Chapter Twenty-Seven: Let's Show the World

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Iker took a deep breath as he watched the crew step up for their interview, he had picked a trusted friend to do this for them and they were going to have pictures to go with the article.

“Are you sure about this?” Sergio murmured coming down the stairs, he was nervous and the last week had made them realise that something needed; they were going to do an interview.

Iker nodded his head, it hadn’t been an easy decision but they needed to do this; he knew that they had to do something to show people how their lives worked.

“Do you want to check on Alyssa?” Iker said knowing that their wife was upstairs getting ready, they were going to look their best for this interview and Iker felt a little on edge right now.

Sergio nodded his head, he knew that Fernando was dealing with Nora and Lucas while Viola had just gone down for a nap; nothing could possibly go wrong during this interview.

Iker watched as Sergio disappeared back upstairs, he took a deep breath knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy; Iker trusted Berta Collado but he wasn’t sure how everyone would react to the interview.

Berta had promised to make sure that the truth was revealed and that nothing would be twisted; she owed Iker a favour and he was trusting Berta with his family.

“Relax Iker… it’ll be okay,” Fernando said stepping into the hall, he was carrying Lucas with Nora following after him; Iker smiled at Fernando knowing that he was right.

Carmen was going to be watching the children during the interview and Fernando knew it was going to be a rough day for them all; no one knew what would happen next.


Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, Alyssa nodded as she looked at her outfit for the interview with the journalist; she was wearing a red short sleeve bardot top and black crepe swing skirt paired with red pointed stiletto heels.

“You ready nena?” Sergio asked popping his head into her bedroom making Alyssa nod as flashing him a nervous smile; she didn’t know what was going to happen but it couldn’t make things worse than they already were.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Alyssa said making Sergio nod as he gave her a small kiss, he couldn't believe how grown up she was now after four years; it felt like only yesterday that she was stealing his heart.

Heading downstairs, Alyssa ignored the look that the journalist gave her as she joined her husbands; she had a feeling that Berta was going to attempt to make this completely unpleasant for her and she had an even worse feeling about how her husbands would take that.

Alyssa didn’t know much about the woman, only the fact that she had been a friend of Iker’s ex-girlfriend and that was how he knew her.

Everyone quickly took their seats wanting to get this out of the way as soon as possible, there was no point in dragging this out; the sooner this interview was done the better.

“Gracias for agreeing to do this interview with me,” Berta said as she battered her eyes at the three footballers; Alyssa had to hold back the scoff that rose in her throat, she knew making the reporter angry wouldn’t help her especially when they needed her right now.

“Okay, my first question… how did the four of you meet?” Berta asked making Alyssa shift nervously, this was going to be a long process and that they needed to do this; they wanted everyone to understand why they had chosen this way of life.

“Alyssa works for the National Team… when we met she was interning four years ago,” Iker said gently resting an arm behind Alyssa’s back, he could sense her nervousness and wanted her to relax.

“Okay… how did this come about?” Berta asked starting to dig deeper, she wanted something shocking to report something that people wouldn’t expect from the family; she wanted every detail because this was going to be big.

“We’d all just been through dramatic break-ups and we all bonded over it and it developed,” Fernando said simply leaving out the part of getting Alyssa to sign a contract; he knew that it wouldn’t go down well if that came out they were keeping things light.

Berta pursed her lips, she nodded her head as she peeked down at her questions; she wanted to make sure that this interview put her on the mat.

“You know that everyone thinks that what you have is wrong… how can you call this love? How does it work between the four of you?” Berta questioned making the group stare at her, she was after a story that she knew would get people interested.

Alyssa took a deep breath, she was still nervous and she knew that was going to happen to afterwards; she just hoped that it would change things for them, she didn’t want to hide away for ever.

“Love can be beautiful at times, but also cruel. It shouldn't matter who you love or why you love them,” Alyssa said making Berta frown, she hadn’t expected the brunette to talk like she had an education.

Everyone was whispering about how stupid Alyssa was and Berta had been so sure that Alyssa was going to be like a mouse.

Iker chuckled as he nodded in agreement, it was clear what Berta was trying to do and it seemed that she’d thought Alyssa was some sort of bimbo, who was using them with no mind of her own.

“I’m not ashamed of what I have with Iker, Fernando and Sergio… I’m happy and in love, name someone else in this world who can say honestly that they have found their soul-mates, it doesn’t matter if it’s one of them or three… as long as I am happy what should it matter to the world,” Alyssa said finally getting what she thought off her chest, the reporter stared at her taken back while her husbands smirked.

They couldn't agree more with what Alyssa was saying, they were happy and there was nothing that anyone could say to change their minds about that fact; they wanted people to understand them and move on.

“It’s none of the world’s business if I’m married to three footballers… it wouldn’t be the world’s business if I was married to one of them,” Alyssa continued to rant making Sergio chuckle before he rested a hand on the brunette’s knee in an attempt to stop her from talking.

Iker and Fernando looked at the shocked Berta, they knew what she had been expecting and now that Alyssa had spoken, they had a feeling that she’d be a lot less snobby about their relationship.

Berta might have been a friend of Iker’s but they could see that she was trying to find some bad points about the relationship; she was trying to make Alyssa out to be something that she wasn’t.

Alyssa was right it shouldn’t matter to the world, who was married to who as long as they were happy that was all that mattered; they had three beautiful children and they lived happy lives doing what they loved, that was what mattered to them.

Iker took his wife’s hand, he was sure that this was the beginning for them and there would be no going back; everything had been laid out for everyone to see.

“Any more questions?” Iker asked smiling, he peeked at Fernando and Sergio knowing just how lucky he was; everything was going to be okay and nothing could change that.

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