Chapter 43

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From her point of view, his facial features were perfect, just like a character straight out of an anime. His hairstyle was very simple, not too long nor too short. He was too lazy to match his clothes so he casually put on a white shirt with the top button undone, casual and relaxed. A very ordinary white shirt displayed a different awareness. The sunlight coming in from outside threw a layer of golden light on him.

Just then, suddenly Madara looked up and glanced over at her. While still deep in her thoughts, she did not react and met his eyes dazedly.

He suddenly curved his mouth and slightly smiled at her, the golden rays hit his this moment his lips looked very tempting.

"Seira" Madara suddenly called her.


Madara, "Wipe off your saliva"

She lifted her sleeves preparing to wipe the non-existent saliva from her mouth. It dawned on her that he played this trick before.

His low laughter floated across the room as he said "You have been admiring me for a long time?"

"..." Seira ignored him leaning back on the sofa. She lay on the sofa and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Madara was careful not to wake her as he lifted her head onto his lap, taking a seat on the sofa. He ran his fingers through her silky ink hair, studying her picturesque features from her slender brows to the crease of her eyes bordered by thick curled lashes, her delicate nose and her enticing cherry lips.

A sigh escaped his lips as he leaned back into the sofa, he was suppressing the urge to kiss her.

After that incident he promised to himself he would never do anything she did not want, her tears made him feel as if his heart was bleeding, it pained him.

*Time skip

Ever since the day, Madara had spoken with the receptionist her passage to his office has been extremely smooth. She has noticed that numerous XQ employees stare at her in awe, seemingly charmed by her beauty. Though she also received envious looks occasionally mixed with ambiguity.

Time flew past quickly and in a blink of an eye, Lunar New Year was coming. Most of XQ Network staff had already gone on leave. Madara also made arrangements for his leave too.

So the day before Lunar New Year Eve, Madara and Seira boarded a plane to L City.

K City is supposedly an ordinary place in the north of Japan, not far from L City. A car ride approximately an hour and a half apart. Madara's parents have been staying in K City, all this while. She looked forward to visiting K City because she was especially interested in seeing what sort of environment Madara grew up in.

When they reached his old home (Madara's parents home), it was already late at night. His parents stayed in an apartment in the building. The majority of residents there were teachers.

She followed closely behind him, his parents greeted them warmly. After dinner, they talked for a while. She was feeling somnolent and retired for the night.

She wanted to sleep however the problem at hand was she had to sleep with him on the same bed, using the same quilt.

The bed was a standard double bed, much smaller than Madara's bed. Prior to that 'incident' she did not mind sharing a bed but that happened...

She looked at him absently, he seemed indifferent to the idea of sharing the bed.

Seira sighed lightly, eventually we will part some day lets not think about it. She laid on the bed turning her back towards him, the sound of his breathing and her steady heartbeat were all she could hear. It was a hectic day so she eventually fell asleep.

The next day she woke up early. Of course Madara woke up earlier, it seemed that his habit of waking up early and going for morning exercises turned out to be a traditional habit of his family.

After breakfast, she simply observed the scholarly family of three gather together to write couplets.

After finishing writing a pair of couplets, her mother-in-law raised her head, looked towards her and smiled kindly "Seira, come over and join us"

She enthusiastically pulled her over and said "Write a few words for the new year and paste it up to bring good luck"

She lifted up the brush and gracefully wrote the four characters '息災延命' on the red paper. Wishing good luck in health and longevity, for everyone to enjoy a long and healthy life untouched by disaster.

* 息災延命 according to this translates to health and longevity, enjoying a long healthy life untouched by disaster.

Her strokes were neat and elegant, earning her praises for her beautiful calligraphy from her in-laws. Her mother-in-law smiled, taking the couplets and placing them on the side table to dry.

She was engaged in conversation with Madara when his mother walked over, eagerly rushing over to write another couplet, the words written were '多胎分娩' in other words 'Early Birth of Baby'. After completing the couplets, she happily took them aside to dry...

* 多胎分娩 according to this translates to multiple birth, childbirth resulting in twins, triplets, etc. It was the closest I could get to 'Early Birth of Baby'

Seira wordlessly looked away, not long ago her mother asked for a grandson...

Madara and Seira were given the tasks of putting up the couplets. When she pasted her couplet on his cupboard, he spoke from the side "I did not expect your calligraphy to be so good"

"Hn," Seira happily hummed, she has noticed that she particularly loves when Madara praises her. She doesn't know why but it's different from the feeling she gets when others praise her.

*Couplets are red paper with black or golden characters written on it. Spring festival couplets are composed of a pair of poetry lines vertically pasted on both sides of the front door and a four character horizontal scroll affixed above the doorframe. Pasting couplets expresses people's wishes for a better life in the coming year.

Thanks for reading! 💛

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