Chapter 33

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*Cutting out the part where original FL models with second male lead


In Madara's car she leaned against the window looking at the figure of Fujioka not far away. She asked, breaking the silence "Do you like Fujioka?"

"Why are you asking this? Don't tell me you have something for him" he seemingly replied, suspicious. His tone towards her filled with seriousness. She concluded that, that meant he must have some thought for the delicate guy, else why would he care 'whether she had intentions towards him or not'.
"It's strange, I've never seen/heard you two go out" Wouldn't most couples go on dates every now and then?

"Forcing a melon to grow faster doesn't make it sweet. I suggest you two cultivate your feelings slowly..." she continued, oblivious to the darkening complexion of Madara's.


Seira was lazily laying in bed as it was a Saturday, her mother considerately reminded her of Madara's birthday coming up on the 25th of December.

Birthday...she needed to think of a gift. There weren't much information she knew about him, hence she called him, straightforwardly asking
"Your birthday is coming up, what do you want?"

"A present?" His voice appeared to have a joyful tone to it. His mood seemed good.

"I want you. Will you give me?" He jokingly says. He really is vulgar, shameless. It was a good thing he was not there, had be been he would have seen the tips of her jade like ears flushed pink.

In order to cover up her embarrassment she repeated herself "What do you want?"

"Up to you, I will be happy with anything. Even if I do want something, you don't seem to be able to offer" Offer what?

*Of course yourself silly FL

In the end even after going out of the house to the mall she couldn't find anything she wanted to gift and decided to go home, and find a present another time.

*There will be no reunion between FL and her father, her mother also wont be at their home

When she got home, he sent her a strange look
"What did you buy today?"


"Then what do you plan to get me? You asked what I wanted today! Did you forget about it already?!" He questioned.

"Could not find suitable gift" she spoke up, how did she not realise sooner his hot headed temperament. She really could not think of what to get him and instead chose to ask him again "Just say what you want"

"What do I want?" He raised one of his brows, pondering, "My birthday is coming soon. Anything is fine, you just need to get me a present, okay?"

"En" He also said he would make up for her birthday present tomorrow. Although it was quite late, middle of December but better late than never, right?

*Next day

*Also FL's present was prepared by ML earlier

The following day she slept like a log, in the morning however she was woken from her slumber by Madara shaking her awake. Unhappy being woken up, she grudgingly got up squinting her honey coloured eyes at him
"What are you doing?"

"Hurry and wash your face. I have a present to give you" she rubbed her eyes, inexplicably walking to the bathroom.

After washing up, she felt more awake and refreshed. Although still a bit sleepy, she made her way to the living room. Sitting on the sofa, she didn't see Madara and called out to him

He suddenly brought out a large box placing it before her. "Birthday present" birthday present? Oh, she did recall him telling her he would give her one today. She looked up at him and opened the large box. What could possibly be inside? Seeing her pause he asked what was wrong.

"Tell me truthfully, what is inside?" She replied.

He gazed upon the box, his eyes lighting with mirth "If you do not open the box, how will you know?"

She smoothly unraveled the present. She was startled, it was a 18" special edition figurine! A Bleach Kenpachi Zaraki Figure GK Resin Statue. Her tiredness disappeared and her eyes lit up brilliantly, but dimmed as she said
"The price..." As a collector herself, how could she not know that this particular figurine easily valued over 100,000 yen.

*100,000 yen is equivalent to $889.77

"Don't bother with the price tag...Are you happy with it?" He asked, probing for a reaction.

"Yes, thank you" she responded smiling sincerely. How did he know she liked Kenpachi? Must have been a guess.

He was completely taken by the smiling expression on her face, when she smiled even if a little, it would captivate anyone, regardless of gender. Her current smile wasn't fake, it was the first genuine smile that lasted longer than a second.

Madara knew she would like it, how could he ignore her collection of figurines on display in the other room, moreover during her free time she would always read manga or watch anime if not tv. The character 'Kenpachi Zaraki' was also her favourite, having observed her watching 'Kenpachi' he could see the admiration apparent in her eyes, compared to her reaction to other characters he assumed she was particularly fond of his.

It was a good thing, she seemed to like it very much, however instead of looking at the one who brought it she was absorbed in the box's content. Moreover she did not even open it! He helplessly watched as she placed it beside the other figurines still in its packaging.

Though it didn't sit well with him that the other (figurine) was a male nonetheless it made her happy so he could only leave it be.

It was the first time in his life he felt inferior to a superficial object, an anime figurine. In his wife's heart his position is below the figure he gifted her, the thought made him not know whether to cry or laugh.

Madara was alright with any gift as long as her heart and mind were behind it. She wanted to give in return a gift that had equal value that he would like, she really did like the birthday present she got. She only hoped whatever it is she would gift him he would like it as much as she liked hers.

Thanks for reading 💛

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