She Knows I'm Broken

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Antonio Masters
"Antonio Masters. What you're asking me to do is impossible. Maddison knows when something isn't right. She knows when you're lying by looking at your face. She can disappear like a chameleon but kill and intimidate like a hungry wolf. If she found out someone was watching her the people watching her would have no idea. Next minute Maddison kills them. She is the best of the best. Nobody has ever escaped alive if they're her target. It's damn right impossible." The man in front of me shakes his head and I lean over his desk so their faces were inches apart.
"Then tell me what her weakness is. I know you have a weakness for every person in America." I spat.
The man pales. "She is the one person who I haven't found a weakness for. She's so locked up and secretive. You can't find out anything about her without her wanting you to know." He says as he leans away.
"Fine. Thank you for yourtime." With a pissed glare I storms from the room. Unknowing of what the rapid shuffling behind me was about. I don't care. I'm pissed.
My phone rings as I exit the building. When I looks down I'm shocked to find the caller ID is Maddison. "Hello."
"Hello Antonio. I was wondering if you could pick me up. My car broke down and I heard you were in town." Maddisons voice replies.
"Sure. Txt me where you are." I reply as I climb into my car and connect the conversation to the car.
"I can't txt you. Ringing you is dangerous enough. I'm not in a good area. Track my call and please hurry. A bulletproof car with unpickable locks won't protect me for long." She replies in a whisper before the call goes staticy then completely silent. I pick up speed.
"Track call." I say quickly as I weave through traffic.
When the location appears I almost slam on the brakes. She's in the neighborhood where all the gangs stay. If she stays there they will find a way to get to her. What they'll do to her I have no idea but it won't be good.
I drive fast, desperate to get to Maddison before the gangs hurt her. As soon as I turn onto the street I instantly know that I'm being watched from all angles. Drones will be in the air, people watching me through gun scopes from windows, rooftops, trees, bushes. All knowing who I am. Knowing that if they shoot it won't do any hard due to my car being bullet proof. Thanks to Crystal.
I spot Maddisons car up ahead, the tyres blown and engine smoking slightly. Quickly I pull up as close go her car as possible. The doors almost brushing.
Her head pops up by the car window and she smiles greatfuly. I roll down my window. She does the same with hers and bullets fly. Maddison ducks down with a yelp and a couple bullets fly into her car. "You have to get in. If you stay then you'll have more than a couple bullet wounds. A lot worse." I encourage her softly.
"Be ready." She replies quietly. I push my seat as far back as it goes, my finger ready to wind up the window.
When the shooting slows Maddison pops up and dives through the windows and into my car where she sat on my lap. I quickly wind up the window before any bullets can find their way into my car. "Are you okay?" I look Maddison in the eye yet she looks away.
"Thank you for saving me." She replies in a whisper before she climbs into the front seat and sits hugging her knees to her chest.
"Anything for you." I reply quietly before fixing my seat and driving off swiftly, bullets deflecting off my car as I go. As soon as I turn out of that neighbourhood all shooting stops.
"What happened? Why were you there? You could have been killed and I really don't want to deal with Crystal when she finds out her best friend was killed in the gang neighborhood after her cat broke down right in the middle of it." I snap and she shrinks into the seat.
"I'm sorry Antonio. I was following a lead that I got." She sniffs. I glance over at her to see tears in her eyes yet I'm too frustrated to care.
"Next time tell someone. Those people want you dead Maddison. Think will you. Going through a place like that on your own is suicide. I can't have you die. Your too important." I sigh as I drive out onto the street.
"I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone. I promised to never bring the disaster up ever again. It's my fault all this is happening. If I was doing my job so many people would be alive. So many would be here. All people we care about. My parents included. When I failed it ment my parents couldn't sign the contract. Because they never signed it they never got protection. Protection from the same people who killed your mother. Because of me they're dead." Maddison hissed back, tears trickled down her cheeks.
"Well it had nothing to do with me. I don't want to hear about your failed life. I don't want to live with our relationship anymore. I don't want a lot of this to do with you. But most of all I don't want to see you in a body bag. So get your shut together. All you've been doing after what happened at the agency is look for trouble, is look for a near death experience so you can feel that rush. I'm not gonna put up with it. You're hurting your friends. The people who care. All because you want to feel a rush of adrenalin. If you hadn't quit your job then those people who care wouldn't be hurting." I snap, she's pushed me too far over breaking point without me breaking. Now I've broken it's all coming out.
Maddison makes a choking sound and I look over at her. She looks like she's been torn apart. "It's your fault your mother's dead. If you weren't looking for a pretty girl all the time then you wouldn't have been so hooked by Layla. Then you wouldn't have picked her up. If you'd gone to the party, charity thing with your mother she'd still be alive. You're father was right to blame you." She screams and swiftly I pull over, slamming on the brakes.
"Get the fuck out of my car." I growl.
Maddison realizes what she's just said and hesitates. "Antonio..." I cut her off.
"I said out. Next time your in trouble ring someone who cares because I don't."
Maddison slowly climbs from my car and shuts the door. As soon as she does I speed off quickly. Tears filling my eyes, blurring my vision slightly yet not enough to effect my driving. I blamed myself for my motheds death to the point of which I had to go to suicide therapy. I have scars on my arms, my legs, my chest, my stomach. How dare she bring that up. She knows how much it hurts still. She knows more than anyone.
She knows how broken I am.

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