Chapter 36

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Unconsciously tears flowed from her dull eyes. "Please...let me go"

Suddenly Madara stopped. She couldn't see his expression clearly due to her tears. She only knew that he released her hands and feet. One by one, he buckled up her buttons.

With downcast eyes, he was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked "You don't like me?"

She glared coldly at him "I hate you" she got out of bed and without a backward glance, walked out of the bedroom. When she reached the bedroom door, she seemed to hear him calling her name but ignored him, walking straight to her bedroom and started to pack.

*the room was initially the one she was supposed to sleep in when they married.

She felt unsettled. She heard knocking at the door and dismissed it. The knocking kept going on and on, "Get lost. Don't let me see you again" she said icily loud enough for him to hear.

"Seira" he called from the other side of the door.

"Scram" what part of get lost do you not understand?

"I'm sorry" she felt ashamed, angry and wronged "What is the use of saying 'sorry'? I was nearly raped by you!"

"I'm sorry" he repeated. She had never heard him sound so miserable, although he was in the wrong he stopped before things could have gone disastrous. However it did not change the fact he almost did that to her.

"Leave me alone." She slowly calmed down and went back to packing. However at this moment, the door rattled a few times and then it opened. She didn't need to turn around to know it was him, ignoring him she continued packing.

He came up to her and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You cannot see? I am leaving" she snapped.

"I'm sorry. I was just kidding" he said. She stood up "Kidding? Do you know how scared I was? I even thought of death..." her body trembled, looking at him tears gently fell on her cheeks. He lifted his hands, wanting to help her wipe away her tears but she slapped his hands away.

"Do you think this is a joke?" She spat venomously.

With downcast eyes, he said with desolation "I'm sorry. I did not expect that you will sad"

Seira,"You do not understand women. Do you know there are some things you cannot joke about at all? Do you know that kissing someone represents something? It shows you love her. Do not casually kiss me. If you really did what you intended to do, I would have never forgiven you for the rest of my life"

He had his head bowed without saying a word, he hesitated for a long time and finally said
"Then, will you forgive me now?" his head still hanging down, not looking at her.

"You were too much, just now"

"Then, what can I do, so that you will not be angry?" She was not letting him off lightly, if she did not do anything she would not be content. He readily agreed to her request of having him be her slave for three days during New Years holiday. She had not made up her mind on how she planned to exact her revenge, but she would decide later.

"Sleep early" he said, relieved. However she took her quilt and pillow from his bedroom to her own bedroom, this raised questions in his mind. "Do you still refuse to forgive me?" He frowned.

"...This is very inconvenient, we cannot sleep together forever...Say you travel? Moreover you have your own nightlife"

"I can refrain from for my nightlife..." she interrupted him, "Even if you do not travel, I may go on business trips. You know we will not always be together"

He just nodded, "I understand...if anything, call me" he stood up and made a move to leave. He paused and said "Your boss seems to harbour intentions towards you"

"Don't mention that bastard" she scowled.

"He seems to like you. If he really likes you what will you do?" He lifted his eyebrows and asked. 

"I'll cut him off, that goes for any other individual who harbours such intentions" she said emotionlessly.

"Then what about me?" He asked with uncertainty.


"If I like you, will you cut me off?" She glanced at him, suspiciously unsure whether he was serious or not.

"I'm just asking casually" he added.

"If you are thinking of taking advantage of me, we will divorce. After that, you can do as you please" she replied indifferently.

He changed the topic and asked "Currently, do you have anybody you like?"

She shook her head " assured after we part I do not intend on finding another partner" Her mother has already seen her married, that is enough.

Seemingly satisfied with her answer, he left. She laid in bed, unable to sleep due to the events that happened. What she disliked most other than fickle people is rape. She would be lying if she said she was not scared, just thinking about it made her feel humiliated and angry.

Her thoughts were disrupted when the door to her bedroom was opened and it was opened using a key. She had forgotten to collect the key from him earlier. If he dared to make a second attempt she would make sure he will have no ability to have children in the future.

She shut her eyes, pretending to sleep. His footsteps were very light, when he came near her bed she felt her heart beat uncomfortably in her chest. She was determined to attack the moment he lifts her quilt.

He took the corners of her quilt, tucked her in and then...released his hands. She heard his light retreating footsteps and the sound of the door slowly closing. She nestled in the quilt, an explicable feeling crept into her heart.

The bed wasn't as comfortable as the one in his room, sigh. Seira went to sleep discontent, filled with complaints towards her new bed.

Thanks for reading 💛

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