The Army

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Antonio Masters
When I hear the explosions and see the look on Maddisons face I feel weak in fear and I can tell the others feel the same. We may look tough and be skilled killers but Maddison is a force to be recond with when she has that look. "What did you do?" Crystal hissed and Maddison shrugged.
"They aren't actual explosions. More like full on black powder fireworks." She replies.
"Your crazy." Dylan blurts.
"Oh no. It isn't me who's crazy. It's them. They are destroying my home. Those bitches are on level Bloody Rain." She snapped.
"What is that?" Steve asks.
"When you're on in there's no way off. It's a one way street to death. You get put on my hit list and believe me nobody is alive who's on that level except for those bastard out there. Now let's go kill some home stealing son of a bitches." Maddison says in a deadly tone and walks towards the front door.
I hurry after her. When she's like this it's best she isn't alone. "I hope you don't plan to do anything stupid?" I say without looking at her.
"Stupid?" Maddison gasps dramatically. "I'd never do anything stupid in my life." She says and puts a hand over her chest. Feigning hurt from my words.
"Oh crap. What on earth did I get myself into?" I mumble. Her words are the opposite to what she's doing which means she's gonna do something insanely stupid because of her tone and expression and the added exaggeration of her dramatic flare.
"War. That's what. You've trained for war have you not?" She looks at me seriously as she stopped by the door, hand on the handle.
"Yes. I just never expected to be in one." I reply honestly and Maddison pats my arm.
"Don't leave my side at any cost alright? This is your first war and my 4th. I know what I'm doing and I know what we're up against." She says with a kind smile before it disappears as if it never existed ND is replaced by a dark shadowed expression. One of a woman who's seen too much, heard too much, done too much. I just wish I knew what it all was that happened so I can help her. But she won't open up. Not to me, not to Crystal. Not to anyone.
"What are you doing?" Delance calls and Maddison walks out the door, ignoring her. I look back at Delance and the others, shrug then hurry after Maddison.
"What are you doing?" I ask curiously and Maddison ignores me too.
She leads me out the front gates and down a worn path into the trees. "Careful. There are poisonous things out here." She says and I walk after her more cautiously.
She stops suddenly and I almost bump into her. I look past her to see a rickety wooden she'd with an old overgrown dirt road leading away from it to god knows where. "This is a place nobody can know about. Got it?" Maddison warms as she looks up at me and I nod quickly.
She takes me over and slides a wooden panel away to reveal a high tech lock. She flicks away at it quickly before the wall swings open and my jaw drops.
Inside was a black SC that you'd expect to see the president riding in. "I got this from the president. Bullet proof everything. Tires are made of an elastic metal so they too are bullet proof. I've added a few bits and bobs so this is the safest car you're ever gonna ride in." She says and I look at her in astonishment.
She got the SUV from who?
"Get in will you?" Maddison indicates to the front passenger seat as she climbs into the drivers seat. So I don't anger her I swiftly obey.
"Make sure to buckle up. The ride to my army is a tough one." She says calmly which only makes me freak out a hundred times more.
"Your army? Who the hell is your army?" I cringe as Maddison speeds out of the shed and goes over a bump.
"The people you want fighting with you cause your dead as soon as the battle starts if they're fighting against you." Maddison replies shortly and I gulp nervously.
I'm shit scared.
"Don't look so worried. It ruins your pretty face. You aren't gonna die or get hurt because the enemy won't be able to get close enough to kill or hurt you." Maddison laughs yet it held no humor.
"I have a pretty face?" I ask hoping to lighten the mood away from deader than dead.
"Antonio you face is beyond pretty. Your genes are perfect and everything about you is on point. Especially the hair. Nobody has better hair than you." Maddison says and glances sideways at me. A small smile works onto my face but it quickly goes away when Maddison slams on the breaks sending me lurching forwards painfully.
"Shit. Are you okay?" Maddison quickly unclips herself and moves closer. She leans me back into my seat and unclips the seatbelt.
I'm about to say something when I see a glimmer in the sky. Quickly with lightning reflexes I tug Maddison swiftly onto my lap as a long, sharp piece of metal slices through the glass and into the car right where Maddison was a second ago. "You're gonna need to repay me you know." I tease and Maddison smacks my chest making me grunt in pain despite it only being a light hit.
Maddisons brow creased in worry and cautiously unbuttons my shirt. Her eyes widen. "Did you hit the front when I stopped." She asks me in concern and I nod.
She runs her fingers over my chest and I wince. It hurt. Like burning wires piercing into me. "I'm so sorry. The car radar sensed something so I stopped. Maybe a little too quickly." She says, her eyes full of heart break and I stroke her cheek.
"It isn't your fault." I whisper.
Her phone rings and she picks it up, putting it on speaker. "Where are you guys?" Crystals voice sounds from the phone and Maddison cringes.
"We're a little preoccupied." She replies and accidentally bumps my chest right where it hurt. I cry out but Maddisons hand whips out and muffles it. I whimper in pain and Maddison looks at me with sad eyes.
"Now isn't the time to be fucking each other. Now hurry up. The enemy has started firing at my military." Delance snaps and Maddison stiffens above me.
She pulls my gun from my coat and fires it out the whole in the glass and a man falls out of a tree. "We are not fucking. We are trying not to d... Oh my god. Antonio. Look." She gasps and shakily points out the window. A hooded figure was slowly emerging from the trees. A black Rhodesian Ridgeback walking on a leash beside them. They stop by the dead body and the hooded figure drops a match or something onto it making it burst into flames.
"Guys? What is it?" Steve asks, the phone crackles slightly.
"I-I-I don't know." Maddison stutters then the phone goes dead.
"Antonio. I'm scared." She whispers and I pull her close. The hooded figure raises their hand and suddenly more people walk out of the shadows. Maddison stares at them.
I spot a glimmer of blonde from the trees but I can't find it again. Maddison suddenly smiles. "Antonio it's them. It's the Spectral Enigma. My army of hitmen."

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