Chapter Eleven: Preparing for a Surprise

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Carmen watched Alyssa concerned as she washed the dishes, it was clear that there was something wrong with the young brunette and it worried her that Alyssa was keeping it to herself.

Viola had been official cleared for travel and the family would be flying out to Curitiba with Monica’s help.

Monica was more than happy to help Alyssa set up her surprise visit with the children and Iker’s parents; she knew how much it would mean to the footballers for her to be there.

“Why don’t you let me do that Alyssa and you can go and have a rest,” Carmen said gently as she carefully approached her daughter-in-law, she wished that Alyssa would open up to her about what was bothering her.

Alyssa paused for a moment before she shook her head and insisted that she was fine, Carmen frowned as she watched the younger woman concerned.

It was clear that Alyssa missed her husbands and that being left behind with three children to look after had put a small strain on Alyssa; but there was something else that Carmen couldn't put her finger on.

"You know that you can talk to me about anything…” Carmen prompted making the brunette take a deep breath before she turned on her mother-in-law; all week Alyssa had heard the same and it was starting to annoy her.

“I am fine… why is it that you don’t seem to believe me? I know it seems like right now things aren’t going well but for the love of God, Carmen. I can handle everything just fine,” Alyssa snapped making Carmen stare at her shocked.

Alyssa took a deep breath before she stormed out of the kitchen and disappeared upstairs as José Luis entered the room and looked at his wife worried; there was clearly something wrong with Alyssa.

“Carmen?” José Luis asked his wife as he approached her, that she was only trying to help their daughter-in-law and that Alyssa wasn’t trying to be hurtful with her words; but it was clear that Alyssa was struggling.

“This trip can’t come soon enough… the sooner she’s reunited with Iker and the boys the better,” Carmen murmured as she hugged her husband, who nodded; they hoped that Alyssa would tell her husbands’ what was wrong even if she couldn't tell them.

José Luis nodded as Carmen moved to finish the dishes until she paused, looking back at her husband; an idea slowly forming in her mind and she wondered why she didn’t think of it sooner.

“You don’t think she has Post-Partum Depression, like I did with Unai, do you?” Carmen asked worried making her husband frown as he thought about it.


Iker furrowed his brow as Monica grinned at him as she asked him to help her set up one of the spare bedrooms on their corridor; she had done the same with Sergio and Fernando before they had disappeared into their room for some quality time.

“So how is Alyssa?” Monica asked innocently as she set about making the room comfortable while Iker furrowed his brow; it was clear that Monica had something up her sleeve and wasn’t going to tell him what was going on.

“She’s fine and Viola’s doing well,” Iker said making Monica nod as she pretended that she hadn’t heard from her friend, she couldn't wait for Alyssa to get to Brazil since she missed having someone to talk to.

Maria spent most of her time flirting with the younger players, and it was clear that she wanted the attention and more from them; something that Monica found disgusting and inappropriate.

Most of the footballer’s had partners and children, something that Maria didn’t seem to care about; she was looking like a gold-digger.

Monica was starting to notice how relax the team where as they currently doing so well in the tournament and they would play well against their next opponents.

“So who is this room for?” Iker asked casually making Monica purse her lips as she tried to keep herself from smiling and letting Iker in on the surprise.

“Just some league official,” Monica lied making Iker nod as they finished preparing the room, he missed Alyssa and hoped that he would get a chance to speak with her soon; she seemed so busy back in Madrid and he felt a little left out of her life.

“Iker?” Monica asked as they stepped out of the hotel room and she locked the door, she knew that she’d have to be up early the next day to collect Alyssa and the children from the airport.

“It’s nothing… I’m just missing Alyssa and the children,” Iker said making Monica smile at him softly as they headed for their own hotel rooms; she knew that this tournament hadn’t been easy on the family so far and she hoped that it would get better when Alyssa arrived with the children.


Finishing the last of her packing, Alyssa made sure that she had everything for the flight; she had been avoiding Carmen since her little outburst, she shouldn’t have snapped and that her mother-in-law was only trying to help.

Putting the passports all into her carry-on bag, Alyssa paused as there was a knock at the door before Carmen entered the room holding a bowl of chicken and chorizo stew.

“I thought you might be hungry,” Carmen said making Alyssa offer her a weak smile as she thanked her, the older woman shook her head as she set it down and looked at her daughter-in-law.

“I’m sorry about earlier… I don’t know what came over me,” Alyssa said softly as Carmen sat next to her, Alyssa was feeling guilty and the children were curious why their mother hadn’t joined them for dinner.

Carmen took a deep breath as she wondered about how to approach Alyssa with what she had discussed with José Luis, she hoped that she was wrong but she wanted to be sure.

“Alyssa when I had Unai, I started to feel stressed and that I didn't have support of those around me; that I wasn’t doing a good job of raising my sons,” Carmen said gently making Alyssa look at her; she shifted nervously as she realised that her mother-in-law knew that something was wrong with her.

Alyssa didn’t want anyone to worry about her, especially since she was sure it was just a bout of the baby blues; they would be gone in a couple of weeks.

“Alyssa, me andJosé Luis are here to help you… we won’t judge you,” Carmen said gently as she took the brunette’s hand, causing tears to fill Alyssa’s eyes as she nodded.

They sat in silence for a moment or two before Carmen cleared her throat, she was sure that Alyssa wasn’t going to clam up and she would help her get the help that she so needed right now.

“If you need anything… it doesn’t make you a bad madre to ask for our help,” Carmen said making Alyssa nod as she smiled at her gratefully; she took a shaky breath as she slowly started to talk to Carmen about how she had been feeling since Viola had been born.

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