Not Yours, But Mine

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"You're what?!" Crystal and Coraline screech in unison and soon everyone was hurrying into the lounge. Maddison glared at Crystal and Coraline so hard that it made Crystal shake and shrink into the chair. Coraline went pale under her dagger sharp glare.
"What's going on?" Jason asks quickly.
"Nothing that concerns any of you. Crystal and Coraline just git a little over excited about something I told them. Now Antonio, have you had any luck with tracking down the killer or do I have to do it?" Maddison asks calmly, changing the subject to one that made all turn to look at Antonio questioningly.
"I don't need your help." He scowls and Maddison shrugs.
"So I'm guessing you know about the top secret meeting he's gonna have tomorrow?" She looks at Antonio and smiles when his scowl is replaced by a look of shock.
"So you know about the party he's gonna be at tonight?" She asks and her smile grew as she stood. Antonio looks at her in shock.
"You'll need this and this." She walks over and hands him a ticket and a key card. "You'll also need a photo of what he looks like so here." Maddison passes him a photo of the guy before walking away.
"You're welcome Antonio. His name is on the back." She calls over her shoulder before walking out into the garden.
Antonio flips the photo over and groans. "Oh shit." He glares down at the name.
"What is it?" Crystal asks.
"Well I was looking through my work security footage when I saw a dodgy guy in camo pants walk in. There's absolutely no footage of any of his face and the guard who sent him away wouldn't have seen his face because his hood was so low. Last night Maddison came into my room and she looked at the photo. She knew who it was. When she told me she started to walk away when I pulled her back. I did something that scared her. When I realized I was scaring her I jumped away. She tried to help my but I kept moving away from her and told her to get out. Then she left. The person was my mothers killer. Now I have a photo, place and name. I planned to trap and kill him but now I can't. I probably can't even go anywhere near him without a massive bullseye being painted on my back." Antonio sighs in frustration.
"Who is it?" Brett asks.
"Jack Diablo." He replies dryly and both Crystal and Coraline faint. Ash and Jason rush over and gently attend to their wives.
"They know something." Liam says and Antonio nods.
"Don't even think about digging." Maddison growls from behind them and they all spin around. She stood glaring at them, gun in hand.
"Maddison. How did you get this information?" Shannon asks.
"Look at the photo girls." Maddison hissed. The twins take the photo from a confused Antonio and their eyes widen.
"He's a Diablo? Oh that lying son of a bitch." Ashley growls.
"Yup. I would have told you when you first came here but I thought maybe I should wait. After all you two do get a little touchy." Maddison replies shortly.
"Wait a minute. Isn't that the Chaz guy you dated who was secretly Mafia and tried to kill you?" Steve gasps as he looked at the photo over Ashleys shoulder.
"Yes it is. He pretended to be Mafia when really he was just using Mr Blane for money and resources to kill people. Those people included Melody Masters. Antonios mother. He's a brutal killer who kills his targets in a crowd. I feel sorry for you Antonio. Melodys body was pretty beat up when he was done with her." Maddison says, her face going dark with memory.
"You saw her body?" Antonio croaks.
"Of course I did. I was there with my work friends. I saw her die. Before he tried to kill me. He knew who I was. He knew I was a goverment agent." She replies. Her shoulders slump as she rubs her forehead.
"I need to ring Marco." She mutters and walks away. Antonio stands broken in the lounge.
"It's all my fault. It's my fault she's dead. It's my fault that Maddison almost died. How could I have been so stupid?" He clenches his eyes shut to stop the tears.
"Don't blame yourself Antonio. I know it's tempting but don't. It only makes things worse." Delance says soothingly.
"Do any of you know who Marco is?" Dylan asks.
"It's Maddisons boyfriend." Crystal croaks as her conciousness comes back.
"Her what?" Steve gasps in shock.
"Boyfriend. After she ran from Antonio last night she ran down the street to a bar where she met a bartender. He was nice to her. Caring. They got together. Maddison says that he makes her troubles disappear." Crystal replies as she slowly sits up and looks at her unconcious friend in concern.
"You aren't going to go smash this guy are you Antonio?" Ash asks cautiously.
"Why would I? I don't care about her love. She's just like all the other girls I've slept with. I sleep around and I don't plan to stop any time soon. No girl is gonna tie me down." Antonio says dryly even though inside he was crying.
Nobody knew that Maddison was just around the corner, listening to every word. She felt as if she'd been torn open, her heart ripped from her chest and stabbed over and over. She didn't know why it hurt so much but it did. She choked on a sob and walked upstairs to her room, wishing she had died when Melody did. She wished she could take her place so Antonio could have a mother.
She stumbles into her room and locks the door before walking into the bathroom and locking that foor also. She thoroughly washes her wrists until the makeup slowly washed away. Long, web like , white scars covered the inside of her wrists, glowing against her tanned skin.
"It isn't your fault Antonio. It never was." She whispers as she stares at the scars if her cutting.
"It's my fault. It's always been my fault. I just wish I had the strength to tell you." She pulls out a needle and reopens her scars.
Wanting to feel the pain like she had years ago. Hoping it would was away the guilt. But just like years ago it never did. It only made it stronger.

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