Chapter 34

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"The day after tomorrow is my birthday, is your birthday gift ready yet?" He asked.

She had been deep in thought, pondering what to give. Something that fit his taste. Thus she decided to personally make something for him. She purchased a jade and went to a jeweller, she was familiar with. It was tiresome, making the shape of the jadeite into a pendant, she carved in his name and in finer detail she etched in chinese characters '我爱你' if she remembered correctly it meant 'good luck'. It should be something along that line, it was on Sakuya's advice she inscribed something in a language other than Japanese.

* 我爱你 translates to 'I love you'

*Market prices for jade pieces have increased over time in the real world, jade carving also takes time and labor...Lets just say FL got a great deal and as for how she managed to pull it off in under a day...anything's possible right?

She wished him the best in life, when they do separate she will wish him the best for his future, in health, success and marriage.

It was a lot smaller in stature compared to his gift but she had put a lot of thought into it, hoping he would like it. She humbly wrapped it in a navy blue box with a ribbon on top, placing it in a small plain black bag.

By the time she returned home, it was night. It was also Christmas Eve, on her way she saw multiple brightly lit up Christmas trees.

When she walked into the house, in front of her stood a Christmas tree in the living room. It was decorated with a variety of coloured balls, coloured lights, and on the bottom were filled with beautifully wrapped boxes.

She lightly walked close to the Christmas tree, circling it "Madara? Is this your doing?" She asked, he stepped out from his study room and leaned against the door frame "Yes"

"They say that females tend to like this sort of stuff. You don't like this sort of stuff?" Turning his gaze from the Christmas tree towards her.

"I like" she replied. She never did get the chance to celebrate like this, growing up it was hard on mother so she never bothered her with it.

His line of sight suddenly fell onto the small bag in her hand. He walked towards her, his face brightly lit with a smile. Lowering his head, he asked "What are you holding?"

The gleaming light from the Christmas tree brought a shimmering light reflecting on his face. Strange as he is, he really is attractive. She held out the bag towards him, a faint smile on her plump lips "Madara, Happy Birthday!"

"I wish you the best in the future, in health, success and marriage" she added smiling.

He rubbed her head then took the bag from her smiling. He quickly opened the small box, as a result he carefully looked over the smooth pendant, the front of the pendant was smooth without a hint of detail "Where did you buy?"

Unhappy with his conclusion, she turned over the pendant in his hand, lips pursed and said
"I personally handcrafted this."

"How is it?" Her hands hurt from the entire process of crafting this piece, if he did not want it then she would just throw it away.

He gave her a complimentary smile, studying the words inscribed. All of a sudden he lowly chuckled. His laughter was very pleasant to the ears. Turning around he put one hand on her shoulder, while suppressing his merry laughter, he looked at her "Kisaragi Seira, I love you too"

At this point, he was very close to her. So close, that she could feel his breath on her neck. Confused she asked him "What are you doing?"

He gently shook the pendant in his hand as he laughed smugly. "Don't you love me? No need to be shy"

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