Chapter 29

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She was woken up from her sleep dazedly, she languidly stared at Madara who covered himself with the blanket, only revealing his collarbone and left chest.

"What did you do to me last night?" He asked in a calm voice.

"What did I do to you?" Her eyes narrowed sharply on his face.

He frowned for a moment, shaking his head and said "I just remember drinking and then...I don't remember anything else"

"In the future when you drink, you best inform me beforehand lest this happens again" she replied indignant. To clear any misunderstanding he could have had she directly told him she simply took half an hour carrying him from the bathtub.

She got out of bed, washed up and went to prepare breakfast. Leaving him in the room to change into some clothes.

It was a Saturday, so there was no need to go work. During the afternoon she was on her phone when he called her over, on the screen of his laptop was her old account. This time there were a few more pictures posted compared to before, one from their pre-wedding photo shoot and a few from their honeymoon.

In particular there was one where she was staring out with a small smile, madara to her right looking at her as if she was the only woman in the world. Madara had another tourist take the photo at the time, she was completely taken in by the scenery she hadn't noticed.

She watched as the notifications exploded with likes and comments complimenting them as a beautiful couple.

Tonight, the company wanted to hold a masquerade party. Apparently to brighten up the corporate culture. To promote the exchange of staff and between employees and leaders and so on. She had no intentions to attend however the director stated there will be
salary deductions for those who don't go, unfortunately she would have to go.

She just dressed up in her office attire, donning glasses to complete the look. Madara thought she was too serious but didn't say a thing, it was good like this too. She looked like an intelligent librarian oozing an unapproachable aura, he liked it because this way the men there would be too scared to make any advances.

It was not hard to recognise people in a masquerade party. Even though everyone had masks on their faces, contrary to how anime and films will present it, peoples facial features told everyone who they were. It was rather hard to not recognise that the individual dressed brightly like a coloured peacock, wandering between women was Director Akiyama. Dressed in dark coloured clothing with a Pharaohs mask, hiding in the corner drinking beer was Director Inui.

Amongst the bunch, she naturally stood out with her unapproachable aura dressed in office attire. She sat on a table to eat and drink. Inui did not ask her to dance with him just sat in front of her, she continued to eat completely ignoring him.

Inui was on the verge of speaking but was interrupted by the colourful peacock bending slightly, "May I have dance with this beautiful lady?"

"No" she rejected bluntly. Akiyama did not care and sat across from her, wanting to chat with her. She simply treated him like air eating her food, uninterested.

At this moment, the host suddenly announced that there will be a game. The rules of the game were simple, draw ballots first and pick out a person. Then, draw another ballot deciding what the person should do. That way the game is more of a punishment, solely for entertainment purposes.

She was the first to get picked. The other person picked by the host turned out to be Director Akiyama.

The host soon picked a method to play. Her face blackened, Who is the bastard who chose this?

Written on the paper says that no matter who is chosen, regardless of sex, has to kiss.

When Akiyama saw the signature, his eyes lit up with laughter. Akiyama caught her wrist with a brilliant smile "It's just a game, why so serious?"

When he went to lower his head she slapped his face. "You dare to touch me again? I'll kill you" she said ruthlessly. The crowd gathered stepped back in fear of becoming the demon secretary's next victim.

Akiyama acted as if nothing happened, this was the expected reaction. He left her be, he truly feared she would beat him up if he did anything more. She seated herself across from Inui, consider this the last time she will do this and clear up things with him.

She did not think that he would ask her who she really liked, director Akiyama or Madara?
The first person to come to mind was naturally Madara however it was none of his concern whom she favoured. He was so convinced with the idea that he was most compatible with her having known her for years, and that he made a mistake. He loved her. "I really do love you..."

When she was about to reply a gloomy voice from her back rang out "If you really do love her, why don't you exchange some thoughts with me?"

She was astonished to see Madara there, wearing his casual clothes donning a black diamond mask. He was wearing the shirt she ironed, hence how she recognised him quickly.

Madara picked her up and told her to go dance. He did not wait for her to reject, he took over her seat facing Inui in a negotiating posture. She walked off, deep in thought curious about his unexpected appearance, when a hand tapped her shoulders.

Akiyama looked at the two people not far, smiled and said "Isn't that your husband?"

"How did you know?" She asked suspiciously.

"I remembered his figure" Akiyama replied.

His it normal for people to remember others figures? Better yet a man remembering another mans? She casually asked "Are you attracted to him?"

Akiyama shook his head with dissatisfaction
"You ah, you" perhaps her analysis is wrong? However does remembering someone's figure not mean you have thoughts for them?

Akiyama disregarded her analysis excitedly asking what her relationship with Director Inui was.

Madara talked with Inui for a moment, then proceeded to lead her out of the party.

She sat in the car, asking how he managed to come here. He told her 'truthfully' he was hungry. Her mood elevated as she looked at him a small smile on her lips, he really is a fool.

She asked curiously what he was talking about with Inui. In summary, he basically told Inui how she has 'changed' over these years, she likes BMW's and hates Toyota's, she does not like small houses, and most 'importantly' that she liked men strong in bed.

*Inui owns a Toyota

"..." she silently looked at him and turned her face to look outside, when he was done talking.

Thanks for reading 💛

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