Chapter 42

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Alive, she is Madara's woman...Dead, she is Madara's corpse.

Her mind was completely blank, only his words kept repeating itself.

Alive, she is Madara's woman...Dead, she is Madara's corpse.
Alive, she is Madara's woman...Dead, she is Madara's corpse.

He led her away from XXX advertising company's office building. Along the way, they attracted a lot of attention, mixed with some less reserved women's whispers and screams. Though she did not notice, as her mind was only filled with Madara's last words, repeating over and over in her head.

How could he casually say these words? What if she were to misunderstand?

She was touched by his words, looking sideways at him, she thought 'If only he was not gay...'

She shook the thought away and smiled wryly.

Madara put her in the car but she was still in a daze. Then he helped her put on the safety belt and gently patted her cheeks. He asked strangely "Are you alright? Why are you looking so pale?"

She lowered her eyes and said lightly "I'm fine, thank you"

Madara, "You're welcome. In fact, this is not a big deal. You do not need to be so depressed"

"Oh..." she responded, she was having mixed thoughts and hesitated but finally said "Madara, you..."

Do not act as if you like me...

"What were you going to" He asked.

She leaned against the seat and carefully lowered her eyes and said in a quietly "In fact, you do not need to be so nice to me"


She thought he did not hear her, decided to act as if nothing happened. She pushed back all the narcissist ideas to back of her mind and reminded herself he liked men.

Just then, Madara's clear cool voice replied
"I am willing"

*Time skip

She thought Madara had taken the wrong script, according to the original script he should be interested in Akiyama. So although he is not interested in her, but the way he treated Akiyama was impolite. She asked "Madara, tell me the truth"

Madara was having his lunch which she cooked for him. His mood seemed good. He was staring at the dish not lifting up his head. "Yes?"

"Madara, you really don't like Akiyama?"

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"Madara, you really don't like Akiyama?"

"Nonsense, do you really like him?" He asked.

Seeing that he did not understand the meaning behind her question, she explained "I am not referring to that type of 'liking' but the other type...that is, men liking men"

He took a piece of the crispy chicken slice and stuffed it into her mouth, his expression did not look good. "Kisaragi Seira, don't force me"


Seira was in no rush to find a job yet. She still had money in her bank account, in addition he offered to give her pocket money from time to time if her performance was good. Thus started her life as a full-time wife.

She had to send him his lunch and accompany him to eat, his reason being that he did not like to eat alone...

She never thought that their marriage would develop into this situation, it started off with just her cooking meals.

Nonetheless, the next day at noon she still had to deliver food in a large insulated pot to XQ Network.

The meek looking receptionist at the front desk with a sweet voice asked her who she was looking for. She answered Madara. The receptionist was stupefied.

The exceptionally beautiful woman before her (receptionist) calmly answered Madara. When she first entered the building she immediately drew the attention of everyone, male and female.

It was winter season, so she wore jeans with thermal tights inside and a grey sweater over her top with a black outer coat. She wrapped a gray scarf around her neck, like this she left the house not caring that she was wearing her sleeping shoes.

She suddenly remembered Madara's pseudonym, then said "I am looking for AD"

The receptionist glanced at the insulated pot in her hands, politely asking whether she had made an appointment.

Seira annoyed by the receptionist ongoing chatter, called him asking why he did not inform his front desk prior of her bringing his lunch. He reassured her it was a small matter and to let him speak to the receptionist. She did as told.

The receptionist face was full of surprise, excitement and respect. However with just a few words from Madara, her facial emotions were wiped off, replaced by disappointment, panic and unhappiness.

Seira laughed to herself, dare to think of harbouring thoughts for Madara?

She looked at her such a short period of time, she could have so many changes in expression...

The receptionist answered the phone submissively a few times, handed the cellphone back telling her where his office was located.

When she walked into his office, he was sitting behind his desk, looking at some documents. She went over to the desk, carefully placing the insulated pot down.

Her jade like hand set the documents in his hands down softly "Work later, you need to eat your lunch"

Madara looked up and saw her his mouth curving into a smile. He moved his shoulders and said "Give my shoulders a massage first"

She went over and stood behind him, using pressure neither too light nor heavy and massaged his shoulders. She never realised how wide his shoulders actually were till now.

As she was massaging his shoulders, she asked him "What did you say to that woman at the reception, just now?" Whatever he said, scared her off.

Madara,"Nothing much, I just told her that...a word from you, she can leave XQ"

She was shocked but a pleased smile reached her delicate features. He was looking at the insulated pot to see what was for lunch speaking as if it was nothing. Madara on the other hand had other thoughts while enjoying his massage, how could he allow a lowly receptionist to bully his wife? Only he can bully her, no one else.

After lunch, she did not leave to go home immediately, with nothing to do, she loitered around his office for a while and looked into other XQ offices.

She nestled on the large sofa, watching Madara sitting a short distance away. He was working on his computer, in concentration. His skin was white and delicate with deep eyes, high nose, and slightly thin lips.

Thanks for reading 💛

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