Chapter 32

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In the afternoon at the staff canteen, she saw the delicate boy Fujioka Asuka. This is the second time seeing him here. According to Akiyama, the boy is very particular and picky about things. Therefore he doesn't come to the canteen often, hm, what interested him today?

She nodded in greeting. Rather than going off to buy his lunch, he stared at her face and blankly said "I want to talk to you"

"Oh?" What is it this time?

"I want to talk to you, is it convenient now?" He repeated.

Why not? Though he most likely will talk about Madara. They sat at a western restaurant across from the company. The environment was very quiet, suitable for minor chatter.

"You do not want to consider divorce?" Fujioka said.

"..." What is he getting at?

"If you are willing to consider divorcing Madara, then you can say any condition you like" Fujioka patiently repeated.

"Why should I divorce him?" She enquired.

"I am not assured about the people near him, even if it's a woman" Fujioka answered frankly.

"Even if I divorce him, he would choose another woman" He merely married her to appease his parents, say she did divorce him she thought he would not care and just find another.

Fujioka shook his head "The way he treats you is different from other people...I hope can leave him"

"..." The offer is appealing however she cannot agree to something without consulting Madara first.

At the dinner table she was filled with thoughts of the delicate boys proposal. Moreover say she does divorce him, what did she want? Money? She can earn it. Status? Tiresome. Men? She's had enough of them.

Honestly it made her question her marriage, How long will this go on for?

*Cutting out their little argument

*Time skip

"What is the matter with you?" He asked her unhappy, she sat up on the bed meaningfully asking "do you think we are suitable?"

"What?" He replied surprised.

"A couple in name is only a couple in name" what Fujioka made her realise slightly bothered her for some reason. Their relationship was one without love, just an agreement on paper. When it came to it, he would eventually leave and they would part ways...

He thought seriously for a moment, said
"It's okay, I can bear you"

That isn't the answer she wanted, shaking her head she said "Since it has been hard on you, you won't need to bear it anymore."

"Should we divorce?" She continued. Perhaps it is better this way?

He froze for a moment. Smiling a smile that did not reach his eyes. As if he heard wrong he asked "Can you repeat that?"

"You cannot stand me..." moreover you are a homosexual man...

"Kisaragi Seira" he gritted his teeth, "Who gave you that idea?" he moved closer, close enough for her to hear his breathing, speaking in a chilly tone "who did it?"


Madara suddenly jumped on top of her, nimbly talking hold of the quilt and then pressing down against her body. He stared at her face, inching closer and closer. She peered into his eyes, "What do you want to do?"

The corners of his mouth lifted. In the faint light, that expression seemed particularly mysterious and evil. He looked at her, suddenly breaking into a smile. His smile incomparable to anybody, can cause anyone's downfall. He lowered his head to look at her, in a faint voice
"First rape then kill or first kill then rape? You choose one"

Her eyes darkened in anger. "You dare?" What is wrong with this man? Did her husband turn into a lunatic?

He had let go of her, the weight on her gone. She looked at him, at this time he was hugging the blanket and back at his position on the bed.
He looked down at her, faintly smiling. His tone gentler than before "So you want a divorce?"

*ML is a bit bipolar 😅

What did she want? She didn't know anymore. Amidst her thoughts, she did not speak.

He took a deep breath and said "Ok, if you meet a man that makes you feel assured and secure, I won't stop you. But other excuses, don't waste your breath"

"Are you not that happy that you have a husband like me? I have a car and a house, parents are educated. Good looking, I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot, and have no bad habits..." he continued.

She nodded. He is also good, picking her up from work and his awkward way of trying to lighten her mood previously. Madara is a good person, that is something she cannot deny.

"Then what else are you not satisfied about?" He said, raising his brow.

"...I" without waiting for her response, he added that the only reason she wanted to divorce him was because she was narrow minded.

If you would allow me to speak I would not be like this, so what if she was narrow minded?
"I know you have lots of thoughts about me, but think about it, at times when you need help, have I left you alone?" He continued further.

Her thoughts about him of course differed from his thoughts towards her. She won't refute his statement as their is some truth to his words.

*Due to various reasons, FL thoughts of ML is usually her curiosity towards his sexual preferences...and the type of men he likes


After a few days, Fujioka found her again looking unhappy. "You were the one who told Madara?" He asked, seeing her he became more unhappy.

She tilted her head slightly "...what?"

"You told him I deliberately provoked your relationship. That I told you to divorce him, right?" Something isn't adding up, she never mentioned Fujioka's name so how did he find out?

"I do not know what you are talking about" she replied blankly.

"Really?" He looked at her suspiciously.

She nodded her head, before heading off she told him "It's up to you believe it or not"

Madara ought to sought out his relationships, she does not want to have to deal with petty lovers or have conflicts with strangers because of him.

Thanks for reading 💛

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