Chapter 39

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After dinner, the family of three sat in front of the TV to watch a variety show.

At night, when it was time to sleep she wanted to sleep with her mother, however she pushed her away, ignoring her and yawned.

From the side Madara said "Mum, Seira misses you. Let her sleep with you" he then added
"Anyway, both of us have a lot of opportunities to be together"

Mother readily consented.

She laid lazily on the bed, her mother came over hitting her head with her hand, in a serious tone said "Tell me, did you quarrel with Madara?"

"No" she replied stoically.

Mother let out a long sigh, said "Seira, you are not getting any younger, I hope you will be together with Madara"

"You think too much"

Mother stared at her "It is you who do not know how to cherish. Madara is very good to you."


Seeing that she did not reply, mother added "For a woman to be able to find a man who is willing to spend his whole life with you, is not easy. Girl, you do not know how to appreciate Madara"

She closed her eyes wordlessly, her mothers 'life' theory stimulated her somewhat. Truth be told, she never thought of spending her whole life with him. Continuing to live with him...did not actually seem to be a bad idea...

*Next day

Early in the morning Mother disappeared. After breakfast they set out for the ski resort.

Madara preferred the snowboard. Perhaps due to how the snowboard appeared more fancy and stylish.

Snowboarding or skiing made no difference to her, but since he promised to teach her, she naturally had to snowboard.

Stepping on the board she felt as if her feet were chained down. Unsure of what to do she stood still, suddenly Madara quietly pushed her from behind. She shot forward like an arrow, going downhill the speed began to pick up quickly. Luckily she managed to balance herself, coming to a halt while she waited for him to descend.

Madara skiing on the snowboard leisurely slid over, turning his board left and right similar to a slithering snake with a calm face.

He smiled at her, she pulled his hand suddenly causing him to fall backwards, dragging her along with him.

"Why did you do that?" She fiercely asked, holding down his body.

He did not resist, his face carrying an indulgent smile. The winter morning sunshine was cooling but the rays of falling on his long eyelashes made her heart feel a warmth seeping in. She slowly loosened her grip on him.

Madara was laying on the ground, calmly smiling and said "I just wanted to test your balance" while talking, his eyelashes fluttered.

She was attracted to his long eyelashes in the sun and unconsciously reached out to touch him. She was wearing gloves, traces of snow still stuck to the gloves. He was shocked and turned his head away to avoid her gloves, saying in a deep voice "Kisaragi Seira, don't mess around" somehow she felt his voice carried an indulgent tone.

She recollected herself, withdrawing her hand asking blankly "My sense of balance, how is it?"

He smiled and said "pretty good"

Seira would be lying if she said she was not happy for his praise, thus decided not to take his surprise attack from earlier to heart.

He stood up first helping her up, brushing off the snow from her body and head, then said
"Okay, let's start the lesson"

He stood on top of the snow slope and said
"If you have the correct posture and surge forward, you can slide very well...There is always something in the world, once started, you are unable to stop, unable to control, such as skiing or for example..."

She did not understand "What example?"

He did not answer and smiled a reluctant smile "You guess" guess? guess what?

"Madara, if you do not feel like smiling, do not force yourself. There is no rule that a slave must smile at his master" he staggered and nearly lost his balance.

Madara stood by Seira's side, holding her shoulder to help her get the correct posture and at the same time said "You have to lean forward from your centre of gravity. Do not lean back and use your brain to control your actions...Do you understand what is the centre of gravity? Forward...right...the body must not be so stiff. Are you afraid?..."

She followed his instructions accordingly, she managed to slide down the slope without trouble, unfortunately she was inattentive to the changes at the base of her feet. Accidentally sliding over a hollow space. She reflexively leaned backwards.

Madara reacted faster, once he assessed the situation, he immediately stopped his snowboard with his foot. While she was flying straight past him, he extended his hand to encircle her waist and as the snow was too slippery, he was unable to stand steadily...

When she fell, she landed on something soft. She felt no pain, only then realising she had fallen on top of him. She struggled to get up, knelt beside him and asked worriedly
"Are you alright?"

He opened his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering. Lately she has been paying much more attention to his eyelashes than normal, she thought perhaps she was developing an eyelash fetish?...

He blinked and lay motionless on the ground. She leaned down, thinking he was hurt and asked "Are you hurt?"

The concern in her voice made the corners of his mouth lift into a grin and replied "I am not hurt...but, I may be crushed"

She was primarily responsible for the accident and apologised "Sorry"

"You can give me a massage and I will not blame you" he said.

She resisted the impulse to hit him and said "Where does it hurt?"

He laid on the ground calmly like a lord, closed his eyes and said "I am hurt all over, just give me a massage. Anywhere will do"

She suddenly realised he was playing a joke on her, flicking his forehead with her right hand making him flinch "Get up!"

He stood up reluctantly and then while standing used his strength to pull her off the ground. Then helped her again to dust off the snow from her clothes.

"Lets go to the U-shape pool" he said. U-shape pool? A pool in the shape of a 'U'?

Thanks for reading 💛

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