Winning The War

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Two months later
Maddison Hast
After about two months I've finally found the pattern for solving all the codes. I wait until they all reset before frantically solving and putting them in. However when I get to the last one it glows red, indicating that it's incorrect and I gasp in shock. "No. No, no, no. It has to work. It has to." I begin to panic and redo the code but each time it's wrong. I look at how long I have left to see I have 40 seconds.
Then I scrapped the pattern because obviously it wasn't working for this code. What could it be? I chew my lip and watch the time tick down. 20 seconds.
In a last desperate attempt I put in Antonios code number that he was given for the military. The screen flashes red and it was if the world had stopped as the camera file appeared, unlocked on the screen of my laptop. Excitement thrummed through my veins as I stared at it.
"Guys." I yell and everyone comes racing into the lounge and gather around me.
I type swiftly into my laptop and we have a live video. Antonio is flying a plane over an icy battlefield. "Oh thank god. He's still alive." I sigh in relief.
"Wait. That's Russia." Ashley gasps.
"How isn't he getting shot?" Ash asks.
"He stole an enemy plane. Brilliant." Kyle laughs and I panic, my heart races too fast, hammering in my chest.
"No. That plane could blow up any second." I screech and begin to type frantically again till we have sound.
He puts the plane into autopilot and pulls a photo from his pocket. "Zoom in." Brett asks quickly.
I do and I gasp sadly. It's a photo of me and him laughing together on the beach. "I'm sorry Maddison. I'm so sorry." He sighs, his voice crackly from the poor connection.
He stands and moves his jacket.
The plane interior flashes red and an alarm wails. "Self destruct in 3...2...1..." Then it all goes black. Antonio is gone.

Three Days Later
"Three days ago the war between America and Russia was ended when one of Russias planes exploded. The parts fell down, killing the enemy leaders. I have found out that the person flying that plane was Antonio Masters." The news guy says and I cry.
"On behalf of America I would like to thank Antonio for his heroic death. Thank you for winning the war." He says and I smash the TV before running outside. Who cares if the war has been won. I lost the guy I love.

I ran as far and fast as I could, forcing myself further and further, not knowing where I'm headed. I thought I was getting over Antonio. I thought that Nicolas was the one. But after the news I can't lie to myself anymore. I love Antonio.
But now it's loved, not love.
Because now he's dead and not coming back.
I kept running and running, my body throbbing and aching, tears blurring my vision, sweat staining my shirt, running down my forehead.
When I see where I had been subconsciously running I literally skid over on the now gravel road as I try to stop. It was the old, rickety house that disguises the entrance to King IQ. It was the place that I made the deal with Antonio about the sex being nothing serious. That we wouldn't fall for each other. Yet it was also the place where I first realized that I was growing feelings for him.
Slowly I walk with aching legs towards the building. I spot Crystals grandma Dot slowly open the door, a shotgun in hand. When she sees me she flings the door open so hard and fast that I thought it would fly off it's hinges. "Maddison dear. What happened?" She gasps and hurries over. She may be old but she's fit. Real fit.
"Antonios dead. He was blown up in a Russian plane. He had flown it out of its scheduled flight path and went into self destruct. He won the war because the pieces had fallen and killed the leaders and commanders. I lost my Antonio." I sob and my knees give out as I cry into my hands.
Dot knelt next to me and brought me into a hug. "I'm so sorry. Come inside. I'll make you a cup of tea." She says softly and I give a weak nod.
She helps me stand and takes me inside and down to the entrance. She enters the codes and I walk into technology heaven. Usually this place makes me feel happy, but not today. Dot sits me down and strides off down one of the tunnels swiftly.
I stare up at the computer screens.
It appears that Dot was watching a red brick apartment building. A facial scanner was activated. She seemed to be waiting for someone. Dot walks out with a tray holding a cup of tea and some cookies. With a kind smile she places it beside me. There are gun shots and Dot spins to look at the screens. A man wearing a black hood races out of the building a moment later. He was limping and clutching a bloody arm. "What is this?" I ask.
"The Diablo family has been hunting down people and attacking them. This is the first victim to survive. He just needs t look this way so I can find out who he is and get him taken somewhere safe where he can be questioned about the attack." She replies. Curious I stand and walk over, eyes narrowed at the screen. My sorrow momentarily put away.
When the man turns this way the facial recognition gets to work yet it doesn't need to. "No. It can't be." I gasp.
"What? Who is it?" Dot asks urgently.
Quickly I pull out my phone and dial a number. The person on the screen picks up his phone and answers. "Maddison? What is it?" His voice sounds from my phone and I pale.
"Nicolas. Don't move. Someone is on their way to pick you up. They're gonna help you."I say quickly.
"What? How? Where are you?" He looks around and I watch him in shock and fear.
"It's classified. I'm gonna hang up and someone will be with you soon. Their name will be Barbados. He's a good friend of mine. He's scary but don't worry. He'll help you. I'm sorry but I'm unable to go on any dates for a week so take the time to recover." I say then I hang up and quickly ring Barbados.
These Diablos are ruining my life.

Winning The War; BOS 4Where stories live. Discover now