Not So Dead Dad

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"We are sorry to say that yesterday a jeep and van were in what should have been a lethal car crash. Traffic cameras show they were being flanked by Vipers. Then the jeep flipped and rolled rapidly. The van was charged by one of the Vipers sending it crashing into the bank which also made it roll. Police went to the accident site yet no bodies were found only lots and lots of blood. After further investigation it was found that the jeep and van were owned and driven by Ash and Crystal Fleming. It was also found that Maddison and Antonio were in the jeep with Crystal. In the van with Ash were all the others." The reporter says sullenly.
Everyone was watching the news in awe. Nobody knew where they had gone nor who were in the Vipers. All that could be said was it had been a planned attack and whoever were in the Vipers were 99% likely to have taken them.
LA had gone into chaos. With nobody to stop them the gangs and crime families have invaded and attacked. Stealing money and produce. Nobody could stop them and nobody stood a chance the more this chaos grew.
"Please. Ash, Crystal, Kyle, Delance, Steve, Ashley, Dylan, Shannon, Antonio, Maddison, Liam, Alex, Brett. If any of you are watching. If any of you can see what is happening to LA please. We need you. Do what you need to do. Illegal or not. We need you. LA needs you to come back and save us." The reporter says pleadingly before the TV goes staticy then completely black.
The 13 bodies hanging by chains from the roof, barely conscious, had heartbreak written all over them before their consciousness slips away once again, an evil cackle echoing through their heads.

Two Days Later
Maddison Hast
My head throbbed and my body ached terribly. When I opened my eyes slightly I quickly closed them due to the sudden light. More carefully this time I open my eyes and squint at the floor. That's when I realized I was hanging from the roof by chains. Quickly I look around to see all the others hanging around the room. All were slowly gaining their consciousness.
"Is everyone okay?" I ask in concern.
They all look up and nod weakly except for Antonio. "Antonio? Antonio are you okay?" I ask, slight panic managed to slip into my voice.
He doesn't move. I begin to panic and look up at my chained wrists. I swing and flick my legs so that I could move upwards and grab the chain higher up. I flip upside down and hang onto the chain using my legs and feet. I fiddle around and managed to unchain my self. I flip and land lightly on the ground. "What? How the hell did you do that?" Brett gasps.
"My friend who worked in the agency with me is a person who can get out of anything and she taught me a few things." I reply.
Quickly I walk over to Antonio. His head hanging low but his eyes open. I step up close and look up into his eyes. He looks back at me and blinks a couple times. "Antonio?" I ask cautiously.
He squirms slightly and drops to the ground, the chains swung in the air above him. "You aren't the only one who can get out of a tight spot." He whispers quietly.
I feel a tear drip down my cheek and rest my head on his chest. "All because I couldn't do a simple task. Keep calm and not kill almost every agent in the whole agency building." I sob and Antonio pulls me close.
"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault you're an addict to justice. You killed those people because they did something wrong. With them gone the world is safer." He says and rests his chin on the top of my head.
"No. With them gone LA is gone. Now it's gang city. Those agents would have stopped this. Even if they weren't all good." I clench my eyes shut to stop the tears.
"Could someone get us down please?" Alex speaks up.
"We would but then you'd stop us from torturing little miss Hast by torturing Mr Masters." A man laughs deeply from the door and I spin in Antonios arms. My eyes widen in fear.
"You..." I gasp and the man laughs again.
"Yes me." He grins wickedly. His hair was graying and his face scared.
"I killed you. You're suppose to be dead." I scream as a wave of anger washed over me. Antonio stopped me from lunging at him which is probably smart yet I still struggled to break free and attack the man staring at me with cold eyes.
"You can't kill me sweetheart. You didn't think you got it from that filthy rat of a mother did you?" He says cruelly and my whole body burned with rage as I kicked and screamed, trying to get to him. He only laughed in amusement.
"Maddison, who is this?" Crystal asks.
"Study him closely Crystal. Study this monsters face." I growl as I stop fighting Antonio. My body shaking with rage.
Crystal looks at the man with narrowed eyes who looks right back at her. After a few seconds of studying her eyes widen in shock and fear. "No. No it can't be." She shakes her head and squirms, trying to get away but to no avail.
"But it is my dear girl. Who else would own 6 Vipers and want to kill Maddison?" He smirks.
"Who the hell is this? Could someone please explain?" Delance snaps impatiently.
"Everyone meet my mother killer. The infamous agent gone bad. The richest drug lord in the world who I killed, well now I suppose I attempted to kill him years ago. Charmond Hast. My father." I spat the name and title as if it were acid on my tongue.
Antonio stiffened behind me and I turn my body to face him. He looks down at me, his eyes and expression unreadable. "So this is what I got myself into then huh?" he asks weakly. My lip quivers slightly but I force it to stop.
"It gets worse. I'm sorry but the only way he can hurt me is if they hurt you because they know you show pain and I can't stand seeing a friend as close as you in pain. They would use Crystal but she hides her pain. Her tolerance of it is higher than yours by a lot." I say sadly. He kisses by forehead.
"You aren't the only ones with secrets Maddison. Now hold on." He whispers in my ear so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.
Quickly I cling to him tightly and clench my eyes shut in fear.
What the hell does he have in mind?
Everyone is silent for a second and in that second I manage to hear the faintest sound of a helicopter and I know what will happen next isn't gonna be pretty.

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