Laughable Lunches

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Maddison Hast
"You look as if your gonna explode." Crystal snorts and I glare at her.
"It wouldn't surprise me if I did. Antonio is pushing me over the edge. Did you know that he couldn't even get out of bed this morning without stumbling. He's ill but won't allow anyone to help him. He's a stubborn bastard." I growl as I walk into Starbucks. People watch us with wide eyes. They know us as a girl who lives with the 8 Riches and the wife of one of the 8 Riches who happens to run the most successful car dealership in the world and is the top track racer in the world.
I feel so lame and useless. Everyone just sees me as a normal, average looking girl who's friends with rich, awesome people. That's because they don't know about my old job and they don't know what I'm capable of. They'll never know either because that means spilling government secrets. So in other words I'm stuck with being a plain, boring person.
I order my usual before stomping out of Starbucks and down the street, Crystal hurrying to catch up. "He just doesn't appreciate anything I do for him." I snap unhappily.
A smile spreads onto my lips when I see Marco just down the street. He spots me and jogs over. I hug him and kiss his cheek. "Hey sweetie. This is my best friend Crystal. Crystal this is my boyfriend Marco." I say happily. Crystal smiles and shakes Marcos hand.
"You're Ash Flemings wife aren't you?" Marco says as he puts an arm around my waist.
"Yes I am." Crystal replies and sends me a look.
"What are you doing?" I ask Marco as I look up at him.
"Just heading to my mates. Where were you the past two days? You wouldn't answer your phone. I got worried." He looks down at me with a childish pout and I laugh.
"I wasn't well." I reply and caress his cheek.
"You feeling any better?" His eyes swim with concern and I can't help but feel touched. He really cares.
"As good as new."
"Maddison we gotta go." Crystal says and I hold in a cringe at her impatient tone.
"Gotta go darling." I kiss him softly before walking after Crystal.
"He is very handsome but don't you dare tell Ash I said that." Crystal points her finger at me and I smile.
"Don't worry. I won't." I say calmly.
"You wanna go to the mall?" Crystal asks and I nod eagerly.
"I could call the girls." I suggest but Crystal shakes her head.
"They're working." She replies.
"Guess it's just us." I shrug.
"Like old times." Crystal links arms with me and we walk down the road to the mall.

"Oh my god that was so funny." I laugh and Crystal joins in as we sit at a table in the food court and start eating.
"His face was priceless when you gave him that wink." Crystal snorts and I smile.
"But when you smiled and gave him that wave. Oh... my god. His fainting was so graceful." I smile widely and bite into my chicken burger.
"It was wasn't it. Remember no matter what don't tell Ash." My friend was beaming. We haven't had this much fun in ages.
"Tell me what?" A voice says and we jump in fright. Ash sat next to a dumbstruck Crystal and Antonio sat beside me. The others all pulled up chairs and gathered around the table. Everyone was looking our way. Crystal looked at me then at Antonio. She gave me a warning look and I roll my eyes.
"You're looking better and I can see you're now able to walk." I say casually before taking another bite of my burger.
"I've never felt better. The soup was delicious by the way." Antonio replies without looking at me.
Liam tried to take onr of my fries but I grabed his wrist tightly and took a bite of my burger with my other hand. Liam winces and I let go. He massages his wrist and looks at me with an unhappy, childish pout. "That hurt." He whines.
"Don't dare try take my food and I won't hurt you. You should know by now that I'm a foodie." I snap.
"Yet you're still thin and good looking." Brett says. He grunts in pain and glares at Antonio who I presume kicked him which makes me snicker.
"Here you go. You deserve some fries." I hold out the pottle to Antonio who perks up and grins happily which makes us all laugh. He scowls at us before taking almost every one of my fries.
"I said some of them. Not all of them." I gasp but he just shrugs and pops them into his mouth one by one
I clench my hands into fists under the table for a second before finishing my burger abd the tiny amount of fries I had left. Antonio stands and walks away, all of us watched him go. "Where is he going?" I wonder aloud and the others shrug.
My stomach growls and I huff. "Now I'm hungry." I whine and Crystal laughs.
"You know they say that the meaning of life is the worlds greatest myster. However I think the worlds greatest mystery is your stomach." She chuckles and I grumble under my breath as the others laugh.
"Your stomach doesn't make a sound until you fill it with a shit load of food. Then you say you're hungry. Where the hell does all that food go?" Delance laughs.
"Probably her ass." Shannon snickers and I stare at her with wide eyes.
"She does have a nice ass so I believe that's exactly where it goes." Antonio teases when he walks back and I gape at him.
"How da..." I stop midsentance when Antonio pulls a hot apple pie from behind his back and hands it to me.
"Because I stole your fries." He says and I smile happily. Hot apple pies are my favourite.
"Thank you." I squeal happily and the others all laugh. When Antonio sits back down beside me I shove him from his seat onto the floor.
"Because you commented on my ass." I say curtly and everyone laughs even harder as he stands, brushes himself off and sits down again, grumbling and cursing to himself under his breath.
"But I do thank you Antonio. You always do get me the best hot apple pies." I say as I take a bite and Antonios cheeks tint pink ever so slightly that I think I could be imagining it.
"Your welcome." He replies quietly.
I'd almost finished the pie when Antonio stood to leave. A knife comes flying towards him out of nowhere and I do the last thing I would of thought to do.
Jump in front of him.

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