Chapter 34

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Ahana's Pov

"Ranbir?" I called him as he sat beside me playing with my fingers.

"Hmm?" He asked looking up lovingly.

"You still haven't told me the whole truth, have you?" I asked and he sighed. Knowing well that I was right.

"Yeah, about Benny and Ishaan, right?" He asked and I nod my head.

"How are they included in this picture?" I asked curious.

"Ronit and Ishaan are cousins while Ishaan and Benny are best Friends" he answered.

"That still makes no sense" I said getting irritated at his short answers.

"Here let me tell you, once Ronit wanted to give me a black eye but his friends chickened out at the last moment leaving him alone that's when his cousin Ishaan came in" he said and that's when I started getting to know something.

"They both teamed up and Benny being with them helped them too to give me a black eye and punched me blue and black, I was alone so it wasn't possible for one vs three so I got a black eye, and when Zain and the boys got to know about it, they started hating at the duo that's how we were surprised when we saw you and Kaira at the front of the diner with them" he explained and now it made some sense.

Why the boys reacted seeing us with Benny and Ishaan? Why were the glares exchanged among them...Why were? Wait...Glares?

Something clicked in my mind as I remembered something.
"Why was Benny glaring at me? He doesn't know I was with you; he must have only thought I was just random girl who bumped with him" I asked and Ranbir's expression suddenly changed into one of worry.

"That even I don't know Corgi, he seemed like he had a long-life revenge with you" he said and I frowned.

When I remember Benny's face, I feel like I've seen him somewhere but I know I would have remembered, it's like I know him but there's something I can't pin point to.

"What are you thinking?" I came out of my thoughts when Ranbir nudged me. I shook my head in negative.
"Hey, I remember Kaira wanted to tell us something but you stopped her, what was that?" He asked and I widened my eyes. He saw that?

"Uh well, when we were at the mall, we felt like someone was following us, I mean it can be our imagination as there were lots of people and-" I was blabbering when Ranbir immediately sat straight and his eyes widen.

"Benny. Benny was following you" Ranbir stated and I stared at him confused.

"How would you know that?" I asked.

"Think Corgi, think, you said you felt like someone was following you but when you looked behind you there was no one right?" He asked and I nodded my head.
"Tell me something more that you found suspicious?" He asked and I tried to remember.

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