashier, a girl sitting by herself in one of the small tables caught my eye. She was tapping her foot and her head was bobbing up and down as if listening to an upbeat music - but she had no headphones on and the ambiance song playing in the cafe was jazz.

She was quite cute, and I enjoyed watching her move her body along with the music that only she can hear. She looked like she was having fun, and I wondered what she was thinking of that made her so happy.

Then she turned to look outside and the sunlight hit her face, making her glow with a fine golden mist surrounding her frame. I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

The expression on her face as she basked in sunlight was so captivating that I couldn't tear my eyes away. I didn't even notice the line moving along until the cashier asked for my order.

"Uhm. One americano with extra shot," I quickly replied, handing over the money.

The cashier gave me my change and I headed to the claiming counter, instinctively glancing at the tables again for one more glimpse of the girl.

But the table was now empty.

Oh well. It would have been nice if I had gotten a chance to least get her number. Maybe another day, she must be from this area anyway.

I finished my coffee and headed to the office. It was actually still early, but I had nothing better to do.

After reporting to the HR office, I was directed to the meeting room next to it. Apparently there was going to be a short orientation for all the newbies before we get farmed off to our respective departments.

It was also a good opportunity to make new friends. Having connections always helped in this business.

I entered the room and looked around for a buddy I can have a chat with. That's when I saw her. The coffee shop girl.

Wondering if she was still listening to that song in her head, whatever it was, I grinned and headed to the middle row where she was seated.

I took the seat next to her but she didn't even turn around, still lost in her own world. It made me want to get in her head all the more. I wanted to see what she was seeing.

How colorful her imagination must be, to be able to enjoy being in her own thoughts while in the middle of a crowded room. She smiled to herself, making me curious to know what's running in her head right now.

I moved my chair noisily, making sure the legs scraped the floor, hoping she would turn around and look at me so I can strike up a conversation.

But she didn't even flinch, as if she didn't hear anything. I cleared my throat a couple of times and still did not get a reaction.

How do I get her to talk to me? An idea formed in my head and I spoke up.

"Are you that happy to get in?"

She turned around and looked at me. Finally!

I noticed she was carefully studying me so I puffed my chest out and gave her my best smirk, hoping it can trigger a reaction so we can continue talking.

Then her eyes met mine and I knew I was done for. She had the most mesmerizing eyes I had ever seen in a human. Her irises were light gray with flecks of silver and surrounded by a dark gray, almost black ring.

And now as she looked at me, her eyes flashed with annoyance, making the pupils larger and I can feel myself getting sucked into their dark depths.

I took a deep breath to steady my racing heart.

Damn. Someone save me.

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