Chapter Fourteen: Jumping to Conclusions

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Iker cuddled Viola to his body as he listened to Vicente give some speech about the approaching match the following day against Mexico; however Iker’s thoughts were solely focused on Alyssa.

Iker had noticed something odd about her since she had arrived a few days before and he wasn’t the only one; Fernando and Sergio had also noted the difference in the brunette that they loved dearly.

“That’s it you are all dismissed,” Vicente said as he offered a look to Iker, it was clear that Vicente wanted nothing more than to meet his great grandchildren; but things were so strained with Alyssa that he knew it wasn’t possible.

“So what do you think is wrong with Alyssa?” Sergio mused as he balanced Lucas on his hip; Sergio looked at his husbands’ concerned, they were watching the children while Alyssa was out with Monica and Carmen.

“I have no idea… I thought it was just maybe she missed us when I spoke to her on the phone, but this is something else,” Fernando mused concerned, he didn't know what to do if this was the start of them losing the brunette; she meant the world to him and he hated to think that she was hiding something.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves… Alyssa knows she can tell us anything,” Iker said making Sergio snort at the amount of times that bad things had happened and Alyssa had shut them out.

It was something that they had hoped would go away especially now that they had children in the picture and they had been happily married for two years.

“Hola, you three of finished early,” Alyssa mused as she joined her three husbands at the table; they looked at her for a moment as she sat down, it was clear that they had been talking about her.

Iker furrowed his brow as he spotted something sticking out of Alyssa’s pocket of her jeans; she gently pushed it out of sight and smiled at him as if she didn't have anything to hide.

“So how was your meeting?” Alyssa asked as she tried to ignore the suspicious look that Iker was giving her, while Fernando shrugged as he held Nora on his lap.

Alyssa bit her lip wondering why her husbands seemed to distant towards her right now, her mind racing back through the last few days but she couldn't think of anything that had happened.

“Is everything okay?” Alyssa asked concerned making her three husbands look between themselves before Iker sighed and bounced Viola gently on his knee.

“You would tell us if something was wrong, wouldn’t you?” Iker asked gently making Alyssa stare at him like a deer in headlights for a moment before she nodded her head; she knew that she should tell them now about her post-partum depression but couldn't bring herself to.

“Of course… but there’s nothing wrong,” Alyssa lied not noticing that her three husbands had noticed, she just hoped that when she told them the truth after the match that they wouldn’t be to upset with her.


Iker stared at the pill bottle in his hand in disbelief, he couldn't believe that he had found them in Alyssa’s bedroom; he had thought that she was smarter than that.

Iker had hoped that he had been wrong when he had spotted the pill packet in his wife’s pocket as she joined them for lunch; but here it was in his hand.

Closing his eyes, Iker listened to his team-mates prepare to leave the hotel for their match against Mexico; he didn't know how he was going to concentrate now that he knew his wife was addicted to drugs.

Iker’s thoughts quickly turned to Viola, Lucas and Nora; he wondered if she had even taken them into consideration when she had started to take the pills.

“Iker… what are you doing in here? Everyone’s waiting for you,” Alyssa said as she stepped into her hotel room and allowed the door to close behind her; she stopped when she noticed what was in his hand.

“I can explain…” Alyssa began but the rest of the words died on her lips as Iker looked at her disgusted; she had a horrible feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.

“How could you do this to us?” Iker asked her as he gripped the pill bottle tightly in his hand, he couldn't believe that she had been so stupid and was risking her family for a dangerous high.

Alyssa blinked back tears as she carefully approached him, she needed to tell him what was going on and it wasn’t what it looked like.

“You breastfeed our daughter while you’re taking this crap,” Iker snapped as he threw the bottle at the wall next to his wife; Alyssa felt tears fall as he stared at her in disgust, just like he had in her nightmares when he learnt that she was ill.

Iker shook his head as he looked at her before he pushed passed Alyssa and headed for the door, he stopped once before he opened it and glanced over his shoulder.

“I hope it’s worth it…” Iker spat as his own tears started to fall, he didn't understand what had drove his wife to do such a thing and he didn't want to know.

Alyssa flinched as she heard him slam the door behind her, she dropping to her knees as she sobbed gently; she couldn't believe what had happened.


Fernando and Sergio looked at Iker concerned as the rest of the team celebrated Spain’s win against Mexico; Sergio had scored the only goal of the game but he couldn't bring himself to celebrate with them.

Iker hadn’t been himself for the entire match and it was clear to everyone that something was bothering him; Fernando gently nudged Iker’s knee making him look at his two husbands, who watched him concerned.

“Iker, what happened?” Fernando asked as he saw the gut-wrenching guilt and pain that lingered in Iker’s deep brown eyes; Sergio glanced at the others, who were giving the three men some space as they travelled back to the hotel by coach.

“It’s Alyssa…” Iker said softly making Sergio and Fernando look at him worried, it wasn’t like him to keep things about their wife locked up and they had never seen him this upset about her before.

“What about Alyssa?” Sergio asked gently as a tear trailed down Iker’s face, he regretted shouting at her like he did but he hoped it would be the push she needed to get herself back on track.

“She’s been taking drugs,” Iker revealed making Fernando and Sergio stare at him shocked, they didn't want to believe it but they knew Iker would never lie about something like this.

The three men sat in silence as Iker’s confession sunk in, each wondering what had driven their beautiful wife to do such a thing.

“What are we going to do?” Sergio asked while Iker shrugged brokenly and looked out of the window, he didn't know if he could deal with a drug addict; he had to think about what was best for Viola and that was all that mattered. 

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