Chapter Three: Not Braxton Hicks

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Alyssa pursed her lips as she watched the intern work, she didn't know what it was but she had a bad feeling and she didn't know what it was.

Alyssa sighed as she rested a hand on her swollen stomach, she looked at Monica who stood next to her; she chewed on her lip as she thought about her little girl.

“You okay?” Monica asked concerned as she glanced at Alyssa, who nodded her head with a tight smile; she was due in ten weeks and the boys were really busy right now.

The two had shared their disappointment that the younger woman wouldn’t be joining the squad in Brazil and that there was something about Maria that they didn't like.

“I’m fine… just a twinge,” Alyssa said as she watched Maria move about with a smile on her face, the brunette pursed her lips; she didn't trust the intern for a moment.

“I still don’t like her… I spoke with Vicente about finding a replacement but he wouldn’t listen,” Monica said annoyed as she sipped on her coffee as she sat across from Alyssa, who nodded; she had also spoken with the Spanish Coach, but he wasn’t going to change his decision.

It was now June and Alyssa was thirty weeks pregnant; Iker was thrilled that things were going so well with her pregnancy but he was a little upset that he would have to leave for a month.

“So only ten weeks left until you’re due date… are you excited?” Monica said with a grin making Alyssa nod, even though her and Iker hadn’t agreed on what to name their little girl; she couldn't wait to be a mother again.

The two women chatted happily for a while before Maria walked into the office; she glared at Alyssa before offering Monica an innocent smile.

“All done,” Maria said making Monica nod as she dismissed her, Alyssa sighed as she rubbed her stomach wondering what was going on; she recognised the twitches and hoped they were just Braxton Hicks.

“What a suck-up,” Monica murmured once Maria had left the room, the intern had taken an instant dislike to Alyssa as soon as they had been introduced by Vicente; she had also taken the chance to flirt with every footballer that she came into contact with.

“She tried to flirt with my husbands in front of me,” Alyssa said annoyed making Monica offer her a reassuring smile; she knew how much the footballers loved Alyssa and they weren’t the type to cheat on her.


Iker looked at Alyssa concerned as she settled herself down on the couch, he could sense that there was something wrong with his wife and he didn't like that she was keeping quiet about it.

“Lissa?” Iker asked as he approached Alyssa who winced as she looked at him; the brunette knew that she should tell him what was wrong but she hoped that she was wrong.

“Alyssa what’s wrong?” Iker asked concerned, he knew that Sergio and Lucas were outside playing football and Fernando had taken Nora to see his parents; so no one would notice that something was clearly wrong.

“I don’t want you to get upset,” Alyssa said as she rested a hand on her stomach, she knew she had to tell him the truth about what was happening. Iker furrowed his brow as he sat next to her concerned before he noticed that the couch was wet and Alyssa had stiffened.

“I think I’m in labour,” Alyssa revealed making Iker looked at her panicked; if she was then there baby was being born ten weeks premature.

Alyssa took a deep breath as another contraction hit making Iker watch her concerned before he shouted for Sergio; he had no idea how to deal with this right now.

Sergio rushed inside carrying Lucas, he looked concerned as he looked between Alyssa and Iker; it was clear that something was very wrong.

“Call the hospital… we think Alyssa’s in labour,” Iker revealed making Sergio pale before he rushed back into the kitchen to make the call.

Alyssa looked at Iker frightened as he ran a hand through his hair before carefully helping her to her feet. “

We can’t be doing this right now… it’s too early,” Alyssa whimpered making Iker nod in agreement as he quickly collected his car keys and started to led his wife to his Audi Q7.

“It’ll be okay… the doctors will know what to do,” Iker said as he tried to reassure her, however it was clear that he was as frightened as she was.

Alyssa felt tears prick in her eyes as Iker helped her into the car, she couldn't believe that this was happening to her now.

The boys were due to leave for Brazil that weekend and they would be gone until Spain were knocked out of the tournament; the brunette wasn’t sure if she could handle losing her three husbands for weeks if she was having a baby now.


Alyssa stared at her midwife as the woman confirmed her and Iker’s worst fears, their little baby girl was going to be born today and there was nothing that they could do to stop it.

Iker stared numbly at the wall before him, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing as the midwife started to prepare Alyssa for the birth of their daughter; he couldn't bring himself to believe that his little girl might not survive the birth.

Taking a deep breath, Iker stepped outside the room where he was greeted by Sergio and Fernando who looked at him concerned; they had dropped Nora and Lucas off with Alyssa’s mother, who was worried for her daughter and was only too happy to watch them.

“Is she okay?” Fernando asked as he stepped towards Iker, however it was clear that whatever had been said in that room had been bad news; Sergio watched the older Spaniard concerned it was clear that something was wrong.

“They’re going to deliver the baby… there’s a chance that she won’t survive,” Iker said making his two husbands look at him concerned; they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

“They said that there’s a chance that Alyssa won’t be able to have any more children after this,” Iker continued as he tried to pull himself together but it wasn’t working.

“It’ll be okay,” Fernando said as he pulled Iker into a hug as he broke down and cried, Sergio stared at them feeling numb; they had always talked about having a couple more children after Iker’s daughter had been born.

Sergio knew that this news was going to kill Alyssa, she loved being a mother to Lucas and Nora; and now she was faced with the fact that she could lose her own little girl and the ability to have more children.

“We have to be strong for Alyssa… she needs us,” Fernando said as he looked at Sergio who nodded in agreement; however the next few hours were critical and that they would need to stick together if they were all to survive.

“Iker… Alyssa needs you… your daughter needs you… you need to pull yourself together,” Fernando said as he tried to pull the older Spaniard back together; he needed to be in that room when his daughter was born no matter what happened.

Iker took a deep breath as he spotted the midwife, she flashed him a small smile; today was going to be the longest day of his life.

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