Chapter 20

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She also learnt from Akiyama the flower boy from earlier was called Fujioka Asuka. She felt that Akiyama knew Fujioka was gay but he did not want to reveal other people's private matters. Something about him just gave her the feeling he was gay.

Akiyama on the other hand was convinced she was a fujoshi.

*Fujoshi basically refers to female fans of anime, manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men

*Time skip to evening

In the evening, after dinner she waited for him to fill his stomach to the brim, before saying "Oh, I met an interesting person today"

Madara who was working on his laptop at this moment with his eyes glued to the screen, asked "Who?"

"You partner, Fujioka Asuka" she said. After some time he finally looked away from his laptop, turning to look at her.

"Your little boyfriend is clearly hostile towards me, did you not tell him about 'us' clearly?" She asked bluntly.

"I told him that I wanted to marry you" he replied.

"Only that?" He nodded his head in acquiesce.

She sighed, lightly massaging her temple and said "That man is in love with you; this succinct explanation of yours is not enough. Do not just tell him about our marriage certificate, tell him about our relationship distinctly otherwise he will misunderstand"

*FL is quite skilled in the matters of 'love' for everyone else except herself.

Madara frowned "He did not ask about you"

It seemed there were some matters even the black bellied Madara did not understand, so she patiently told him "He did not ask does not mean he knows, there are certain things that must be made clear"

"I don't think men think about such nuisances as well" he replied.

"Regardless, you must go and explain everything to him" the sooner the better, thus she pushed him to quickly clear all the misunderstandings.

Madara shook his head "You go and tell him the whole story"

"Not happening, it's not pleasant being stared at menacingly, furthermore I do not want to be caught between your lovers dispute" moreover, on the CSI channel, she has seen an incident where a man's wife was killed out of the mistress's jealousy, she did not want to be murdered because of him. He gave in to her in the end.

*Time skip

After her last encounter with Fujioka in the cafeteria, she never saw him again. According to Akiyama, he did not like being noticed, hated crowded places, that's why he avoided eating lunch at the company cafeteria. As both Fujioka and Akiyama's fathers were the biggest share holders of the southern star group, they could be considered acquaintances. Hence the credibility of his words were very high.

Since then she did however come across him once more, needless to say it was not in the cafeteria. She had entered the elevator not noticing him till she looked to the side, he looked at her with an equally deadpan expression mirroring her own. Madara's explanation was satisfactory, since he did not glare at her menacingly like before she paid no heed to him and waited for the elevator to reach her floor.

National day vacation had always been a blissful period. Like always she spent her holiday at home leisurely. Madara on the other hand would disappear every day in the morning after breakfast only to return at night for dinner.

Later on in the night she sat in the living room, watching videos online. When suddenly a black window popped up on her screen. In the black window on the laptop screen a few words appeared "Kisaragi Seira?"

Seeing her absent minded, staring at her laptop screen he came from behind her, saying "your system has been hacked"

Almost as if the hacker knew she would not respond they typed back "I did not expect that it was going to be that easy to hack your computer. Fortunately I am a man with a strong moral character so I did not play much with the settings of your system"

"What do you want" she responded.

"Just want to revive your memory. You probably don't even remember me anymore? I don't know why you have been holed up in your home for the past few days but tomorrow we are going out for hiking, okay?" The hacker replied.

After reading this message, she had a vague idea of whom it was, "What do you want Mr. Akiyama"

"You finally got it! Tomorrow I will reward you with a hug!" The other side typed back.

"Stop bothering me and get out of my laptop. Now."

Akiyama, "Okay, but I changed a small thing in your laptop. In the next few days you probably will not be able to use it well..."

Seira, "What exactly do you want"

Akiyama, "Tomorrow come with me for hiking, if you do that I will return your laptop settings back to normal" Madara's eyes narrowed on the screen, who does this bastard think he is outright asking 'his wife' out? and to hike?

Seira, "You're so annoying" on the other side of the screen, Akiyama quietly shed tears in his heart. Even if he did hack into her laptop she would simply just go to a repairer and get it fixed.

*Quick question, is it possible to go to a repairer to fix this sort of problem? Or is it a technician?

Akiyama, "Come on Seira, your incompetent husband does not go anywhere with you. I am kindly offering to take you out to play, how can you call me that?"

The phrase 'incompetent husband' completely angered Madara who was standing behind her. He sat beside her, taking the laptop from her then quietly typed "I am her incompetent husband. Quit acting overly familiar with my wife" Who was he to call her by her name when he had not done that yet.

From the other end, Akiyama did not respond for a long time. Oh, next time she would just go to Madara to deal with that roach. If you are wondering why a roach of all things, well when she thought about it, he's just like a cockroach in the sense that even if she continuously turned down his invites he still persistently asks everyday at work.

Like this, he was just like a cockroach, because even if you stepped on its head it would still be able to move.

*As you can see he is still traumatised from his last encounter with ML
Second male lead ran away with his tail tugged between his legs~

Thanks for reading! 💛

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