Chapter Twenty-Two: Revealed to the World

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Alyssa shifted nervously, the match could go both ways and that the boys would love to win four consecutive national titles; she was sure that they could do this.

“Relax…” Monica murmured as she glanced about, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was going to happen at the end of the match.

“I hope they win this… it’ll make them so happy,” Alyssa murmured as she messed with herwhite gold diamond set shaped wedding ring; this was Iker’s last international call-up, and she wanted him to leave on a high.

The clock started to count down the last moments of the game, Alyssa felt sick every time the ball neared Iker and the Spanish goal; closing her eyes she watched as Villa passed the ball to Fernando, who raced up the middle of the pitch and around the defenders.

Manuel Neuer rushed out to stop him but Fernando maneuvered around him, leaving him facing an empty goal.

Alyssa stood alongside Monica, they hoped that the Spaniard wouldn’t mess this up and miss the empty goal; the stadium held their collective breath as Fernando nudged the ball into the goal.

No sooner as the ball had crossed the line, the whistle went signaling the end of match time; the Spanish crowd went insane as they realised what had happened, they had won.

“They did it,” Monica said as she hugged Alyssa, being careful of Viola who was in her mother’s arms; the two women watched as Fernando was crushed by his team-mates, Spain had done the impossible.

“Come on… I think they’ll want to see you and the children,” Monica said as she stepped out of the aisle and took Nora’s hand so that Alyssa could juggle Viola and Lucas as they left the stands to head into the corridor to see the team.

Maria pursed her lips as she watched them go, she knew that Alyssa’s fairytale life came to an end today and that the brunette would have to give up the life she was leading, the moment that Rico revealed the truth to the world.


Alyssa stared at Vicente as if he had lost his mind when he told her that Iker wanted her out on the pitch; Monica wore a similar look as she carefully took Viola from Alyssa, while her friend tried to wrap her head around what she was being asked.

“He wants me on the pitch?” Alyssa asked as she glanced at the entrance to the field, she had a feeling that Iker was going to do something stupid and that there would be no stopping him if she went out there.

“Si that is what he said…” Vicente replied as he glanced at his great-granddaughter, he wished for once to be acknowledged as a member of Alyssa’s family.

Jordi flashed Alyssa a smile before he kissed her cheek, she rolled her eyes as he walked by and continued to celebrate the win; it didn’t mean anything and she was sure that it was nothing but friendly.

“Alyssa… Iker’s looking for you,” Silva said making Alyssa look at him confused, there was something going on and the rest of the national team seemed to know what it was.

Monica shrugged as Alyssa turned her questioning gaze to her, but the head coordinator was just as in the dark as her; she was also curious about what was going on and what the footballers all seemed to know.

Running a hand through her hair, Alyssa sighed before noticing that Iker was waiting for her; she looked at Monica, silently asking her to watch the children before she moved to join her eldest husband curious about what was going on.

Iker linked fingers with Alyssa and offered her only a reassuring smile as he led her out onto the pitch, once he was sure that people and cameras could see them; Iker carefully pulled Alyssa into a kiss.

Iker’s hands cupped her face as he stopped her from pulling away from him, he wasn’t going to let Rico be the one to show the world of his marriage; he wanted to do it himself.

Breathlessly Iker allowed Alyssa to pull back once he was sure that no one could have missed him kissing his wife, he had removed his gloves so people could get a glimpse of his wedding ring.

“What on earth?” Alyssa asked shocked before Sergio pulled her into a kiss, his wedding ring also on show while Iker moved to kiss Fernando, who had shared a kiss with Sergio just moments before.

“You’re out of your minds,” Alyssa said shaking her head with a smile on her face as she realised what they were doing; everyone was starting to notice that this was more than just a friendly kiss fest, that the four involve all wore similar wedding rings on the fingers.

“No… we’re beating Rico at his own game,” Fernando said as before he to kissed Alyssa; he cupped her face as they kissed, they were tired of hiding their marriage and lives.

No one would threaten them or blackmail them anymore now that the truth was out there for everyone else to see.


Alyssa watched from a safe distance as Iker answered questions about his display on the pitch, there would be consequences to what had happened.

“I am married to Alyssa… she has been my wife for two years now, we were in a relationship two years prior to this. I am also married to Fernando and Sergio, it might seemed weird to you and that what we have is wrong, but the four of us are happy… we are in love and that is all that matters,” Iker said making a hush fall over the journalists that had crowded around him; they hadn’t expected that sort of admission from the footballer.

Fernando moved to stand by Iker’s side, they were allowing Sergio to get Alyssa and the children back to the hotel before this took off into media storm that everyone could see brewing.

Iker flashed Fernando a smile as he linked their fingers together, he was happy that they had finally done this; it meant that they no longer had to live in fear of being discovered.

“What we have isn’t wrong… we have as normal a relationship as anyone else, and I’m proud to say that I have married the three people that mean the most to me,” Fernando said making a couple of the journalists speak out but the two footballers didn't care; they were sticking by what they had done.

Iker smiled as he laced fingers with Fernando, it had been a risky move what they had done; but there was no going back.

In the distance watching in anger stood Rico with Maria, the two of them couldn't believe their plan had fallen apart like this; they were so close to using this story to become rich and famous.

“What will we do now?” Maria asked as she tried to wrap her arms around Rico, but he shrugged her off; she looked at her boyfriend confused as Rico gritted his teeth as he watched Iker and Fernando stand up proudly for their way of life.

“You can do what you want… I’m out of here,” Rico spat before he turned on his heel and walked away leaving Maria alone and confused; she had thought that he had loved her and that they would stay together after this reveal.

Maria stood quietly unaware that her deception had finally been uncovered and that she was about to face the cold hearted reality that Rico had used her to get what he wanted.

What they had done hadn’t even dented the relationship that Alyssa had with her husbands.

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