Chapter 31

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For the past 23 years Madara has devoted his life to his career, it took him four years for his company to become successful. Since his late teens he has immersed himself in his career, he now had time to consider his relationships.

However even then he feels no attraction to women. So, he felt that for the rest of his life he wouldn't be attracted to women. He casually thought he should be attracted to men then.

That is what led to his encounter with Fujioka Asuka.

At that time Fujioka had just broken up with his boyfriend. Under a terrible mood he met Madara at a gay party. So he grabbed his hand and asked him "Would you be my boyfriend?"

Sure. Madara thought anyone to him would be considered the same. It didn't matter anymore. Since both parties don't mind and he felt no attraction to females, he was more convinced that he was a gay.

He could tell that Fujioka didn't actually like him. He was just looking for some company. A relationship with no love was the best for him.

The two people came together for half a year already. Of course, In Madara's eyes there was no love...Fujioka on the other hand thought otherwise. Should he have realised sooner that Fujioka from that moment had planted a blooming smile across his face, then perhaps they would not have any future entanglements.

When Fujioka stood in front of him naked...Madara fled.

Fujioka didn't understand what Madara was thinking. While he, also did not understand himself. He thought maybe he needed to adapt...but the thought of being with a man...his stomach just starts turning.

Madara was very confused, in his 23 years of life he has never been this confused. Although he doesn't understand, he is a dedicated person. Since he believes he is a homosexual, then he should turn himself into a truly gay he finally decided that he needed to adapt.

Then Kisaragi Seira came into his life.

His mother in order to prevent him from being a bachelor his entire life threatened to cut their mother-son ties. His father too followed his mothers lead.

They already prepared a drama to end their parent-son relationship. They stopped picking up his calls and opening the door when he suddenly shows up on their doorstep.

The desperate Madara finally decided to execute his final plan and started going on blind dates. His standard was not so high, as long as they both agreed on faking their marriage, and other things such as couple duties are unnecessary.

In the end, every women he met that stuck their eyes onto him would leave him with anger and disappointment at his requests.

After he organised the emails he received, he picked out a random one that fit his requirements and called her.

He held the phone and looked at the senders name again, Kisaragi Seira.

The smart and pretty girls he met before could not compare to a strand of her hair. She was strikingly beautiful, a single glance made one unable to look away.

Elegant, aloof, exotic and otherworldly. This was his first impression of her.

He was looking for a low key wife, even though her entire person was anything but, her nonchalant attitude towards marriage and everything else was advantageous. Moreover she did not look at him like the rest of the women did.

The two people got married without hesitation.

The two simply thought that they could live their own life with no interference.

He came to realise that the clever ice like woman was gullible in some cases and clueless. It was actually fun to tease her sometimes.

On their wedding night, she was too lazy to sleep in the other room and went to bed completely ignoring him. He was a nice person, the bed was pretty big so he didn't mind lending a third of his bed to her.

In the past, he never would have thought that he would actually let a woman onto his bed. She was so fond of his bed that she even talked conditions with him, leading him to have this feeling of wanting to cry yet laugh.

When the negotiations were complete, he would give her half of his bed and she would do all the home chores.

Although from the beginning he never would have expected this. But this was pretty nice. Her cooking is great too.

He hadn't been to his company in a long time, of course, he doesn't need to go for small problems. Only when things get complicated. But he soon developed a habit of roaming around his company. Since he had nothing to do anyways.

He intended for Seira to go Maldives alone, but in the end decided it may be more interesting to go. When he heard a gangster looking guy talking to her about her 'incompetent husband', he had the urge to bury him alive. Fortunately, Seira reprimanded the guy in a timely manner, only then did he calm down a bit.

After returning from Maldives, she ate a lot more. She even consumed expired pills...

Upon discovering the sight of her breast one day, he felt as if a mouse was tickling his heart. A very strange feeling rose in his heart.

When she did not come back in time to cook for him, he got furious. He didn't think that he would be so triggered, even he, himself found it strange.

Kisaragi Seira how dare you! That was the first thing that came to to his mind when she hung up on him.

The second thought was, Is she really mad?
He felt baffled, things were slipping out of his control.

She didn't return home and instead went to her mothers.

When she did not pick up her phone, he was kind of worried. Although he didn't know what he was worried about.

After coming back home and seeing the sight of her who woke up a moment after he carefully placed his jacket over her intending not to wake her, he had yelled at her out of embarrassment.

Only when he saw her hold her head, eyebrows furrowed with a frown he panicked. She didn't look so good and she still wanted to cook dinner. He wanted to make her feel better so he decided to cook, something he was terrible at.

When she saw him making a fool out of himself, she sat there with a small smile looking down at him.

When he saw her step out of Akiyama's car, his face looked peaceful but inside not so much.

He could not deny his buoyant mood when he found out she thought of him, going out of her way to find which cakes he liked and matching key rings.

That night sleeping with her in his arms felt natural and comfortable.

The so-called showing off. He didn't know why he wanted to show off in front of Akiyama and Inui.

It's just when he is in front of those two hand in hand with Seira, he had the urge to kiss her again. The kiss, was it fake or real? He didn't know.

He only knows that his feelings towards her is kind of weird. Like the affection between a man and woman.

Did he like men or women?

He had several drinks with a few of his old friends, everyone was making a fuss. They said that since he was the first to get married, he had to drink.

Every time he thought of her, he felt lost and powerless. The feeling when you are trying to get a hold of something but couldn't get a hold of anything. He thought to himself, maybe it's better to be paralyzed in alcohol.

Whenever he thinks of her, he has the same feeling of a mouse tickling his heart. That should be...the feeling of a man towards a woman.

He was lost and distressed, why did he have feelings for her when she doesn't seem to have feelings for him?

Compared to Inui, he believes that Akiyama is more of a threat.

When he heard Akiyama attempt to kiss her, he completely lost his sanity.

Thanks for reading 💛

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