Chapter 28

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The past few days, it was as if Inui did not exist. She completely treated him no different than a stranger. Contrary to her, every time Inui saw her, his expressions become twisted. Of course, she would not notice as she did not place him in her eyes.

Tonight Madara went out to drink. Nothing to do, she laid in bed leisurely passing time on her phone or eating frozen grapes reading.

It was Eleven going on to Twelve when Madara finally returned home. He was carried back. She opened the door, saw a drunken Madara leaning against another man, unsteady on his feet.

The man helping him was sober. He politely called her 'sister-in-law'. He seemed vaguely familiar, later she learnt from Madara that he was one of his friends that were teasing him in the bridal chamber. She welcomed him into the house asking the man to set Madara down on the sofa.

She walked the man to the door asking him, a light frown on her stunning visage, before he could leave "How did he become so drunk?"

Madara's friend laughed "A few friends got together, Madara on a whim drank a few more glasses"

"Thank you for bringing him home" she nodded as he went on his way. She made her way to the unconscious Madara, "Wake up" she patted his cheek.

"I have to go, my wife is waiting at home" he grumbled. She shook him, speaking in a softer tone "Wake up, go to the bedroom" she did not have the strength to carry him there.

Due to her shaking, his half-opened eyes glanced at her, said "Seira?"

"Yes, it's me. Get up, go to the room" she replied. She originally thought he would get off the sofa instead he unsteadily sat up on the sofa, comfortably leaning against the sofa and commanded she fetch water to wash his feet.

An irk mark appeared on her blackened face as she slapped his head "Hurry and sleep"

He struggled to stand up from the sofa and stumbled his way to the bathroom, talking to himself "I want to take a bath, How can I sleep if I don't bathe?" Suddenly falling down at the door of the bathroom.

She could not stand it anymore, she helped him enter the bathroom. Before she turned out to leave he grabbed her arm speaking in a dissatisfied tone "You have to attend to my bath!"

She massaged her temple, enduring the urge to slap him again. She turned her back towards him as he undressed. She held back a yawn, next time this happens she will lock him out until he is sober and can open the door with his own keys. Save herself the trouble of having to deal with a drunk.

Due to his drunken state, his actions were sloppy and the process of undressing took a long time. Whilst he did so, she turned the faucet allowing the water to fill the bathtub.

When the water was done filling, he went straight into the bathtub and satisfyingly hummed two times. She has already seen the anatomy of a man so even seeing his body through the translucent water, she looked on indifferently.

Though she did have to admit his body structure outdid the male models she has seen on tv and online. Even becoming a model seemed like an easy feat to accomplish.

"Accompany me to wash" he said.

She was about to leave when she discovered he sunk his body all the way to the bottom of the tub, his head sticking out, widened eyes looking at her motionless. At this point, he was like a dead mermaid, quietly lying in water not caring about the world.

She drew closer to the edge of the bathtub, pulling him "Get up! You don't want your life?" After pulling twice he did not budge, she went to empty out all the water when suddenly she was pulled in. Her sleeping clothes now wet from being dragged into the water, her face immediately blackened again.

The bathtub was big, two people washing together posed no problem. Though she was not in the mood to do so, not now, not ever. She pushed his head into the water, then took it back out repeatedly cursing "Who told you to be disobedient!? You bastard"

He escaped from her grasp, argued with his most unprecedented serious tone "I am not a bastard, I am a fish"

"..." she suddenly felt foolish, why did she bother with this drunken fool? She stood up intending to get out of the bathroom leaving him by himself.

However, he did not seem to want her to go. Suddenly grabbing her and pulling her back into the bathtub. She did not have time to react when he embraced her from behind, lowering his head and bit her neck.

She struggled against his embrace but his arms firmly locked her in place. She bent back using her weight to get out of his arm lock, his head hit the side of the bathtub. With a bang, his body started to relax.

She stood up from his embrace and stepped out of the bathtub. Squatting down, she studied him carefully, who is leaning against the tub, eyes closed, unmoving. Placing her fingers under his nose, she ensured he was still breathing.

It would be troublesome to take and leave him, however the latter was not an option as he would most likely wake up in a terrible mood and pester her. She changed into dry pajamas and returned to the bathroom wrapping him in a large towel.

Due to his large structure and impending weight it took her half an hour to drag him onto the bed. This time she wished he was smaller, shorter with shorter limbs and light weight it would have been much easier to carry him that way.

She brought another towel and covered him before she went to sleep, it was too tiring to care for a drunk person.

Thanks for reading 💛

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