Chapter Nine: Viola Comes Home

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Alyssa smiled as she watched Carmen hold Viola, folding the last of Viola’s clothes and put them into the carry case; today was the day that her little girl was finally coming home.

“She’s as beautiful as her madre,” Carmen said making Alyssa blush lightly at her mother-in-law’s comment; José Luis chuckled as he watched the brunette zip up the bag before he took it from her.

Alyssa smiled at him softly before she turned her attention to Carmen, who was cooing at her granddaughter with a smile; the rest of the in-laws wouldn’t meet the newest member of the Casillas-Torres-Ramos family until the little girl’s christening.

“Have you heard from Iker?” José Luis asked making his daughter-in-law, who smiled at the thought of Viola’s father and her other husband’s; she missed them while they were gone and hoped that they missed her and the children as well.

It had been two weeks since Viola had been born and things were slowly getting worse between Alyssa and her three husbands; she rarely spoke to them now unless it was really important.

“Sí… he says Brazil is far too warm and that he wants to come home,” Alyssa said making José Luis chuckle as they waited for one of the nurses to tell them that it was okay for them to leave with Viola.

Carmen laughed softly as she remembered her own phone call with Iker; the Spaniard was worried about his wife and had begged his mother to look after her and his little girl.

Iker didn’t want anything happening to them and Carmen had promised him that everything was going to be okay; however since she had arrived, she could see that something was very wrong with Alyssa and it worried her.

“Mrs. Casillas… the doctor says it is okay for Viola to go home now,” a nurse said as she stepped into the room with some paperwork for Alyssa to take home with her.

Alyssa sighed relieved as she thanked the nurse as she collected the paperwork, before she smiled at Carmen who was carefully putting Viola into her car seat for the trip back home.


Iker smiled as he watched his team-mates, they had beaten Japan in their opening match and were preparing for their match against the Netherlands; they all knew it wasn’t going to be an easy one.

“Alyssa said she’d call you tonight on Skype,” Fernando said as he approached Iker and smiled; they had taken to speaking to the brunette on alternative nights so they would each get to speak with her privately if she would accept their calls and then the calls were only brief.

Iker nodded as he ran a tired hand through his hair, he wished that he could see Viola again since he was missing his little girl; he wanted to know what was going on and why his wife was acting so strange.

“I hope she has some good news about when Viola is coming home,” Iker said making Fernando pat his husband on the shoulder in comfort before they looked over at Monica who was talking angrily with her intern.

They weren’t the only ones missing Alyssa; the whole team was missing the brunette and were often asking her husbands’ about her and the children.

Iker worried that he would miss something important in his daughter’s life, it had been two weeks since her birth and she should be home soon; something that he wouldn’t get to experience until he returned from Brazil.

“If Viola’s anything like Alyssa… then you don’t have anything to worry about,” Fernando said as he thought about how strong their wife was; even after four years together, they were surprised how strong she was.

Iker chuckled as he nodded while Vicente called the training session to a close as he spoke with Monica, who looked ready to kill Maria; who had walked away to flirt with some of the younger footballers.


Setting his laptop onto his bed, Iker rubbed his eyes tiredly as he waited for Alyssa to call him via Skype; he couldn't wait to speak with his wife again after being away from her over a week.

Iker didn't have to wait long before the sound of his skype ringing, he smiled as he answered it allowing Alyssa’s image to fill the screen; she was wearing a green crochet trim vest and shorts set as if preparing to go to bed herself.

“Hola,” Alyssa greeted with a smile as she ran a hand through her hair; Nora and Lucas had settled down for bed and Alyssa knew that Iker would love his surprise.

Iker smiled at her, she seemed happier and it was clear that she wasn’t as stressed as before; his parents being there was clearly helping her.

“Hola Corazón,” Iker replied making Alyssa grinned as she made herself comfortable on her bed; she knew she’d been neglecting him and the others and she did feel bad about that but she was still struggling from what she had decided was the baby blues.

Iker watched her intently for a moment before he asked her how she was and how Viola was doing; he wished that he could have Alyssa and the children close while he competed in the tournament.

“I’m fine Iker… and I have a surprise for you,” Alyssa said making her husband tilt her head as he looked at her confused, while she moved off the bed to collect her surprise for him.

Iker couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face when Alyssa returned with Viola in her arms; the brunette sat the little girl on her lap as she crossed her legs.

“Viola,” Iker murmured as he stared at his little girl, who Alyssa cuddled to her chest as she smiled at him and nodded; she knew how much this meant to him while he was so far away and she was glad that she was doing this.

Viola tilted her head as she heard the familiar voice making Iker chuckle as he leaned back against his pillows and stared at his wife and daughter.

“She was released this morning… I thought you’d like to see her,” Alyssa noted making Iker nod as he licked his lips; he wished that he could be there to hold his little girl.

Alyssa shifted nervously for a moment wondering if she should tell Iker what she had discussed with his parents, she wanted to surprise him and the others if she got the chance.

“I miss you…” Alyssa breathed making Iker look at her, he knew how difficult this was and he wasn’t the only one; they all wanted her and the children with them in Brazil.

“I miss you too… and Viola,” Iker said as he tried to fight back a yawn making Alyssa smile at him softly as her daughter started to get a little fussy making Iker smile softly.

“I’ll leave you to get some sleep… I’ll call you all in the morning,” Alyssa said making Iker nod sadly, he wished that he could speak with her longer but it was already getting late in Brazil and back in Madrid, Alyssa would need to put Viola to bed.

“I love you,” Alyssa said making Iker smile at her, he wished for a moment that he could kiss her; he sighed as his wife offered him a reassuring smile.

“I love you too… both of you,” Iker said making Alyssa rest her head gently against Viola’s as she ended the call; she was now more determined than anything to make sure that she would be able to surprise her husbands’ before the competition was over. 

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