Before Part 3

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Becoming a Bodyguard
It's been 3 years since Melody was killed. I couldn't handle it so I became an agent on call. My friends Coraline and Crystal know I'm suffering. They just don't know why and there is no way in hell I'm gonna tell them. I couldn't stand to look at Antonio for I can still see his pained look. He has his mothers hair and eyes, I see her in him.
Mr Clint kept telling me it wasn't my fault yet I just couldn't believe his words. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't believe them. I cut myself for 3 months straight after the death but Coraline and Crystal stopped me. Now I hide those scars along with all my depressing feelings under a layer of icy exterior then a skin of a warm hearted, happy woman.
I always was good at hiding my feelings and emotions. Nobody can ever tell what I'm really feeling unless I tell them or unless I snap.
Crystal has grown to know when I'm close to snapping and what makes me snap. Coraline knows exactly how to calm me down and help me relax. They're the perfect friends.

"Maddison. Maddison it's time to go." Coraline calls and I sigh before walking from my room.
"You look stunning." Crystal smiles. The only time she ever really smiles is to me and Coraline. She turned cold when Damien shot Jacob dead at the alter.
"Thanks. You two look great as well." I smile back yet it was hollow and fake. Nobody can ever tell the difference between fake and genuine.
I wore a dark red, floor length, haulter necked dress and black ankle boots. Coraline wore a long, single shouldered, floor length, baby pink dress. Crystal wore a long strapless black dress that fell to the floor. Both wearing strappy heels that match their dresses.
"Let's get this over and done with. I'm really tired after that job I finished today." I say tiredly. They nod and we all walk to the elevator and take it down to the ground floor.
"We can take my car." Crystal says as we walk outside.
"Nah. I'll take mine. Just in case I want to leave earlier to get sleep or something." I say and walk to my car befote they can argue. I don't want them to see through my lie.
I want to drive in my car because I can then leave whenever I want. My car also has all my gear in it so I don't want anyone else in it. The stuff I have isn't 100% legal and safe for the public to see. I climb in and start it up. Crystal drives onto the road and I follow close behind, my sences on alert, just in case.
When we arrive at the event I slip a knife into the hidden part of my clutch for emergencies before getting out of my car and walking after Crystal. She gets swarmed and I roll my eyes. She's been bringung in some big bucks thus past year. Going from a small car dealership to one known worldwide that's made ger family millionaires. In just 1 year. The press are loving her. I take her arm and lead her quickly inside with Coraline.
"I swear Maddison. You make my life a lit easier." Crystal smiles. Ash Fleming, a playboy billionaire and one of the world famous 8 Riches walks over. Crystals expression goes cold. Ash has been trying to get to Crystal but she isn't gonna budge. Her heart is stone cold ice.
"Hello Crystal." He greets her with a smile. I glance around at the crowd. I can see 3 if his friends who are also members of the 8 Riches. Brett Charlesworth, Kyle Brandon and Steve Lasting. The others are either somewhere else in the event or not here full stop.
"Ash. Where are your friends?" Crystal asks dryly.
"Brett, Kyle and Steve are 10 meters from the right stairs at a 47 degree angle." I say for him and he looks at me in shock.
"I'm good with numbers and have a knack for observing my surroundings." I shrug and Ash shakes his head slightly.
"What about your other friends?" Crystal asks casually.
"They're at work except for Antonio. He's at home. This is the 3 year anniversary of the death of his mother." He replies and I feel as if my heart turned to lead, slowly poisoning my body.
"It is?" I ask, my throat dry.
"Yup." Ash looks at me and I shake my head.
"I need to go. I should never have come here. I'm sorry guys." I apologize before walking swiftly towards the door. As I do so I spot the glimmer of a laser light out of the corner of my eye.
I look towards it to see a rifle hidden in the shadows by a curtain. The window open. When I follow where it's pointed my body goes cold.
Swiftly I walk through the crowd back towards them. Grabbing both Crystal and Coraline I drag them throuh the crowd. They yelp in shock. "Where the hell did you come from?" Crystal hissed. She's a powerful woman who knowd when someones approaching her. I however am the best agent there ever was. I know how to appear and disappear.
"I'll explain later. We gotta get out of here." I whisper.
"Maddison what's going on?" Coraline asks.
"Someone is aiming a gun with a camoflaged laser light at Crystal. She will die if we don't get out of this building now." I hiss.
"What?" Crystal looks at me as if I'm crazy. Quickly I shove Crystal and Coraline outside before shutting the door.
"Explain." Crystal snaps icily.
"I am a secret goverment agent. Well an on call one. I am the best agent that has ever been trained. Believe me. Nobody has survived if they're my target. I've been protecting you two for years without you knowing. I can hack into absolutely anything. Now someone wants to kill Crystal and I will not let that happen." I snap back. Quickly I pull out my knife and thrust it in front if Crystal. A bullet bounced off in and onti the ground. It would have been a kill shot.
I pull a gun from my ankle and swiftly shoot the person trying to kill Crystal and he falls straight down into the dumpster. I send a text to Mr Clint so he can get someone to collect the body. Crystal and Coralime stare at me in shock and I sigh.
"I have a brilliant idea." Crystal says as a smile spreads onto her lips.
"What?" I ask cautiously.
"You are now my personal bodyguard." She looks at me, waiting for my answer and I smile.
"That is the best idea that I've heard in a long time." I reply.
I am now Crystal Kings bodyguard.
Let's hope I can protect her better than I did Melody.

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