Chapter 30

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*I will be cutting out the part where ML interrogated FL in the original plot


Since the masquerade, Inui seems to avoid her like the plaque. He went so far as to volunteer for a office at S city branch, a city further down, far away from her.

In appreciation for everything thus far, she invited him to a luxurious restaurant for a meal. He finished ordering their meals and drinks. She was in a relatively good mood, while waiting for their food Madara suddenly raised his head, said "I had a meal with father-in-law a few days ago"

"...who?" He felt her mood drop instantly.
"Why did he come to you?" Her tone somewhat colder than usual.

"What else can it be. His biological daughter did not recognise him, so he was seeking comfort from his son-in-law" Madara said.
"He has good intentions" he added.

She scoffed "You jest. If he was up to something good, then why would he leave us?"
She called bullshit on that.

"You are such a radical person, this will cause you hardships in life" he said looking at her helplessly.

She did not say anything.

"You can't be living in other people's mistake your whole life. To hate a person is very tiring. No one is stupid enough to devote their lives on hate. Since you have the ability to let go of Inui Takamura, you can do the same with your father." He said.

"...the things he did?"

Madara rubbed her hair "He did do things that are not so good. You hate him. Do you hate him for abandoning you? Or hate him for abandoning your mother?"


"If you did hate him because of mother-in-law, who is your mother? Does your mother still hate him? I figured that she's already over it and ready to look for another. Look, the one being abandoned have already let it go. Then what's there for you to cling onto? There is no way you are hurt more than your mum ever was."


"Then again, if you hate him because he abandoned you and did not care for you then I don't blame you for holding grudges but because of one mistake that he made in life...Do you think he doesn't deserve a second chance? Although I don't agree with what he did. But, I am completely against you turning your relationship with your father upside down because of this"

If that man died she would not shed even a single tear. Rather she would celebrate his death, When she was looking for a father, he was gone. When she was talked about behind her back that she was an orphan, that she had no father or that she was unwanted and her father abandoned her. She questioned herself. Why should she care about someone who did not care about her? Since then she has never over exerted herself and give love where it's not returned.

She doesn't believe in second chances either, its not so much about morality, but her inability to forgive. If you give people a second chance they will think you will forgive them every time they commit a wrong, and step all over you again.

*FL's character can hold a grudge for eternity, even if she wanted to change she does not think she could.

'There are no second chances in life, except to feel remorse'
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon

"..." Madara who usually hides his emotions, even when he is mad a bit or frowns a little, eyes are glowing and his face full of emotions, dazzling with vitality, as if he was in debate.

You do not understand, you never will. You have a lovely family, a mother and a father. She envied him. She wanted a father, but she grew up fine without one. If he had loved her and her mother he would not have left, she was just a toddler at the time. It does not matter if he has the intentions to 'fix' their relationship, she does not want anything to do with him. In the twenty one years she became an adult, he never once tried to get in contact with her. As for her 'wedding' she no longer considered him as her father, why would she walk down the aisle on the arm of a mere stranger?

"Do you think the reason why the relationship between you both have become this way, your mother will be happy?"

"It's the exact opposite! My mother-in-law isn't as narrow minded as you. Actually, she is more worried you can't have a good relationship with your own father. Her own daughter has a deep hatred for her father, you think that this would make her feel good within her heart?"

She averted her gaze. Mother may have forgiven that man but she will not. She is narrow minded. She still loathes him. That fact won't change even if the world tells her otherwise.

He concluded "You are just an idiot with radical thoughts, not considerate of other people. It's quite impressive that my mother-in-law can bare with you for such a long time"

*ML is aware FL is only considerate to those close to her. She is the type of woman that if someone she did not like was on fire and she had a bucket of water she would drink it and watch that someone burn.

"Lift your head up, don't run away from the trouble. It only makes you more vulnerable" he said as if he was interrogating a suspect.

She looked up to him, perhaps her blurred vision casted a illusion on her eyes, she saw a flash of fluster in his eyes.

Madara had to keep his calm, frowning
"Why are you crying?" He didn't like seeing her cry, it made his heart feel uncomfortable. This was the first time he'd ever thought that this strong cold woman could cry.

You make me sound worthless, now you do not allow me to cry? He was the last person she wanted to appear vulnerable to.

He called the waiter for the check, getting ready to leave. By the time she walked out of the restaurant her tears dried leaving tear streaks on her delicate face.

She leaned against the car window, watching the city's bright lights burning brightly within the night sky.

Thanks for reading 💛

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