Chapter 37

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Madara realised that it was too difficult to control himself especially in front of Seira. Her every move attracted his attention.

Although his emotional intelligence was low, he knew he liked her.

Just the sound of her laughter makes him happy. When he sees her sad, he wants to make her happy. When he sees her around other men, he feels angry. He thought of himself gay and in the end, he still found himself attracted to her.

He wanted to attract her attention and wanted to find out whether she cares for him, even if he had to use a compulsive method. He made her give him a birthday present and in the middle of the night cook him longevity noodles.

Madara consoled himself, she still cared for him. Look, she cooked you longevity noodles...

But it was not enough, all these were not enough. He wanted her all to himself. Seira could only cook for him, could only wash his clothes, could only smile at him and could only be teased by him, only...sometimes he wished she was a thumbelina so he could put her in his clothes and not let anyone else see her.

This was what he thinks but does she think the same way?

He felt lost and depressed when he thought of the problem. What does Seira think?

She said "If you are thinking of taking advantage of me, we will divorce. After that you can do as you please" could she be so heartless...

He smiled a helpless smile, smiled into the night, in boundless darkness, in boundless loneliness...

When she stood in front of him whatever she said or did, was always calm and without emotion. But did she know that her indifference caused him tremendous heartache.

Don't you care at least a little bit?

*ML forgot she called him one of her important people

He would really like to confront her and ask her whether she cared for him. But when he wanted to ask her, he was always lost for words. How would she react if she found out he likes her?

Would she...leave me?

He sat in front of the bed, quietly watching her sleep peacefully. Just a few hours ago, he nearly ruined her. This women seemed so detached and cold but her heart was fragile, once hurt, it would be difficult to heal. He had always been sensible but at that time it was really...dizzying.

If he had known Akiyama had tried to make a move on her he would have killed him without hesitation.

He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly. When facing her with that blonde bastard, the normal self confidence he had was completely gone.

He stroked her smooth cheeks and frowned. She did not like Akiyama, that was the truth and she also did not like him and that was also the truth. What should he do?

Suddenly he regretted he had looked for a man...but in actual fact, he likes women. It was good that Seira thought that he was gay and therefore did not make an effort to get close to him. And if she found out that he likes her, would they really divorce...

He brushed away the hair from her forehead and lightly kissed her forehead. His eyes were quiet like water but his heart was crying desperately.

Don't you care at least a little bit?

Really, really, do not care?

Seira, what should I do?

*Next day

She had thought she would not be able to sleep last night but did not expect to sleep peacefully. She only woke up when Madara knocked on the door the second time around.

She groggily stumbled out of bed, opened the door and said lazily "Why knock? Don't you have the key?"

He was taken by surprise and immediately said
"Then I will not knock next time"

"Do not enter the room without permission" she corrected her earlier mistake from her sleepiness. "What were you doing in the room in the middle of the night?" She added.

"I just wanted to see whether you were asleep" he said.

"The first time, you did not sleep, the second and third time, you slept like a log" he continued. Three times?...

Today was new years day, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Madara had promised to be her slave for three days.

Early in the morning, the moment he got up, he went to buy breakfast and waited for her to wake up. She glanced at him and began to enjoy her breakfast. While having her breakfast, she took notice of something strange. There was a plaster stuck on each of his left and right palms.

She put down the dumplings, picked up one of his hands examining it carefully and said
"Why is your hand like this?"

He pushed her hand away and lightly said
"It's nothing" he started to break open an egg and quickly put it in a bowl. He looked up and lightly smiled, his smile was devastatingly beautiful it momentarily stunned her.

She had to admit his smile was extremely gorgeous, similar to a brilliant spring view that could make one hold their breath and be shaken.

"Master, eat your eggs" He said in a low gentle, smooth flowing voice like silk.

She turned her gaze from his profile to the egg, poked the egg biting it mercilessly.

Seira initially planned on being a homebody as usual lazing around at home during the New Years Holiday, but she changed her mind as it would be wasteful not to take him out.

What would be a favourable activity? Where to go? At this moment the slave offered
"How about skiing?"

Skiing? This was a fairly good idea, however she did not know how to ski. The slave lightly hit the masters head "You can learn if you do not know"

He then approached her gently stroking her head, his eyes dipped with tenderness.
"Master, I can teach you"

Thanks for reading 💛

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