Chapter 38

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Seira initially planned on lazing around at home, but she changed her mind as it would be wasteful not to take him out.

Where to go? At this moment the slave offered
"How about skiing?"

Skiing? This was a fairly good idea, however she did not know how to ski. The slave lightly hit the masters head "You can learn if you do not know"

He then approached her gently stroking her head, his eyes dipped with tenderness.
"Master, I can teach you"

Then she would just have to learn from him. When she was ready to leave, Madara suddenly asked "Do you have a snowboard? What about a ski suit? Have you booked your tickets?"

She shook her head. How could she possibly possess any of those things when she does not know how to ski?

He shook his head regretfully, if they went now they would only be able to look at the ski resorts front entrance.

So, the slave brought his master to the shopping mall.

*Time skip

She looked at him who stood in front of the mirror. His dressing sense changed from usual, she realised only now that it wasn't that his style was bad but because he had been too lazy.

He had been walking around the mall for more than an hour, looking at the various kinds of designs and styles that would suit her but not liking anything at all.

In actuality he knew Seira was the type of beauty that made anything she wore look stylish, however he couldn't find anything that that would not attract more attention than her appearance already would.

Finally he decided on a set which she put on and looking in the mirror, she found the clothes fitted very well.

"Give me a set of men's wear that is the same with the set she is wearing" she overheard him say to the salesperson.

When he came out of the dressing room, rather than the cool and elegant look she gave off, he exuded the sporty stylish aura of an athlete and looked like an experienced sportsman.

Standing together, they looked like a golden couple. With their appearances they could easily pass off as models. Madara smiled at her in the mirror, the salesperson by the side staggered a bit and then leaned on the clothes racks.

After lunch, she asked him where they were going and he said "Let's go to see mother-in-law"

It was quite some time since she had visited her mother so she agreed. When she called her to inform her they were going to see her, the old lady happily said "That's perfect, I want to go and sing. Come and accompany me."

She calmly ended her call, already used to her mothers odd behaviour. Two hours later, bearing gifts, they rang the doorbell of her mother's house. In addition to the the gifts, they also brought along their newly purchased ski equipment. Mother had suggested they stay overnight in order to not delay their skiing trip.

On the way to the KTV, she had asked if her mother would like to join them the next day, but her mother waved her hand "No, I have something else to do" What could her mother possibly be doing? Seeing that her mother was reluctant to say more she did not bother her further.

In the KTV room they booked, she sat down beside her mother giving her some water and a microphone. Her mother sang a series of classic revolutionary songs, meanwhile she was in charge of choosing songs for them to sing.

She did not like to sing in front of others, even her mother, therefore she chose to keep quiet and silently observe them.

He was blessed with good looks, a good physique and intelligence, in addition with a wide knowledge of miscellaneous things such as setting up antivirus, repair computers and hacking into other peoples accounts. His lifestyle was particularly healthy, no bad habits, good taste...Only now she did not expect to find out that Madara could also sing well. Truly talented, she praised in thought.

His voice had always been low but when he sang, the feeling of loneliness was profoundly prominent, filling people's heart with desolation and disappointment. She immersed herself in the pleasantry of his voice, as he moved on to another song, singing a duet with her mother.

She remained oblivious to her mothers regret for Madara to have married such a heartless little thing. Shaking her head helplessly at her child who's EQ was incredibly low.

The next song he sang his voice was clear and cool, he seemed to sing with his feelings and even his eyes showed his complexity. She looked at him in admiration, Madara was a natural born singer. He wouldn't have trouble finding an agency with the talent he has...taking in consideration that his looks are not any inferior to those idols and his magnetic voice she believed he would also be very popular amongst women if he tried out to be an artist or actor. With his ability, he was capable of becoming an Actor and Singer.

Following he continued to sing a few more sad songs, she was mesmerised by his voice, strange feelings bubbled up inside of her that she never felt listening to songs.

The next song was not a sad song, fortunately, though it was a tribute to mothers. His low voice one again filled the room and she was enthralled.

"Listen to mother and do not hurt her.
Grow up quickly and protect her. Beautiful white hair budding with happiness. Sprinkling a kind of warm magic..."

She felt the urge to embrace her mother and lightly said "I will listen"

Her mother stroked her luscious hair happily asking "really?"

"En," In this world, before Madara and Sakuya, there was only mother and her. She played with her mothers hand, nodding.

So her mother said "Then I want a grandson"

Seira was at a loss for words for the time being

Thanks for reading 💛

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