Chapter 40

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When she set her sights on the huge steep river-like structure she finally understood the meaning behind the name of the pool. Simply put, it was like a huge half split water pipe, leaning on the hillside.

*image below is a halfpipe aka U shaped pool as per what the novel calls it

She was unable to decipher the difference between, the specific use of this snow boardslide and the ordinary ski slope

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She was unable to decipher the difference between, the specific use of this snow boardslide and the ordinary ski slope.

She was extremely curious, why were there so few people at this U shaped pool compared to the ski slope. Did they not enjoy the sport? Later on she found out that it was a dangerous sport and the entree fees were expensive. Most importantly this was reserved and only available to senior members of the ski resort.

She stood at the end of the half pipe across the semi-circular chute, looking up at Madara who was several metres away at the starting point.

He paused for a while at the top and then slid onto the track.

He slid quickly into the centre of the pipe, then rode along side the wall at a fast pace, and finally flew off the wall, stopping in midair. He grabbed the side of the board with one hand, extended the other hand outwards to maintain balance and twisted his body in midair.

He reminded her of the professional skaters she had seen on television, inwardly admitting he looked handsome in that position.

He maintained his posture in midair, paused and then fell back into the pool and continued to repeat the process from starting to flying into midair and then landed on the other side of the pool. He still held the edge of the skateboard but the position changed and her eyes sharpened as she watched.

He fell into the pool and once again flew into midair. She had thought he would grab his board and do another twist but did not expect to see him fly off the wall.

Suddenly he gathered momentum, his body was sent into a twist...he swivelled using his body as the vertical axis, quickly did multiple turns at a speed that if she had not been intently paying attention she would not have seen. He was getting closer.

He went off again, flew into midair, twisting his body but this time, he did an additional turn and a half.

He was getting closer and closer to her, seeing that he was near the end of the pool she thought he would do a vertical swivel but did not expect him to fly into the air. Suddenly he curled like a hedgehog, using his body's horizontal axis as the gravity centre, then quickly flipped...

Her eyes followed his movements with excitement and reverence, speechless. He looked very handsome!

When he slid to the front of her, she was still in a daze. He lifted his hand and waved at her but it did not register in her mind. So he held her head lightly shaking it, bringing her back to reality.

She looked up at him excitement evident in her tone as she said aloud "Madara, you looked so handsome. Teach me..."

He had a pleased look on his face but he quickly calmed down, shook his head and said "No, it's too dangerous"

On second thought she did not want him to teach her, it would not be easy to learn and it seemed to use up a lot of energy so she gave up on the idea. "Then, show me again" again!

He obliged and obediently like a slave, ran to the starting point.

Although she had witnessed this once before but when he slid down the second time, she was still very excited. Especially when he curled himself like a hedgehog and did a turn, she was unable to restrain herself and shouted to him "Madara, you look so handsome!"

He was not too far away from her and could hear her. His response surprised her...he fell from midair and landed on his rear...

On the pool wall, he slipped twice and landed at the bottom of the halfpipe, then he lay on the ground motionless...

This is the third time today...worried, she ran out and squatted beside him. She was not sure which part of his body was hurt, so she dared not touch him. She asked him frantically "Are you alright?"

He opened his eyes, his eyes were shinning with a brilliant light. He slightly smiled and did not seem to be in a bad mood. He said "Even if I am really you have to shout so loud?"

Her cheeks felt a little hot from embarrassment. She did not know what to say. She was at fault again, he had been concentrated on snowboarding yet she suddenly shouted at him...

Madara was enjoying the slightly embarrassed expression on her face with a satisfied smile. Seeing that she did not reply, said "In fact, you should have secretly told me"

"..." If he had not fallen from such a height she would have slapped his head already. She asked him "Where did you hurt yourself? Is it serious?"

Madara lifted his arm lazily and said "Help me up"

She supported him and worriedly asked "Do you wish to go Hospital? Are you in pain?"

He stood up, leaning half his body against hers, frowned and said "You are really very concerned about me"

"I am not a heartless person..." or at least she thinks she isnt...

"If I am crippled them you have to wait on me" Madara said.

"..." I think not.

"I am not far from being a cripple and from the looks of it, you will have to wait on me for the next few days" he said.

At this time two Caucasians walked past them, one of them turned around and glanced at Madara. Then he turned back to his friend and the two of them started talking in a foreign language similar to birds making chattering sounds.

Once they were further away from the two, she asked Madara if they were speaking in French. He nodded and said yes, laughing charmingly.

"They said you were beautiful" she didn't doubt him at all, flattered by their compliment. Only finding out later what they were actually saying after threatening him.

Actual conversation between Caucasian A to Caucasian B went like this:

Caucasian A to Caucasian B "I just saw this person slide down and his protective moves were very well done. He should not be injured, right?"

Caucasian B replied "I have seen it too and he is certainly not hurt. This woman has been fooled"

Caucasian A said "But this man's air skills are really good..."

Thanks for reading 💛

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