Chapter 4

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Ranbir's Pov

I saw her.

Oh my God, I really saw her.

She went and stood away near a car and glared at me. A small smile came on my lips as I saw her frowning face. She looked cute when she is angry.

Just like always.

She looked beautiful in her black jeans and a tank top along with a long cardigan. She had her hairs open and were flowing with the wind. She has grown them; they reach till her belly now. Back then they were small pigtails that reached till her shoulders making her look cute but now she has grown up to be a beautiful lady.

She always had a bottle hung around her neck which was one of the reasons I used to tease her telling her she looked childish. But that was unique. She had that cute long pointed nose which always made me differ her from others.

Again looking back at her she was still staring at me... oh wait more like glaring at me. I looked down at her lips. Damn those lips are...

"Ranbir stop staring at her, she is seconds away from hitting you with her sandal," I heard Zain speak from behind me and I heard the rest silently laughing.

"Shut up, I'm not staring at her," I said and glared at him as I saw a girl and a boy approach where Corgi was standing.

The girl hit the back of that boy's head making him glare at her while Ahana laughed at them. And the next second the boy pulled Ahana closer to him and put her before him so the girl cannot hit him.

I ignored it but my sole attention was on that boy's hand that was holding Ahana's arms tightly as she laughed at something he said. Unknowingly my hands fisted tightly.

Someone shook me from behind that's when I came and looked at my surroundings. I was standing in front of the Diner and staring at my long-lost enemy which has just returned from somewhere. Maybe it was London.

I looked back at them to see the unknown girl sitting at the back seat while Ahana sat beside the boy in the front passenger seat. The boy and the girl looked familiar. The girl was maybe Ahana's childhood friend who used to always stick around her.

I shook my head as they went away. I looked back to see no one there. My friends were nowhere to be seen. I entered the diner confused and spotted them sitting on the table chatting casually as if they just now didn't leave their one friend outside.
I approached them and sat beside Aarav.

"So Ranbir, you could've just taken a picture of her that could've lasted longer," Abeer said teasing me making the rest of the table laugh looking at me. I just glared hard at them and kept mum.

"Seriously man you were looking at her as if she is the River in the Sahara Desert," Varun said and I smacked his head hard making the rest laugh at us.

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