Chapter 27

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As Inui grabbed his folder, Akiyama untimely approached her with a smile, said
"Did it hurt last night?"

She glared at the director, "Director Akiyama, now is not the time to jest, I do not appreciate your actions neither will my Husband" she threatened. Inui picked up his things and without uttering a word left the room.

"Are you tired of living?" She said menacingly, a dark aura surrounding her figure.

"You are not going to murder you leader, right?" In the end he was bullied by her, he even had to double her salary starting tomorrow onwards.

By the time she finished up her work it was already dark outside and it was drizzling.
She stood in front of the main gate like a jade statue and looked at the vehicles, coming and going, on the other side of the gate. She waited for quite a while but there was no sign of Madara...usually he would always come by this time.

She wondered if he had found the rain too troublesome and decided to not come. She was slightly frustrated, although the rain was neither too heavy nor too light but if she were to get drenched in her current condition, the chances of her cold relapsing were high.

As she was vacillating between the decisions whether or not to step out in the rain, Inui suddenly appeared in front of her. Carrying an umbrella in his hands he lowered his head to look at her. He opened his mouth several times then finally said "Seira...Secretary Kisaragi, I can drop you"

She shook her head. She would rather not.

Sakai regained his composure and added
"I'm saying this from the standing of your colleague that I can drop you to your place"

She was yet to give a response when she heard somebody's voice from behind "What other standing do you have, Director Inui?"
This voice naturally belonged to the self centered Akiyama, holding an eye-catching umbrella in one hand waved with a 'hi' from the other hand, stalking towards them.

She glanced at the outside, not far from the main gate a tall figure was standing with an umbrella in his hand.

She smiled. So he did not forget.

Madara holding an umbrella came to to main gate of the company. Noticing the company around her, he reached over and pulled her into his arms, said "Sorry, I am a bit late"

She secretly admired his extremely polished and impromptu performance. His acting was even better than those actors on tv.
He brushed off the loose strands from her forehead, planting a gentle kiss on it then said
"Honey, are you cold?"

She was a bit shocked, honey? Is this supposed to be an endearment?

Chuckling softly he pinched her smooth cheeks. Then he took off his coat and covered her with it, opening his umbrella, he hugged her and walked them in the rain. Her head was pressed firmly against his chest, she tried to move her head but she couldn't.

He didn't forget to look back at the two bastards with a devilish smirk on his handsome face. She's mine.

He bowed down his head till his forehead touched hers, said "Stay still"

"I can't breathe" she spoke up, madara told her that she played her role wonderfully as the two were seemingly convinced by their 'affectionate play'.

While lying in her seat she looked at Inui and Akiyama through the side mirror, standing together. "Both of them make a very good match" she muttered.

Madara inwardly shook his head. Her imagination always seems to think up the strangest things. Especially when it comes to men. Almost home, he abruptly asked
"Is your friend Akiyama related to Akiyama Haruma in any way?"

She silently though for a moment, said
"Sounds familiar"

"Akiyama Haruma is a major shareholder of the Southern Star Alliance. Your company is also a subject of this Souther Star Alliance" he explained.

"Oh, yes that is his father" she spoke.

The car suddenly came to a screeching halt. Madara had a somewhat dangerous glint in his eyes, looking at her. "Kisaragi Seira" his voice rang out husky and sultry, "Don't go seducing other men"

Seira wondered what it was that caused him to stop so suddenly and stared at him in return blankly, causing him to sigh and shake his head.

In the evening, she was seated at the table peeling apples for him. This was of course part of their contract, she simply concentrated on peeling the apple, Madara was a rather picky man if not cut properly he would not be happy and her efforts would be a waste.

Half way through in the peeling process her mobile phone suddenly went off. It was a message. She put the knife in her hand down, using her other hand to open the message. It was from an unknown number.

The content of the message was very succinct
"Are you really happy?"

Madara picked up the half peeled apple and started peeling the rest of it. "Whose message?"

"Don't know" she replied. Madara kept peeling the apple without lifting his head, said "Then?"

Either way she replied typing back 'Yes, I am really happy. My happiness has nothing to do with you'. She held her phone out to him to see the messages "See for yourself"

Later at night, he noticed she started to wait for him before going sleep, saying in her usual cool tone "Goodnight". He stayed up a while longer, his eyes tracing the contours of her beautiful face.

In the middle of the night, Madara was awakened by the soft body inching towards him, he felt that small head of jet black hair rest against his chest, muttering in their sleep 'warm'. Madara inwardly cursed to himself, did she not realise she was practically inviting him...since she brought herself to him he will not reject. He wrapped his arms around her figure, enduring the trembling of his heart as he went back to sleep 'Goodnight'

Thanks for reading 💛

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