Before Part 1

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The Mission
"Maddison, you're the best goverment agent that we've ever had." Mr Clint says gruffly as he leads her down the hallway of the agency.
"Thank you sir. What do you need me for today?" She asks as she follows closely.
"You're needed to keep an eye on a target of one of the largest crime families in the world. The Diablo family." He replies and Maddisons eyes widen.
"Diablo? You're kidding right? Who am I watching?" She gasps in shock.
"I don't kid Miss Hast. I never have." Mr Clint looks at Maddison pointedly and she flushes in embaressment. Being 19 and the best agent in the goverment agency has many perks yet it also means she's only been there for a maximum time of a year due to having to be 18 to join. This means she doesn't quite know what to and what not to say to the boss. Yet. Good thing that Maddison's a fast learner.
"Sorry sir. It's just that every agent who's ever been near the Diablo family or had to look out for a target of theirs has been killed. The Diablos are the strongest in the world and are very deadly. They know how to kill people." Maddison looks up and her walking faulters when she sees what's at the end of the hall.
"You're the best we've ever had. If anyone can survive it's you." The boss says before stopping in front of the heavily re-enforced metal door.
"But I'm 19." Maddison looks warily at the door. This leads onto the most guarded room in the building. She has no idea of whats in it for whats in it is a secret guarded just as heavily as the room itself.
"That only makes the mission easier for you. Now follow me." He says before opening the door and walking inside with Maddison close behind. As soon as the door closed behind them lights turned on and Maddison looks around in awe.
"It's a weapon lab." She gasps.
"Yes it is. Now sit so I can brief you on this mission." Mr Clint says and indicates to a chair. Maddison sits down and her boss sits opposite her. "This is a dangerous job but I know you can do it. The Diablo have been watching a woman for almost 4 months. In 7 days they plan to attack. You are to go to Los Angeles and watch over her and her family. You'll be attending parties and charities every day so you'll be close by." He says and Maddison nods slowly.
"You'll be undercover so you'll be wearing a disguise. That way none of the Diablos could possibly recognize you. Also this is a lone mission. You're gonna be on your own." He continues.
"You are to gather information. When you get back I'll want to know why they want her dead, who ordered her dead, who will be the one to try kill her and if they plan to kill anybody else of her family." He looks at Maddison who was nodding.
"Who am I keeping an eye on sir?" She asks curiously.
"Melody Masters." Mr Clint sits back and watches Maddison for her reaction.
Her eyes widen in shock. "Melody Masters? Isn't her son Antonio? One of the 8 Riches?" She asks.
"Yes. That's the one." Mr Clint nods and Maddison rolls her eyes.
"Oh great." She grumbles under her breath.
Mr Clint smiles before standing and grabbing a black duffle bag. He hands it to Maddison and she opens in. Her eyes widen. Inside were 7 neatly folded dresses. "They are specially made. Melody loves her fasion so these will definatly catch her attention." He tells her and Maddison snorts.
"I bet it won't be before they catch her playboy billionaire sons attention. Oh. What if they kill her? What if I can't protect her?" Maddison looks at her boss quickly.
"You'll be fine. If they do kill her then it doesn't matter. The main thing is to get the information. If you can syop her from getting killed then that is terrific. What we really need is for you to stay alive." He says calmly.
"Under the dresses are weapons, a case file and some other things you may been. Go get spare clothes for you to wear around and any other things you'll need. A jet will be waiting gor you at the airport." Mr Clint stands, clearly signaling that this is over so Maddison closes the bag and hurries off out of the room.
She races from the agency and looks around. Down the street she spots a man in a black suit with dark sunglasses watching her. Casually turning the other way she walks off. Using a car mirror she sees him following, two more men appeared and joint him. Maddison walks into a side alley and sprints to the dead end. She scaled the wall and jumps over. On the other side was her motorcycle. Quickly getting on she starts it and speeds off, glancing behind her to ser the men standing there, clearly unhappy. "I'm the best there is boys. You can't catch me." She chuckles to herself as she speeds down the road to her apartment.

"What will I need? What will I need?" Maddison races around her apartment franticaly.
"I have a wig, contacts, clothes, shoes and jewelery... Oh makeup. That's what I need." She quickly packs up all her makeup before grabbing her bags and hurring into the elevator, taking it up to the rooftop car park.
She puts it all into her black car with tinted windows. "God I hope this works." Maddison mutters before getting in and driving down to the street and off towards the airport.
She took deep breaths as she drove to calm her nerves and shaking hands. "Mr Clint says I can do this. I can do this. I'm the best. There's nothing to be worried about." She says to herself as she pulled into the airport. A jet was indeed waiting on the private airstrip.
"I can do this." She puts on her blonde wig and green eye contacts to hide her identity before getting out of the car and walking towards the jet.
"This is my mission. I've trained for this. I can do this." She reassures herself one last time before climbing onto the jet.
There's no turning back now.

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