Chapter 21

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Still no response from the other side, Madara's long and slender fingers rhythmically tapped the keyboard and said "Today I will not show YOU my strength"

"I will show my strength to your computer only" Seira watched him from his side, his messaged piqued her interest.

He reopened the black window, quickly tapping some keys on the keyboard. Then, from that black window a pile of completely indecipherable symbols jumped out.

She patiently watched him from the side, it was regrettable that some of those symbols had a hypnotic effect, she had barely looked at them for a moment but she was already stifling a yawn. It looked like they had a similar affect on him as well as he yawned. So she went to the kitchen to brew a cup of tea for him, consider it a token of gratitude.

Restarting the laptop he took the cup of tea, leisurely leaning back on the sofa and casually spoke "Tomorrow make something delicious for me"


By the time the computer restarted, he shifted back into his original position and said "the other side can only reinstall the whole system"

She looked at him with a look of reverence and asked "You are a software engineer?"

Rubbing the tea cup in his hand, Madara said "Used to be"

Inquisitively, she asked "You have changed your domain? What do you do now?"

"Now I can do anything" he replied very arrogantly. Looking down at the tea cup in his hand, he said "The tea is good" he secretly praised her excellent tea making. It was beyond her sleeping time and he could see she was still tired yet still brewed him tea.

Meanwhile, she received a message from Akiyama through his business number. The entire message was filled with ellipsis. She messaged a reply "Next time do not do such brainless things, I advise you take in consideration of your safety to put an end to your foolery and stop calling my husband 'incompetent'" she merely thought so out of his best interest as her superior at work.

Akiyama sent her a blank emoticon and did not reply to her at all. He continued to not talk to her for the whole vacation, his defeat by Madara's hands must have took a huge toll on his self-esteem deeply. Oh well, he asked for it.

She waited with him till her laptop turned back on and he finished his tea before heading into the room together, going to sleep.

There was some truth in Akiyama's words, the next day she decided to go out. Madara was nowhere to be seen, Sakuya and her boyfriend were hitting it off very nicely, she did not want to interrupt their time together and came to the conclusion of visiting her old mother.

She notified Madara of her absence, adding to it that she would cook him a delicious meal when she returned.

She made a short trip to a farm house on the outskirts of the city. The farm house was a very good place, extremely beautiful scenery and delicious food mainly due to freshness of the ingredients.

It was the second day at the farm, she accompanied her mother to go fishing watching from the boulder she sat on as her mother put on fishing bait on the fishing rod and then threw the rod a few times. She could never understand why she liked fishing so much, but discovered her mother just liked chatting while fishing.On several occasions, she was simply interested in talking to her without any care about the hooking the fishes. She had to remind her, then she would leisurely lift the fishing rod and replace the bait.

In short, it could be said that rather than fishing her hobby was to feed fishes.

It was already autumn, the day weather was pretty good. With invigorating autumn air and clear lake she was feeling a sense of relaxation. This was not bad. It made her want to get out of the house and come out on such outdoor activities more frequently, she always slept away at home or read a book or two before eating then going back to sleep.

A moment later her mother sat on a boulder, turning towards her as if she wanted to say something but then hesitated. Strange. There were not many things her mother found hard to talk about, "Mum, do you need to use the toilet?"

Her mother coughed a few times to hide her embarrassment and then said "Seira, I want to tell you something"


"A few days ago your father came to meet me" my mother said.

"What did he want?" She said the air suddenly becoming cooler.

Mother helplessly shook her head and said "He is your father after all, why do you hate him so much?"

"Where was he when I was looking for a father? Even though he is my 'father' that does not mean I will love him." As a child she would often feel envious of the children around her, out of all her classmates she was the only one without a father. She felt bitter looking at the happy smiles on the children and their parents.

Sometimes she would find her mother crying herself to sleep, because of that man. After the first time she asked where her father was she never asked again. She was quick to mature and realised her father abandoned her mother and her. Ever since she has come to despise him. Blood means nothing in the face of hate.

Her mother seemed to not hate him, 'Whatever happened is history, I don't have the strength to hate him anymore"

"..." call her close minded but she did not care, once anyone has wronged her she will cut them off completely, family and friends were no exception.

"This world is full of things to love as compared to a few detestable things. All of us should live each and every day of our lives earnestly" her mother added.

"You do not need to say this, you live your life and I will live mine" she lived her life well even without that man around, she did not share her mothers perspective on the matter and remained silent onwards.

As per her mother's condition the old man came to meet her (mother) during the holidays since he wanted to have dinner with both of them. Her mother did not know whether to accept his invitation or not because she knew that he and her were estranged already.

Seira sneered, "I most certainly do not want anything to do with him"

Her mother sighed helplessly, saying she knew she wouldn't agree.

Thanks for reading 💛

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