Chapter Twenty-Six: United We Stand

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Alyssa raised her eyebrow at the sight of her in-laws all gathered in the foyer of the house; her husbands were all away training for the start of the new season, while she was enjoying some time with the children.

They had been home for nearly a week now and Alyssa was used to being stuck at home with the children; she couldn’t go out without being moped.

“What are you all doing here?” Alyssa asked as José María hugged her before moving to greet Lucas, who seemed thrilled to see his grandfather; he hadn’t seen his paternal family in a while.

Paqui was still doing her best to make things awkward for them all and with her constantly speaking to the press it wasn’t easy for anyone.

“We are here to support you, all of you,” Carmen said making Alyssa smile at her as she hugged her, she knew that it would mean a lot to her husbands that their families were here for them.

Alyssa’s parents had arrived earlier in that morning and her father had even snapped at a couple of journalists that were hovering outside of the front gate; he was furious about the things they had printed about her lately.

“We stand together united… if they see that they aren’t bothering us and we aren’t hiding away then they’ll get bored eventually,” Amelia said appearing carrying Viola; Alyssa looked at her mother wondering how long this had been planned for.

Nora appeared and squealed as she spotted her grandparents before she moved to greet them; she smiled unaware about why they had come.

“Okay so what are we talking about?” Alyssa said curiously making her in-laws grin at each other before the men headed into the kitchen; she didn’t want to cause any more trouble.


Iker furrowed his brow as he was greeted by his mother, who was holding Viola before he spotted Sergio’s father talking to his; he blinked wondering what was going on, he didn’t know what was going on.

“What on earth?” Fernando murmured as he hugged his mother before looking at his two husbands; they had just returned from training which had gone better than expected with members of the press asking them about their marriage.

Fernando was currently staying in Madrid since his future with Chelsea was so uncertain, it didn’t look good and he doubted he would be staying in London much longer.

“We’re having a nice family barbecue… so go shower and change,” Carmen said shooing the three footballers upstairs to get ready, before she moved back to talking to Flori, who cooed at Viola.

Making their way upstairs, Fernando smiled as he spotted Alyssa wearing a blue printed crepe dress paired with blue strappy stiletto sandals; he didn’t know what was going on but he liked it.

“Hola,” Alyssa said making the three men stop as they looked at her, they hadn’t seen her dressed up like this since Iker had apologised for accusing her of being a drug addict.

“Hola… you look hermonsa,” Fernando said wrapping his arms around her and kissed her passionately, while their other two husbands stared at them; they had to admit it was nice to see Alyssa dressed up again.

“It’s nice to see you too… I guess you’ve seen the madness that our parents are going through?” Alyssa joked making Iker nod before he kissed her while Sergio wrapped his arms around Fernando watching the other two.

“We have what on earth is going on?” Iker asked making Alyssa tilted her head at him for a moment, she had missed them and she knew it was only going to get busier.

“They have decided to not let the world bother us… and the best way to do that is to throw a party,” Alyssa said making Sergio chuckle shaking his head before he disappeared into their bedroom to get ready.

Iker followed after him before it was just Fernando and Alyssa, he kissed her neck knowing that he was so happy that he had her.

“You look thoughtful,” Fernando said making his wife smile before she kissed him again, she knew that everything had been hard on him recently and she wished to make it better.

Alyssa winked at him then she headed downstairs to see if there was anything she could help with making Fernando look worried at what his wife had thought about while they had been at training.


Alyssa grinned hugging her brother, it felt like it had been ages since she had last seen him before she moved to greet her sister-in-law; both had remained strong when they’d been confronted by the press.

The children played happily in the garden while the adults chatted and laughed happily, it didn't seem to matter that the world wanted to know about the marriage or the amount of press outside.

Iker smiled watching Alyssa talk with Adam, he was happy that she seemed so care free right now; his attention turned to Viola, who was sat on his lap.

“I’ll make things better for you, Lala…” Iker murmured shifting the little girl on his lap before Alyssa wrapped her arms around his shoulders making Iker smile at her.

“Hola Mrs. Casillas,” he said making Alyssa smile as she lifted Viola out of his arms and sat on the chair next to him, she raised an eyebrow at him making Iker chuckle as Fernando joined them.

“I think our wife is planning something Iker,” Fernando mused making Iker look at her worried; it was never a good thing when Alyssa started to plan for herself and it made him worry what she might have planned.

“I’ve been thinking… people are only upset with our marriage because they don’t understand, so why don’t we do an interview to show the world how this works,” Alyssa said as Sergio joined them, the three Spaniards stared at their wife as they took in what she was saying.

“You want to invite a journalist into our home?” Sergio asked uneasily settling Lucas on his lap as he sat down, Alyssa nodded while Fernando and Iker looked thoughtful about what she had said.

“It might be a good idea… hatred and prejudice is born out of not understanding something,” Iker said making Fernando nod in agreement it was worth a shot if they ever wanted their children to have normal lives.

They had to go to school and Alyssa had to go to back to work in a few months, she couldn't stay hidden at home forever; the foursome couldn’t continue on like this.

“We’ll do it soon… I don’t want it destroying our second anniversary plans,” Fernando said making Alyssa nod, they had planned to celebrate their second wedding anniversary with a party since they had missed out on their fourth anniversary together as a group.

“Remember… united we stand, divided we fall. We can’t let them get to us,” Sergio said as Nora joined them and clambered onto Fernando’s lap while Iker turned his attention to Viola; the family was content and they weren’t going to let the world tell them how to be happy.

The four knew that they needed to do something, ignoring all of this wasn’t working and only seemed to make things worse. 


Author's Note:

Only two more chapters left xxx

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