Chapter 32

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Ranbir's Pov

I stared in front of me where Corgi and Kaira sat uncomfortably. They were doing and saying each and everything to avoid the topic where they tell me how they met those bloody bastards Benny and Ishaan.

"I want to try these, what do you think Kaira?" Corgi asked Kaira showing her the menu card as she kept giving me scared glances.

"Yes, it looks tasty" Kaira said playing along not looking once up where me and boys were sitting circling them where they can't get out without one of us getting up.

Really Corgi? Kaira? The menu card is upside down. How the Fuck are they reading?

"How the hell are you girls reading the menu upside down?" Varun asked amused but I can tell he was desperate to know how they know Benny and Ishaan.

"Because girls are weird" Aarav commented looking at them taking a sip of water.

And that was enough for both of them to look up and glare at Aarav.

R.I.P Aarav.

"What did you say?" Corgi asked banging her hand on the table. She may look scary for the boys because they looked at her shocked but she looked beautiful for me. God, she looks sexy when she's angry.

"Ah...I...I...said...girls are amazing" Aarav said stammering and correcting himself as he put his hands in air as in surrendering motion.

"Good, that's what I thought" Corgi say as Aarav took a sigh of relief making me chuckle inwardly. But this is not the time. I want to know the answers.

"Enough" I say making everyone turn toward me. As much as I'm enjoying this useless banter, I want to know the truth.

As I was about to say something a waiter came to ask our order.
"Have you decided what you guys want?" He asked standing there with a notepad.

He was staring at both the girls with creepy eyes. Both girls had their eyes on the Zain on something he was saying while the waiter was eyeing them up and down.

"No, we haven't, come back later, now get lost" Varun said observing where his eyes were. Waiter looks between us one time and left.

I'm going to get back at him.

I looked towards Corgi, she was looking at me with those innocent eyes of hers and pleading me to let this Ishaan and Benny topic go but I can't, sorry Corgi. I can't take anything lightly when things are involving you.

"Now tell everything" I said sternly making her eyes wide in shock. She looked disappointed plus a little hurt but I can't do anything, I want to know everything. Call me selfish if you want but I can't let this topic go when those two boys have seen her.

"Fine." She said and avoided looking at me making me feel a little guilty for shouting at her. But I won't show that to her. She is more important right now.

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