Chapter Sixteen: Seeking Forgiveness

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Brushing the hair from Alyssa’s face, Iker smiled down at his sleeping wife, he didn't know how she had forgiven him after what he had done; but she had and he was thankful for it.

“Corazón… I have to go,” Iker murmured as he pressed a kiss to her head, he knew that she had awoken when he had moved to get a shower; he had to get ready for his match against Costa Rica that afternoon.

Alyssa’s husbands’ had been taking turns in spending the night with her since the announcement five days ago about her post-partum depression.

“I’ll see you at breakfast?” Alyssa asked sleepy as she opened her brown eyes and looked up at her husband, she was glad that they were understanding about her condition and hadn’t turned on her when they understood what was happening to her.

“Of course… I have to get back to my room so Maria doesn’t think something is going on,” Iker murmured as he thought about the intern that was throwing herself at the footballers and she was starting to get a little suspicious about Iker’s relationship with Alyssa.

Iker kissed his wife’s lips softly before glancing over at Lucas and Nora that were in the next bed fast asleep while Viola was in her cot also sleeping.

Alyssa smiled when she noticed the look on Iker’s face when it came to the children, she was happy that her husbands all adored the children; it meant the world to her that things were working themselves out.


Bouncing Viola on his lap, Iker smiled as he listened to Xavi talk about the match; the infant cooed as she looked at her father, Iker was happy that he could spend some time with his daughter.

Viola was now four weeks old and Iker was pleased that she was doing so well despite being born early and having heart surgery; the footballer didn't know what he would have done if she hadn’t made it.

“How’s Alyssa?” Xavi asked making Iker look at him, he could see the wariness about his friend and that a couple of their team-mates had stopped talking to listen.

“She’s doing better,” Iker said softly as his guilt stabbed at him, he still felt guilty about how he had treated her when he had found her pills.

Xavi nodded as Gerard moved to sit next to Iker, he cooed at Viola as he sat down making the two older footballers roll their eyes as they watched him; ever since he and Shakira had their son, Milan Piqué, he had become a little less of a goofball.

“So are you ready for the match?” Iker asked as he attempted to change the subject, he still had to make it up to Alyssa after the way he had treated her.

Gerard and Xavi looked at each other as they noticed the not so subtle change in subject, they knew that Iker felt guilty about what had happened between him and Alyssa; but it was clear that even though Alyssa had forgiven him, he hadn’t forgiven himself.

“Iker… you can’t keep holding this in,” Xavi said making Iker glance at him as he cuddled Viola to him; he knew that his friend was down about what had happened.

“I don’t know how she forgave me… I was horrible to her,” Iker said making the others look at him; they all knew that Alyssa couldn't hold anything against her husbands’; she loved them too much to let something like a misunderstanding get in her way and ruin their lives together as a happy family.


The match against Costa Rica ended nil-nil, forcing both teams into a penalty shootout; Alyssa chewed on her lip as she watched the players’ line up for the shoot-out; she was wearing a red skater dress with plunge neck paired with black heeled sandals.

The children were all wearing their father’s jerseys and looked so cute and adorable as they watched their father’s play.

Alyssa hated penalties, she felt sick as she watched Cesc Fàbregas step up to take the first shot; the tension in the air was killing her and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and not look.

“Mama?” Lucas asked as he looked at his mother, she had Viola sitting on her lap with Lucas and Nora on either side of her; she glanced at her son as the Spanish fans went mad as Cesc scored the first penalty.

“It’s okay,” Alyssa said flashing him a smile as she watched Celso Borges equalised; she knew that Iker wouldn’t be happy if he let his team down now.

Nora watched as her father stepped forward to take a penalty, it was clear that Fernando was nervous about messing this up; however he didn't have anything to worry about since he slotted the ball straight into the goal.

Alyssa smiled as Nora and Lucas cheered for Fernando as he celebrated his goal; the brunette knew that this meant a lot to Fernando, since he had been struggling with penalties as of late.

Next was Bryan Ruiz, Iker paced up goal posts as he waited for the Costa Rican to take the shout; it was an easy save for Iker and put Spain one stop closer to the next round.

Sergio was the next member of the team to take a penalty, Alyssa bit her lip as she looked at Lucas; the little boy had the same temperament as his father and won’t take it well if Spain didn't win the match.

Unfortunately Sergio’s goal was caught by Keylor Navas; Sergio cursed as he ran his fingers through his hair disappointed that he hadn’t scored.

Alyssa smiled softly at Lucas, who looked saddened that his father hadn’t scored a penalty; the brunette gently ran a hand through her son’s brown hair making him look at her.

“It’ll be okay,” Alyssa reassured him, she knew that Iker wasn’t going to let the team down; she knew that he would fight to win this. Next to take a penalty was Giancarlo González but Iker was quick enough to catch the ball before it went into the goal.

Alyssa let out a small sight of relief as she watched Xabi walk forward to take the next penalty, if he scored this Spain would be one goal away from the quarter-finals.


Alyssa smiled as she handed Viola to her father, who smiled at her as he held his daughter close; he was still wearing his jersey from the match and his gloves, his team-mates celebrated around them but the couple didn't look at them.

“Alyssa… I’m sorry,” Iker said shaking his head, he had apologised time and time again but he couldn't relieve the guilt that he felt.

Alyssa smiled at him as she stepped towards him glancing at Maria, who was being distracted by another footballer; the brunette sighed as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him softly.

“Iker I told you, I’m not mad,” Alyssa said making Iker look at her, Alyssa ran her fingers through his hair; she knew that he was still upset about accusing her of doing drugs.

“I want to make it up to you,” Iker murmured as he held Viola close, he glanced at Maria as Alyssa stepped away from him; even if the intern thought that she was just married to Iker, the couple didn't want her going to the press with details about them.

Alyssa sighed as she nodded; she had a feeling that he wouldn’t feel better until he thought he deserved her forgiveness.

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