Chapter 13

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I plugged the disk in the player and settled on the couch, finding a comfortable position. As the movie started, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered Paul's non-stop commentary from start to finish.

"That's ridiculous!" His reaction to Sandra's character being forced to join the pageant as an undercover. "Sexist too. Why can't the guy cop be the undercover as a pageant staff or something?"

I ignored him, determined to enjoy the movie regardless.

"Ouch," he squirmed on the seat beside me as he watched Sandra getting waxed. "Why do you girls do that to yourselves?"

"Shut up and just watch, will you? Or sleep. Whatever, I don't care."

"Awww, but I like this movie!"

"I like this movie but I can't enjoy watching it because of you, damn it!"

I heard someone clear her throat behind us, and I elbowed Paul to make him stop.

"Hey, that hurt!"

"If you keep quiet, I'll buy you dinner after the movie," I finally offered in frustration.

"Alright!" He exclaimed, earning us hushing sounds all around.

"Alright," he repeated in a stage whisper. "What's their problem?"

I rolled my eyes, mentally kicking myself for bringing him with me to the cinema. I should have just gone by myself. But he did stay silent after that, and I was able to enjoy the second half of the movie.

Chuckling at the memory, I realized again that most of the things Paul did before that used to irritate me so much, I just found funny years later.

I guess having a lot more experience and having met different kinds of people along the way have allowed me to see Paul in a different light.

My first two years in TVN were spent in the lifestyle team, where we worked on stories about fashion, culture, and city life. Paul was part of news features so we didn't really work together, but it felt like we did because as far as I can remember, he'd always be at my desk whenever he's free.

It came to a point that when people were looking for him, they would go to my area instead. My team mates used to tease me about it at the start, but after watching us fight almost everyday, they eventually stopped.

"Don't you have something to do?" I asked him pointedly one time as he casually walked over to my desk again.

"I do. I'm working on a story."

"And? Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you."

"Pfffft! I don't even want to ask why."

"Ask me."



"I'm not interested!"

"I won't leave here until you ask," he declared as he plopped his huge frame on my desk.

"Hey! The table might collapse!"

"I don't care. It's your table anyway."

I try to push him but I'm no match. Aside from being much taller, he was also well built, with hardly any fat to his 6 foot frame. He didn't even budge when I pushed with all my might.

"Fine! I'll ask! Why did you want to see me?!?!"

"Because just looking at your face makes me laugh," he replied, grinning widely. "You remind me of this stray cat that used to go to my house and scatter the trash."

I knew it would be about something like this. That's why I didn't want to ask. I just rolled my eyes as I waited for the punchline.

"I hosed it down one time and it went screeching away. Never came back," he added with pride.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. Now get out, I have work to do."

He stood up and started to walk away, stopping just outside the door.

"You have the same eyes. So I'm calling you Kitty. Bye Kitty!" He suddenly shouted before quickly running off.

I stared at the now empty doorway, dumbfounded. How did I not see that coming?

I looked around in embarassment and found my teammates all laughing at my expression. I probably looked stupid, staring after him like that.

"Kitty," Cristy called out immediately. We were still in the same team at the time. "Nice name!"

"Stop. Don't encourage him, please."

"Just kidding, Elisse. It is a cute name, though. And quite fitting. You two are like cats and dogs, you know."

"So should I call him doggie, then?"

"That would be perfect!" Cristy exclaimed with her signature infectious laugh, clapping her hands in delight.

I rolled my eyes in frustration. You can never win an argument with this girl, she and Paul would be the perfect couple.

An idea started to form in my mind and I studied her more closely.

Why not? Maybe it will earn me some peace.

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