Chapter Seven: Leaving for Brazil

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Alyssa smiled sadly as she kissed Fernando goodbye, the footballer wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close; she had only been released from hospital two days before and now they were leaving.

“I’ll miss you Nando,” Alyssa said making her husband nod as he held her close; Iker, Sergio and Fernando was due to leave with the team for Brazil for the world cup and the three of them weren’t happy that they were having to leave Alyssa and the children behind.

“I will miss you too,” Fernando murmured as he held her close, he glanced at Iker and Sergio who were making sure that they had everything and were waiting their turns to say goodbye to their wife.

Alyssa blinked back tears, she hadn’t thought that them leaving would be this hard on her; she had thought she’d still be pregnant and would wave them off with a smile and a ‘see you soon’, not like this.

“I’ll speak with you every night,” Fernando promised making Alyssa nod as she pulled away from him so that he could say his goodbye to Nora; who had promised to look after her mother, little brother and baby sister.

Sergio offered Alyssa a reassuring smile as he quickly pulled her into his arms, none of them wanted to leave Alyssa behind but it wasn’t possible for her to come with them.

Viola was still in the hospital and Vicente was sticking with his guns that Alyssa should enjoy her maternity leave and be with her children.

“Behave and don’t break anything,” Alyssa said making Sergio laugh softly as he nodded before pressing a kiss to her lips; he looked at her sadly for a moment then moved to say goodbye to Lucas, who didn't understand what was going on.

Iker slowly approached Alyssa, who smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around him; Iker didn't want to leave while his daughter was in hospital, but Alyssa had told him that she would speak with him every night on the phone and Skype with him when Viola came home.

This was Iker’s last international tournament and she didn't want him missing out, she wanted him to be able to say that he led Spain to four international titles; Euro 2008, 2010 World Cup, Euro 2012 and 2014 World Cup.

“I could stay,” Iker said softly making Alyssa shake her head as she looked up and him; she smiled softly as she kissed his lips, she knew how much this meant to him and she wasn’t going to hold him back.


“It’s weird doing this without Alyssa,” Gerard Piqué murmured making Iker smile at him and nod, as they watched an annoyed Monica walk past them towards the new team intern; the team all remember when it had been Alyssa, and had to admit that Maria had nothing on her.

“How’s Viola doing?” Xavi asked as he sat next to Iker, who smiled as he pulled a photograph from his wallet and handed it to him; Xavi cooed at the sight of Iker’s daughter.

“She’s doing better… they think that she should be able to come home soon,” Iker said proudly as Xavi passed the photo to Gerard who grinned as a couple of other players looked at Iker.

They had all been thrilled when Iker and Alyssa had announced that they were expecting and had all been worried when they had heard that the brunette had gone into premature labour and that both of them had needed surgery.

“She looks so much like Alyssa…” Juan Mata said softly making Iker nod with a smile, he was pleased that his daughter bore more of a resemblance to the beautiful woman that was his wife.

Iker didn't know what he would ever do if he were to lose Alyssa, this was how his life was meant to be; he was meant to find her and marry her along with Sergio and Fernando.


Alyssa smiled down at Viola as she breastfeed the one week old, she couldn't believe how much progress her little girl had made in the first week of her life and how much stronger she was after her operation.

“Mama missed you Viola,” Alyssa murmured as she looked down at her daughter, she didn't know what she would have done if Viola hadn’t made it.

The doctors were thrilled that Viola was making such good progress; they hoped that by the end of the week that she would be able to finally go home with her mother and siblings.

“Your Papa, he’ll miss you too… he’s gone away for a while but he’ll be back,” Alyssa said softly as she stroked Viola’s head softly, the little girl had a small amount of brown hair starting to show but it was clear that it would be the same colour as Iker’s.

Alyssa looked up as a nurse walked into the room and smiled at her, he moved about doing a couple of things before he left again; the brunette turned her attention back to Viola, who stared up at her with big blue eyes as she finished feeding.

Alyssa smiled as she put something over her shoulder and moved to burp Viola; her thoughts thinking about the talk that she had, had with her mother when she had dropped Nora and Lucas off with her.

Amelia had visited as much as she could but was how off on holiday with David, she was hoping that everything would be okay until they came home.

Alyssa chewed on her lip as she watched her daughter, she had been feeling a little off lately and she was beginning to wonder if it was down to her operation; she was glad that Iker’s parents would be coming to stay for a while.

Iker’s parents were thrilled that they now had a biological grandchild and had insisted that they moved into the family home while the boys were away to help Alyssa look after the children.

Carmen and José Luis were traveling back from their holiday in Italy and would arrive back in Madrid in a few hours; they were excited to meet their granddaughter for the first time.

Viola cooed softly after she had been burped, she stared up at her mother as she smiled down at her; Alyssa had never thought that she would be this happy to be a mother.


Iker sighed as he closed his eyes, the nine hour and ten minute flight to Curitiba were the team were based for the tournament had been exhausting; he wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and sleep but he wanted to speak with Alyssa first.

Spain was five hours ahead of Brazil and it was seven in the evening back home so Alyssa would be settling Nora down for bed along with Lucas.

Yawning Iker looked at Sergio and Fernando that offered him tired smiles, it was clear that they all wanted the same thing; but they knew better than to speak about it while the new intern was about.

Maria had been told that Alyssa was married to Iker as a cover story on why the Captain was so close with the brunette; plus it made things easier when he spoke about Viola.

However thanks to Monica’s intervention, Vicente had agreed that Maria wouldn’t be let in on the secret that Alyssa was also married to Fernando and Sergio; they didn’t trust her.


Author's Note:

Just to let everyone know this will hold a fictional verson of the 2014 World Cup since Spain crashed out so early in the tournament and this story was originally wrote last year.

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