Chapter Twenty: Threatening Behaviour

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Watching her husbands’ prepare for tomorrow’s final against Germany, Alyssa couldn't help but wonder what they would do once the tournament was over.

Of course, they would be heading back to Spain but she wasn’t sure what would happen while Rico was on the loose, she didn't want him following her home.

“Mama, what’s wrong?” Nora asked as she sensed something was bothering her step-mother; the brunette sighed as she looked down at her and shook her head.

“Nothing… I’m just tired,” Alyssa said not wanting to worry the little girl as she settled Viola in her arms, she wished she knew what Rico was going to do but there was no chance of that happening.

Turning her attention to Monica, Alyssa cleared her throat to catch her friend’s attention; she needed to run to the bathroom.

“Could you watch the kids for a moment? I have to go to the bathroom,” Alyssa asked making Monica nod as she smiled at her friend, she wasn’t going to be long and she didn’t think anyone would notice her slipping away for a moment or two.

Alyssa handed her friend Viola, before she got to her feet and smoothed out her blue swing vest and distressed denim shorts that she had paired with navy canvas lace-up pumps.

“I won’t be long,” Alyssa promised as she glanced at her husbands, who hadn’t noticed that she was leaving; Maria had and was busy texting on her phone.

Walking down the stairs of the bleachers and heading into the building, Alyssa wondered if they would ever discover who the mole within the team was, the sooner they did, the sooner they would be able to figure out a way to keep Rico away.

Just as she was about to step into the ladies toilet, Alyssa found herself being shoved inside; she steadied herself on her feet before she heard a dark chuckle.

“Hola Alyssa,” Rico said as he locked the door behind him, trapping Alyssa inside of the ladies bathroom with him.

Alyssa felt sick as images of the last time they were alone, when he had assaulted her, flickered through her mind; she backed away from him until she found herself up against the wall.

“How did you get here?” Alyssa asked making Rico chuckle as he moved towards her, he moved to brush a hand against her cheek but Alyssa flinched away making him frown.

“I have my ways,” Rico said finally as his brown eyes scanning her figure as he licked his lips, it was clear what he would love to do to her right now.

“They’ll come looking for me,” Alyssa said making Rico purse his lips as his eyes lingered on her white gold diamond set shaped wedding ring that was on her left hand.

“Of course they will… but I have a message for them,” Rico said as he pressed himself up against Alyssa, who struggled to push him away before he dropped his lips to her ear.


Iker paced back and forth nervously, he didn't like it that his wife had gone to the ladies room by herself; he wished that she had taken someone with her.

Sergio and Fernando also looked distressed as they held Nora and Lucas to them; they knew that Alyssa was taking far too long for their liking.

Monica rolled her eyes as she cuddled Viola, Alyssa hadn’t even been gone that long and her husbands were freaking out; she doubted that Rico would risk coming to the training ground, knowing that there were several footballers that would harm him if he attempted anything on Alyssa again.

Monica sighed in relief as she spotted Alyssa returning, however that relief turned into panic as she realised that something had happened.

Iker quickly pulled his wife into his arms while Fernando and Sergio looked at them worried as Alyssa started to sob in the eldest husband’s arms.

“Alyssa?” Iker asked concerned as Fernando and Sergio passed Nora and Lucas to Monica, who quickly herded the children away from their parents.

“Rico was here…” Alyssa whimpered as she tried to calm herself down, she was shaking and she didn't need her husbands’ getting the wrong idea; Iker stiffened as Fernando moved to comfort her.

Alyssa shook her head at the look that Sergio offered her, she knew what he was asking even without him saying anything.

“He didn't do anything… he threatened me,” Alyssa said making her three husbands look at her worried; Monica had managed to keep the other players at a distance but they were all watching what was happening, including Maria who was smiling to herself secretly.

“He’s got proof of our marriage… he says he’s going to show it to the world,” Alyssa said making the three men look at her worried, they knew what would happen if Rico went through with his plan; no one would understand that they loved one another.

“Then we’ll let him… I’m not letting him blackmail us,” Sergio said making the other three stare at him surprised.

Alyssa sniffled as she wiped her eyes, she knew that they would be sacrificing a lot if they let Rico go through with this; it wasn’t like when their exes had threatened to do so.

“It’ll destroy your careers,” Alyssa whispered making her husbands’ frown at her, they had never regretted marrying her and each other and they never would.

“You mean more to us… football is just a game, you are our life,” Fernando said gently as he pulled Alyssa into his arms; the two other men nodded as they looked at one another, whatever happened they would stick together no matter what.


Rico smirked to himself as he read over Maria’s text, his plan was working perfectly; as soon as the final whistle was blown at the end of tomorrow’s World Cup final, then the truth would be out.

Rico couldn't believe that he would finally be able to get revenge on Alyssa after she had sent him to prison, he licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come; once this was over that he would have what he truly wanted.

Rico’s thoughts briefly turned to Maria, he would have to deal with her; he had used her to his advantage and once he had what he wanted to truly hurt Alyssa, he didn't need the intern anymore.

Running a pale hand through his brown hair, Rico smirked as he pulled out the picture from his pocket; he didn't doubt that his plan would break apart the Casillas-Torres-Ramos family.

Rico ran a finger over Alyssa’s face before he looked at Viola Casillas, he smirked as he realised that he wouldn’t only break apart Alyssa’s happy ending but he would also get her in the process.

Rico slipped the picture back into his pocket and listened to the footballers as they returned from training, they had no idea that the man that they were protecting Alyssa from was hiding within their own camp.

Rico chuckled at the idea, he wondered if Maria would feel any remorse for what she had done to them; she had always dreamt of being a WAG, and that was how he had manipulated her into doing what he had wanted in the first place.

Listening closely, Rico could hear a couple of the players talking about what had happened after training; none of them suspected that Rico was hiding just through the door to Maria’s room.

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